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HOY VAMOS A……. repasar el pretérito y el presente usar diccionarios Quality assured by the ALL Connect project (2015)

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2 HOY VAMOS A……. repasar el pretérito y el presente usar diccionarios Quality assured by the ALL Connect project (2015)

3 Bilingual Dictionaries 1.Why are they called ‘bilingual’ dictionaries? 2.Where will you find the English words – in the front or the back? 3.What do the following symbols mean? a.n b.v c.adj 4.What does ‘ ~ ’ mean? (e.g. GET: ~ on with, 5.~ by, ~ over, etc..) 6.Why do some dictionary entries have numbers? Quality assured by the ALL Connect project (2015)

4 I travel / we travel to Spain / France / Germany / Italy / Austria by bus / train / car / plane / underground I eat / we eat pizza / chips / fruit / salad / rice I drink / we drink orange juice / water / lemonade / tea / coffee I learn / we learn German / French / Spanish / English / Maths / Science / Drama / Art / Geography / History I play / we play football / basketball / tennis / golf / hockey / rugby / cards/ table tennis / badminton / volleyball I go / we go to the cinema / to the theatre / to the restaurant / to school / home I live / we live in a village / in a city / in the countryside / on the coast / in the mountains I buy / we buy a t-shirt / a shirt / a dress / a skirt / a jumper / a jacket / trousers / socks / shoes / trainers

5 Busca los errores 1.Espana 2.las mathemáticas cuidad 4.las zapatilas de deporte 5.las sciencias 1.España 2.las matemáticas ciudad 4.las zapatillas de deporte 5.las ciencias Checking your spelling Always check your spelling, including accents. Remember this tip: the four consonants in the words CaRoLiNa are the only ones that you can double in Spanish. (E.g. acción but programador, not programmador). Quality assured by the ALL Connect project (2015)

6 ¿Un, una, unos o unas? 1.___ colegio 2.___ zapatillas 3.___ casa 4.___ zapatos 5.___ ciudad un unas una unos una Checking the gender of nouns You also need to check the gender of each noun you use. Remember: nouns ending in –o are usually masculine nouns ending in –a are usually feminine nouns ending in –dad are usually feminine and in –ma are usually masculine (weird, heh!) Quality assured by the ALL Connect project (2015)

7 ¿Cómo se dice? Viajo a Alemania en coche I travel to Germany by car Vamos al colegio y aprendemos la historia We go to school and we learn history Como patatas fritas y bebo té I eat chips and I drink tea Compro una chaqueta y una falda I buy a jacket and a skirt I go home and I eat pizza Voy a casa y como pizza We go home and we travel by bus Vamos a casa y viajamos en autobús I go to the restaurant and I eat rice Voy al restaurante y como arroz We play football and rugby Jugamos al fútbol y al rugby Quality assured by the ALL Connect project (2015)

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