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Pinna The Pinna is the shell like part of the ear made of cartilage and skin Outer Ear- cups sound and directs it to the external auditory canal (ear.

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2 Pinna The Pinna is the shell like part of the ear made of cartilage and skin Outer Ear- cups sound and directs it to the external auditory canal (ear canal) Basically this is a funnel of flesh for the vibrations The ear lobe has two basic designs attached and detached which is based on heredity and serves no real purpose in hearing

3 Ear Canal The ear canal sends the vibrations from the air to the ear drum/tympanic membrane

4 The tympanic membrane gathers sound waves and sends signals to the middle ear. It does this by changing the sound waves into vibrations Damage to the eardrum can result in permanent damage to hearing Ear Drum/Tympanic Membrane

5 The Ossicles contains three tiny bones that receive vibration and amplify air pressure These bones are called the ossicles (named Malleus, Incus, and Stapes (or the hammer, anvil, and stirrup). They amplify the vibrations sent by the tympanic membrane The Ossicles

6 The Round Window or Fenestra Cochlea is a membrane that connects the cochlea to the middle ear. It dampens the vibration to the cochlea The fluid in the cochlea also sends information to the cerebellum for balance using the Fenestra Cochlea. Round Window/Fenestra Cochlea

7 Cochlea A part of the cochlea called the Corti contains receptors called hair cells or cilia. The cilia change vibrations into nerve impulses which are then sent back to the brain. The cilia float in a fluid which helps them vibrate. These hairs are what we imitate with cochlear implants, it attaches to the skull right behind the ear where it is thin which helps pass on the vibration instead of these hairs to the brain through the auditory nerve.

8 The Auditory nerve then send the impulses through the Thalamus to the Temporal Lobe. The temporal lobe can then interpret the sound. Auditory Nerve

9 The Eustachian Tube connects to your nose and throat The Eustachian Tube opens when you swallow allowing air into the middle ear. This allows your body to regulate the air pressure and hear well. If you suddenly change pressure (like in an airplane) the Eustachian Tube may take some time to open causing temporary hearing loss until you “pop” your ears or the pressure is restored. Colds and Allergies can also cause problems. Eustachian Tube

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