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ALCOHOL & DRUGS ACTION Drugs, Trends and Effects ALCOHOL & DRUGS ACTION Drugs, Trends and Effects Gillian Maclean

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Presentation on theme: "ALCOHOL & DRUGS ACTION Drugs, Trends and Effects ALCOHOL & DRUGS ACTION Drugs, Trends and Effects Gillian Maclean"— Presentation transcript:

1 ALCOHOL & DRUGS ACTION Drugs, Trends and Effects ALCOHOL & DRUGS ACTION Drugs, Trends and Effects Gillian Maclean Alcohol and Drugs Action 7 Hadden Street Aberdeen Tel: 01224 577120 HELPLINE 01224 594700 Mobile 07743668928

2 Q & A What is being done about the obvious substance problem among young people in Westhill? What are the academy and parent council doing about the use and sale of drugs on school grounds? What powers we have as parents to protect our children from illegal substances? Apart from Cannabis what other drugs are prolific in the area? Are ‘Legal highs’ still a problem? Have the school and parent council thought about requesting a police presence in the school to stop the use and sae of illegal substances in school? Have they thought about bag searches to check for drugs? How to deal with going to parties where alcohol starts to appear? Consumption of drugs and alcohol near school premises. How can this be better approached from all stakeholders? The work of ADA and young people.

3 Why are we here? To learn about Traditional Drugs and New Psychoactive Substances (aka ‘Legal Highs’) To understand how drugs and alcohol affect our mind and body Effects and risks To explore how we can help

4 What you might see

5 THC vs. CBD % cont’d. THC CBD THC CBD Skunk Weed ≈ 18.98% ≈ 0.1% Cannabis Resin Pollen ≈ 3.54% ≈ 4.17% Herbal Cannabis ≈ 2.14 % ≈ 0.1% ACMD 2008

6 New Psychoactive Substances. Definition (but by no means definitive) “ Legal Highs are substances made from assorted herbs, herbal extracts and ‘research chemicals’, which emulate the effects of some illegal drugs such as, Cannabis, LSD, Cocaine or others. These substances are not currently controlled by the Misuse of Drugs or Medicine Acts” Arthur and Grunert 2005 Arthur and Grunert 2005



9 Why do young people use drugs and alcohol Balance Sheet Positive Negatives/ Consequences Boredom Like the feeling Curious Social Environment Confidence Pressure/Acceptance Stress Debt Relationships Mood Swings Physical and Psychological problems Lose job Charged for possession/dealing Sleep problems Weight Loss De motivator Excluded school Lose good friends Anxiety

10 Types of Drug Use EXPERIMENTAL EXPERIMENTAL Age range (Any Age.) Short term curious use. Uninformed choices. Drug, method of use and location influenced by peers. Risks mainly due to lack of knowledge and decision making.

11 Types of Drug Use RECREATIONAL RECREATIONAL Usually 14+ age range (but can vary). Longer – term occasional / regular use. Choices informed by experience / knowledge. Mainly used for pleasure. Control exercised around drug of choice. amount used, where and when used. Poly-drug use including alcohol is common.

12 Types of Drug Use DEPENDANT DEPENDANT Usually 16+ age range ( but can be younger). Duration longer term use. Compulsion to use for physical / psychological reasons. Usually a lack of controlled drug use. Mainly used to stop withdrawals. Can be high quantities and chaotic use. Usually accompanied by social / psychological problems. Other drugs used if drug of dependency is not available.

13 Local Drug trends Young People 2012-2016 March 2012 – January 2015 March 2012 – January 2015 New Psychoactive Substances (aka Legal Highs) (Synthetic Cannabis –Annihilation, Happy Joker, Pandora's Box) Jan 2014 - Present Cannabis (Grass, Skunk, Weed) Summer 2015-Present Ecstasy ( MDMA, Pills) Oct 2015 – Present LSD(Acid)

14 Trends 13-16 year olds using Class A & Class B Drugs Substances Ecstasy Cannabis Alcohol LSD Cocaine Environment Older peers houses Friends houses School Outside Home Hotels Union Square Legal Consequences Drug Charges (possession/dealing) Cautions Debt Police confiscating phones Visa/Passport Stealing Assault Regularly Searched Family Relationships Illegal Drugs in House Parents Handling Class A & B Drugs Parents calling ADA for advice Naïve parents Broken down relationships Parents paying dealers/debts Other Agencies Involved Social Work & Out of Hours Barnardos Police YPD GP Education Gender Mainly Males General Concerns Naive users Dealing Drugs Poor Emotional Health No fear consequence Association with group more important Poly drug use Mixed age peers Overdose (accidental) Risk taking behaviour More relaxed around drugs and alcohol Age 13-16 School Exclusions Poor concentration Dis engagement De motivated Association with group of friends more important Bad attitude/disrespect Education impact Dealing drugs Naïve users Poor attendance

15 Signs To Look Out For Home, School, Community Change in Mood Smell Substances Poor Sleep Pattern Lack of Money Items going missing AvoidanceSickness Weight Loss/Loss Appetite Anxiety Mixing different Friends Grumpy (lack sleep) Seizures Slurred Speech HeadachesConcentration/Memory

16 “Withdrawal” and “Comedown” “Withdrawal” and “Comedown” Feeling anxious Feeling anxious Feeling shaky Feeling shaky Can’t think of Can’t think of anything else anything else Feel depressed, Feel depressed, hopeless hopeless Feeling sweaty Feeling sweaty Leeds Addiction Unit 1996 Leeds Addiction Unit 1996 AgitationParanoiaFatigueIrritabilityInsomnia Panic Attacks Brain Flashes Hypnic Jerks Incite client 2012 Incite client 2012

17 Speaking to young people Make Time Make Time Plan what you want to say Plan what you want to say Try not to ‘preach’ Try not to ‘preach’ Listen Carefully Listen Carefully Make Them Feel Safe Make Them Feel Safe Be Honest Be Honest Watch Carefully Watch Carefully Be Willing to Learn Be Willing to Learn Don’t delay getting help Don’t delay getting help Angelus Foundation 2013 Angelus Foundation 2013

18 What can Parents and Carers do? Be good role models Don’t be naïve Spend time as a family Talk to each other Parties/friendship groups Diversion activities Social Media Ask for help and advice Take responsibility

19 Support Strategies Confidential counselling service Relapse Prevention Keeping safe Harm Reduction Assessing risk Body Map (physical and psychological harms. Drugs & Effects education Coping mechanisms in reducing stress Goal setting Diversion activities Support to attend appointments Attending multi-agency meetings/reviews

20 Support Services ADA Helpline – 01224 594700 ADA Incite team – Aberdeenshire ADA Young Persons Substance use worker - Aberdeen GPBarnardo's Social Work School Nurse Guidance Teacher NHS 24

21 Q & A What is being done about the obvious substance problem among young people in Westhill? What are the academy and parent council doing about the use and sale of drugs on school grounds? What powers we have as parents to protect our children from illegal substances? Apart from Cannabis what other drugs are prolific in the area? Are ‘Legal highs’ still a problem? Have the school and parent council thought about requesting a police presence in the school to stop the use and sae of illegal substances in school? Have they thought about bag searches to check for drugs? How to deal with going to parties where alcohol starts to appear? Consumption of drugs and alcohol near school premises. How can this be better approached from all stakeholders? The work of ADA and young people.

22 ALCOHOL & DRUGS ACTION Drugs, Trends and Effects ALCOHOL & DRUGS ACTION Drugs, Trends and Effects Gillian Maclean Alcohol and Drugs Action 7 Hadden Street Aberdeen Tel: 01224 577120 HELPLINE 01224 594700 Mobile 07743668928

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