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Phase 1: The Games Industry Write down 3 words that you associate with this picture. Place them on the thought wall.

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Presentation on theme: "Phase 1: The Games Industry Write down 3 words that you associate with this picture. Place them on the thought wall."— Presentation transcript:


2 Phase 1: The Games Industry Write down 3 words that you associate with this picture. Place them on the thought wall.

3 Phase 1: The Games Industry Quick Challenge! List 3 types of game genres.

4 Phase 1: The Games Industry Day in the Life: Video Game Designer

5 Phase 2: Game Design Quick Challenge! Find 3 examples of storyboards.

6 Phase 3: Game Creation

7 Write an algorithm to get the duck to eat all of the bread while avoiding the farmer! Think about Conditionals – if, then, else

8 Phase 3: Game Creation Quick Challenge! Write 3 top tips for writing algorithms.

9 Phase 3: Game Creation Design a flowchart to roll a 6-sided dice 4 times.

10 Phase 3: Game Creation What are block-based programming languages? Can you find 3 types of block-based programming languages?

11 Phase 3: Game Creation Quick Challenge! Write down the definition of the following data types. Boolean, floating point, integer, character, string.

12 Phase 3: Game Creation Create an algorithm using flowchart symbols to replicate this program. Try to label the different elements.

13 Phase 3: Game Creation Challenge #1: Can you use the Broadcast function to create a game that looks as though it continuously changes i.e. racing game, or platform. Challenge #2: Could you create a multiplayer option? Challenge #3: Could the user select a different costume for your character?

14 Phase 3: Game Creation Algorithms are like… Because… Coding is like… Because…

15 Phase 3: Game Creation Mid-Production Evaluation What stage is your game at now?

16 Advertisements

17 Why are they used? Where? What types of advert do you think work best? Why? Phase 5: Game Marketing

18 General Mallet’s Mallet! Word association game. Can you tell me the meaning of a word?

19 General You have 60 seconds to compose 2 sentences in your head to explain what you have learnt and how you have learnt it using the key words from the lesson.

20 General

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