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100 metres in 8 seconds? Lesson 1 Super Athletes.

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Presentation on theme: "100 metres in 8 seconds? Lesson 1 Super Athletes."— Presentation transcript:

1 100 metres in 8 seconds? Lesson 1 Super Athletes

2 Which champion athlete do you think can run 100 meters in 8 seconds? Is it possible for you?

3 Maurice Greene 第一位同时拥有 50 米、 60 米和 100 米 3 项世界记的男选手。 Maurice Greene 第一位同时拥有 50 米、 60 米和 100 米 3 项世界记的男选手。 Floyd Landis 2006 年环法自行车 赛冠军, 第三位获此 殊荣的美国人 Floyd Landis 2006 年环法自行车 赛冠军, 第三位获此 殊荣的美国人 Marion Jones 2000 年悉尼奥运会 女子 100 米、 200 米、 4x400 米接力 冠军 Marion Jones 2000 年悉尼奥运会 女子 100 米、 200 米、 4x400 米接力 冠军 Florence Griffith 奥运短跑三项金牌得 主,同时也是 100 米 及 200 米短跑的世界 纪录保持人 Florence Griffith 奥运短跑三项金牌得 主,同时也是 100 米 及 200 米短跑的世界 纪录保持人 Ben Johnson 汉城奥运会以惊人 成绩打破男子百米 世界纪录并夺得金 牌 Ben Johnson 汉城奥运会以惊人 成绩打破男子百米 世界纪录并夺得金 牌 Super Athletes

4 doping n. 服用兴奋剂 gene-therapy 基因疗法

5 dash n. 短跑 marathon n. 马拉松赛跑

6 enhance supreme tolerate doubtful seek annual increase stand; bear highest, greatest yearly do not believe, suspicious look for Match the words with their meanings.

7 abuse vt. 滥用 They the trust the company had shown in them, the boss is very angry. 滥用 abusedused

8 violate vt. 违反,违背 Do doping and gene-therapy the Olympic spirit? violateviolet 违背

9 fundamental adj. 根本的,基本的 Doping is a form of cheating. fundamental 根本的 abuse violate

10 controversial adj. 有争议的 oppose vt. 反对 Gene-therapy is very and many people further research into it. 有争议的 反对 controversialoppose


12 What is the Olympic spirit? Is it good for athletes to cheat in the competition?

13 Fast Reading What is the general idea of the passage? A.The athletes who took part in the first Olympic Games are not as fast as athletes today. B. Doping is a huge problem in the sporting world. C. The present and future of the sporting world is being seriously and negatively affected by doping and gene-therapy. D. Ben Johnson, Florence Griffith and Floyd Landis have all shocked the world by their speed.

14 Read the text again, match the key information with each part.

15 Records have fallen Doping Gene-therapy Olympic spirit Part one. (1-2) Part two. (3-6) Part three. (7) Part four. (8)

16 A : Which champion athlete can run 100 metres in 8 seconds? B :I don’t know. But we come across the issue-enhancing drugs. These drugs are developed to help people with illnesses, but in the wrong hands, they create “supreme athletes”. A : Taking these drugs is known as “doping”, they cause problems for those who abuse them. B : The sports world does not tolerate doping as it is a fundamental form of cheating. A : Yes. “Gene-therapy ”will be the next big threat. It is controversial and many people oppose further research into it. B : I agree. Both doping and gene-therapy violate the Olympic spirit. The spirit of competition-higher, faster, stronger- emphasises taking part rather than winning. That’s why thousands of people are crazy about their hero and the great Olympic!

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