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TRAFFIK FREE TAXIS. How it began… “One day I got talking to my taxi driver, and after I mentioned human trafficking he revealed that he suspected one.

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Presentation on theme: "TRAFFIK FREE TAXIS. How it began… “One day I got talking to my taxi driver, and after I mentioned human trafficking he revealed that he suspected one."— Presentation transcript:


2 How it began… “One day I got talking to my taxi driver, and after I mentioned human trafficking he revealed that he suspected one of his passengers might have been a trafficking victim. I went back to my community group and everyone agreed there was great potential to raise awareness with taxi drivers. We designed a sticker that drivers could put in their taxis with information about trafficking, and a helpline to call.” Brenda, ACT Liverpool With support from her local authority, taxi drivers across Merseyside were issued with this sticker when they went to renew their licenses. It has now been adapted to use nationwide.

3 Join the campaign  We need your help to reach as many taxis as we can  Get together with your community group or friends, school, or colleagues  Fundraise for your own pack of Traffik- Free Taxi stickers ( each sticker costs 24p)  Launch Traffik-Free Taxis in your community


5 Traffik-Free Taxis sticker in action

6 Fundraise for stickers  Hold fundraising events. For ideas see undraising/ undraising/  Ask your local authority how you could work together  Contact the large taxi companies in your area  Ask individual taxi drivers to make a donation for their sticker  Ask your local media to support the campaign

7 Distributing the stickers  Ask your local authority taxi licensing departments or taxi companies to use this presentation and give out the stickers  Tell any taxi drivers you know or anyone who use taxis  As a group walk along taxi ranks and speak to the drivers  Take one with you whenever you use a taxi

8 Make the taxis in your town Traffik Free For more information and help Email: Call: 020 7921 4258

9 Background information on human trafficking

10 What is human trafficking? UNODC

11 What is the difference between smuggling and trafficking? SmugglingTrafficking CrimeAgainst stateAgainst individual RelationshipProvides serviceExploited as commodity LengthVoluntary short- term Longer-term exploitative ProfitOne-off paymentOngoing appropriation BordersAlways across borders Can be internal CJS Online Trafficking Toolkit

12 Where are trafficking victims in the UK from? UKHTC NRM 2011

13 What are people being trafficked for? Human Trafficking Sexual Exploitation Forced Labour Domestic Servitude Street Crime Drug Trade Benefit Fraud Organ Trafficking Forced Marriage

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