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Eurostat Latest developments at EU level and relation with Eurostat's energy statistics United Nations Oslo Group on Energy Statistics Aguascalientes (Mexico),

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Presentation on theme: "Eurostat Latest developments at EU level and relation with Eurostat's energy statistics United Nations Oslo Group on Energy Statistics Aguascalientes (Mexico),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eurostat Latest developments at EU level and relation with Eurostat's energy statistics United Nations Oslo Group on Energy Statistics Aguascalientes (Mexico), 10-13 May 2016 Fernando Diaz Alonso European Commission, Eurostat - Energy Unit With thanks to the Directorate-General for Energy of the European Commission

2 Eurostat 1.The EU's Energy Union strategy 2.European energy statistics 3.International cooperation 4.Publications & dissemination

3 Eurostat 1. The EU's Energy Union strategy #EnergyUnion @Energy4Europe

4 Eurostat Source: Directorate-General for Energy The Energy Union Energy Union Strategy I want to reform and reorganise Europe’s energy policy in a new European Energy Union. Jean Claude Juncker

5 Eurostat Agreed headline targets - 2014 EU Council 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy 2020 2030 New governance system + indicators -20 % Greenhouse Gas Emissions 20% Renewable Energy 20 % Energy Efficiency  - 40 % Greenhouse Gas Emissions 27 % Renewable Energy  27% * Energy Efficiency 10 % Interconnection 15 % Interconnection * To review by 2020, having in mind a 30% EU level

6 Eurostat Indicators are key to monitor the Energy Union Energy and climate policies are assessed based on European statistics Import dependency Energy efficiency Renewable energy Capacities Energy prices

7 Eurostat 2. European energy statistics

8 Eurostat Annual & monthly energy statistics and prices

9 Eurostat Annual Data Collections Five Joint Questionnaires Eurostat/IEA/UNECE (Oil, Natural Gas, Solid fuels, Electricity and Heat, Renewables and waste) + Nuclear

10 Eurostat Eurostat publishes free data for a total of 39 countries EU (28 countries): Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic,Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom EFTA countries: Iceland + Norway EU candidate countries: Montenegro, FYROM, Albania, Serbia, Turkey EU potential candidate countries: Kosovo, Bosnia Herzegovina Energy Community countries: Ukraine, Moldova

11 Eurostat Energy balances for EU-28 and individual countries

12 Eurostat Monthly data Not all energy carriers are covered (e.g. no specific monthly RENEWABLES questionnaire) Only SUPPLY side → Not directly comparable with annual data Monthly data are meant to QUICKLY provide energy related tendencies, long before annual data can be made available.

13 Eurostat  Natural gas & electricity prices  Voluntary for households; legally binding for industrial end-users (under Directive 2008/92/EC)  On 3 price levels, depending on taxes  Ongoing work for the approval of a new European Regulation on natural gas & electricity prices, which will provide more detailed breakdown of taxes and network costs to understand its drivers and to move the household sector under a legal framework  Foreseen to enter into force before the end of 2016 Energy Prices

14 Eurostat 3. International Cooperation

15 Eurostat International Cooperation Examples of ongoing projects International Cooperation Examples of ongoing projects New annual and monthly questionnaires New Manuals Energy Statistics Manual Methodologies for energy balances Manual for filling-in the joint annual energy questionnaires Manual on validation of the joint annual energy questionnaires SDMX

16 Eurostat 4. Publications & Dissemination All Eurostat data are free for both, commercial and non-commercial use

17 Eurostat

18 Eurostat

19 Eurostat

20 Eurostat POCKETBOOK "Energy, transport and environment indicators“ Energy balance sheets statistical-books/-/KS-EN-15-001

21 Eurostat Statistics Explained articles

22 Eurostat 22 News Releases Household electricity prices in the EU rose by 2.9% in 2014 27May2015 In 2014, CO2 emissions in the EU estimated to have decreased by 5% compared with 2013 15Jun2015 The EU was dependent on energy imports for slightly over half of its consumption in 2014 4Feb2016 Share of renewables in energy consumption in the EU rose further to 16% in 2014 10Feb2016

23 Eurostat Eurostat energy data are used in publications of other services of the European Union

24 Eurostat

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