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Industrialization and the Progressive Era. Daniel Plainview is a self-made man - a charismatic and ruthless miner- turned-oilman. He moves his operation.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrialization and the Progressive Era. Daniel Plainview is a self-made man - a charismatic and ruthless miner- turned-oilman. He moves his operation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrialization and the Progressive Era

2 Daniel Plainview is a self-made man - a charismatic and ruthless miner- turned-oilman. He moves his operation to an oil-rich land that can be bought cheaply. Begins coercing the local landowners into selling him their property. Uses his adopted son H.W. to project the image of a caring family man. Plainview's gradual accumulation of wealth and power causes his true self to surface. Shows elements of Westward Expansion and America’s transition from rural life to industrialization

3 Upton Sinclair The Jungle (1906) Offers a glimpse into the factory system as it operated in a Chicago meat-packing plant around 1905. Sinclair was a “muckraker” How would you describe the working situation in Chicago? How does Jurgis get the job after returning to Chicago? What is the message behind this scene?

4 Man of Steel

5 Andrew Carnegie The Gospel of Wealth (1900) What is the gospel of wealth? How does Carnegie justify his belief? What does he say about Communism? What are the duties of the Man of Wealth? What role does the author ascribe to state and government?

6 Progressive Era (1890s – 1920s) Problems of 19 th century capitalism and political corruption led to the rise of a reform movement called “Progressivism”. Crusaded against the abuses of urban political bosses and corrupt robber barons. 1901: Theodore Roosevelt takes over and advances aggressive reforms – Known as the “Square Deal”.

7 Teddy’s “Square Deal” Conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection National government strengthened or created regulatory agencies that exerted increasing influence over business enterprise. Laws enacted to improve the conditions under which people lived and worked Child labor laws Raising of age limits Shortening the work day Restricted night work Require children to attend school

8 Outlook Imperialism The US generally claimed to stand in opposition to the practice of taking colonies. Around the beginning of the new century, the US switched to imperialist behavior Why the change?

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