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WELCOME GLORIOUS AX USERS OF CO AXUG Chapter meeting August 13, 2015 Tweet today’s meeting: #AXUG #AXchapterCO.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME GLORIOUS AX USERS OF CO AXUG Chapter meeting August 13, 2015 Tweet today’s meeting: #AXUG #AXchapterCO."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME GLORIOUS AX USERS OF CO AXUG Chapter meeting August 13, 2015 Tweet today’s meeting: #AXUG #AXchapterCO

2 AGENDA - AUGUST 13 2015 Welcome & Introductions AXUG News & Chapter Business Dynaway– Jesse Zdonek Member Showcase – Ouray Sportswear Networking Break LCS services – Stefan Lanziner Q & A sesh

3 WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS  Name  Company  Role in Company  Version of AX 3

4 Casual event, feel free to contribute We are all volunteers, enjoy, and step up Bathrooms are located by the reception area Coffee Service and snacks are outside the room Make sure to sign in so we have attendance records Housekeeping

5 BECOME A CHAPTER LEADER FACT: The most successful chapters have strong leadership teams installed. BENEFIT: Summit Leadership Training available ONLY to chapter leaders. Develop your professional skills – public speaking, leadership, communication, organization, conflict resolution, and many more skills. IMPACT: Chapter Leaders have significant reach within the Dynamics AX Community. Leaders are respected for their hard work and devotion to helping individuals and organizations attending meetings. Take Action: Contact your chapter leader and email AXUG Chapter Manager, Rose Spitzer: 5 Chair Co-Chair VP of Membership VP of Communication VP of Programming Be part of something great! Learn, network, and give back to your local AX community.

6 Chapter Leader Nominations Now Open Does your chapter leader go above and beyond?Does your chapter leader go above and beyond? Do they provide top notch value at meetings?Do they provide top notch value at meetings? Are they someone to lift up amongst their peers?Are they someone to lift up amongst their peers? NOMINATE them for Chapter Leader of the Year ! Winners to be celebrated on stage at Summit 2015 in Reno, Nevada. Nominations end September 2.

7 VISIT THE WEBSITE – AXUG.COM TOP OPEN FORUM DISCUSSIONS  How to cancel the deliver remainder or change it to zero How to cancel the deliver remainder or change it to zero  Missing demand on phantom parts Missing demand on phantom parts  What is the common practice for restarting production AOS services? What is the common practice for restarting production AOS services?  Trade agreements – best practices Trade agreements – best practices  Master planning – BOMs Master planning – BOMs  AX 2012 R3 - Budgeting module use? AX 2012 R3 - Budgeting module use? 7

8 @GPUG 8 OCTOBER13-16 #INreno15 #AXUGSummit INcomparable Learning INnovative Ideas INfinite Experience Reno/Lake Tahoe, Nevada Click to Watch Summit Video!

9 MAKING OUR MEETINGS EPIC A really cool door prize An F’N goodtime… FUN, FEEDBACK, and FUEL Member showcase and on-site meetings ROCK! Spread the word to all of your AX colleagues… the CO chapter of AXUG is the coolest.

10 THANK YOU TO OUR ANNUAL CHAPTER SPONSORS! 10 Thank you also to our AXUG Promotional Sponsor:

11 JESSE ZDONEK Dynaway Sponsor Presentation

12 AMAZON ORDER INTEGRATION Ouray Sportswear Member Showcase

13 PROBLEM Mass re-orders from Amazon every week via XLS files Each order/line was being HAND entered No EDI solution in place

14 SOLUTION Custom form and logic for handling Amazon specific formatting Creates Orders and lines by UPC lookup on imported data Built to allow for relatively simple additions for other entity import


16 Time to mingle and get to know all of the other AX wonks and nerds milling about!

17 STEFAN LANZINER Junction Solutions Educational Session Life Cycle Services

18 NEXT MEETING? Date: November 19, 2015 Time: 1-4pm Place: Starz Headquarters Topics: What do YOU want to hear about??

19 Talk it up people! Oh, and DOOR PRIZE!


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