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5 Factors That affect LLS By: Azura Binti Abdul Aziz P73939 M.ED TESL UKM 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "5 Factors That affect LLS By: Azura Binti Abdul Aziz P73939 M.ED TESL UKM 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Factors That affect LLS By: Azura Binti Abdul Aziz P73939 M.ED TESL UKM 2014

2 “Just learning to think in another language allows you to see your own culture in a better viewpoint.” Gates McFadden

3 5 Factors That Affect LLS I have choose 5 factors that affect Language Learning Strategies. The factors are : ☺Age ☺Cultural Background ☺Gender ☺Motivation ☺Experiences in Studying The Languages

4 Age A study of young children showed that cognitive and social strategies were very important. Wong - Fillmore ( 1979 ) Children developed receptive strategies ( repetition and memorization ) first. They developed strategies which allowed them to start and maintain interactions. Then, they developed strategies for the identification and monitoring grammatical errors. Chesterfield and Chesterfield ( 1985 )

5 Most primary school children learn English by using metacognitive strategies and social strategies ranked next in importance. Purdie and Oliver ( 1999 ) Secondary school student were generally used cognitive strategies and that metacognitive strategies were reported by some more advanced learners. Omally et al ( 1985 )

6 Cultural Background Bedell’s ( 1993 ) study cited in Oxford, et. al. ( 1995 ) learners from various cultural backgrounds use certain types of strategies at different level of frequency. According to Politzer and McGroarty ( 1985 ), Asian students tend to prefer note memorization strategies and rule oriented strategies. Taiwanese students according to Oxford ( 1994 ) more structured, analytic, memory – based and metacognitively oriented than other groups.

7 Gender Study found that females reported a greater use of certain strategies than males. Politzer ( 1983 ) examined ninety undergraduate foreign language learners, found a “ relatively minor ” difference between male and female learners with females making a greater use of social interaction strategies. Oxford and Nyikos ( 1989 ) females reported more frequent strategy use than males of formal practice strategies, general study strategies and conversational input elicitation strategies ( e.g. guessing what the speakers say or asking to speak slowly )

8 Based on Nyikos ( 1990 ) by studying the vocabulary recall of university level beginner learners of German using different combinations of colour and picture stimuli. Males are better when a visual – spatial stimulus of colour plus picture was used. However, females recalled more when colour was the mediator. Nyikos suggested that such strategies were the result of the socialisation of males and females and that such differences should be considered when the use of strategies was promoted in language learning.

9 Motivation According to Gardner ( 1985 ), motivation and attitudes are the primary sources contributing to individual language learning. Gardner had described the phenomenon of motivation as consisting of four components. There are : a goal, effort, want and attitudes toward the learning activity. Dornyei ( 2001 ), one of the well – known leaders within the field of motivation also states, generally motivation can be a matter explaining why people decide to do something, how long they are willing to sustain the activity and how hard they are going to pursue it.

10 On the other hand, Mclntyre and Noels ( 1996 ) reported that compared with less motivated learners those who were substantially motivated, tended to adopt more learning strategies and used the more frequently. MacLeod ( 2002 ) found that strategy use was not affected by the participants’ particular motivational orientation but rather by motivational level.

11 Experiences In Studying The Languages The experiences in studying the language is one of the factors that affect LLS. A small number of studies have been carried out investigating the relationship between the experience of English study and language strategy use. Purdie and Olive’s study ( 1999 ) highlights the importance of experience in studying a language as one of the factors affecting the choices of language learning strategies.

12 As a result of the study, studying abroad is deemed to have an influence on students’ thought and learning style, especially in their actual ability in language learning.

13 That’s all… Thank You

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