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Learning Styles Highbury College. Topic STEM Generic Aims  Details the differing types of learning styles people have  By understanding learning styles.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Styles Highbury College. Topic STEM Generic Aims  Details the differing types of learning styles people have  By understanding learning styles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Styles Highbury College

2 Topic STEM Generic Aims  Details the differing types of learning styles people have  By understanding learning styles helps create a better learning environment Level Post 16 Method Electronic Equipment Projector Duration 15-20 Minutes reading

3 Benefits of understanding the different learning types:  Creates a strong and successful working environment  Can highlight learning disabilities  Establishes learners strengths and weaknesses  Increased enjoyment of the learning process  Helps deliverer tailor materials to the learner

4 When your brain receives information it remembers it through five senses: Sound (Auditory) Sight (Visual) Touch (Kinaesthetic) Taste (Gustatory) Smell (Olfactory)

5 Through research, learning studies have identified 3 key learning styles: Kinaesthetic Auditory Visual

6 Kinaesthetic  Use phrases such as ‘I found it easy to handle’  When relaxing, prefer to play games and sport  Prefer to talk to people while doing something else  Slow talkers, use gestures and expressions  Shake hands with people they meet  If lost or need directions, prefer to be shown the way  When inactive, cannot sit for long  When angry, clench their fists, grit their teeth and storm off  Reward people with a pat on the back Information taken from Learners pocket book 2 nd Edition by Paul Hayden

7 Auditory  Use phrases such as ‘That sounds right’, ‘I hear what you’re saying’  When relaxing, listen to music or radio  Prefer to talk to people on the phone  Enjoy listening to others, but impatient to talk; talk in a rhythmic voice  Forget faces remember names  If lost or need directions, prefer to be told  When inactive, tend to talk to themselves or others  When angry, express themselves in outbursts  Reward people with oral praise  Do not like reading books or instruction manuals Information taken from Learners pocket book 2 nd Edition by Paul Hayden

8 Visual  Use phrases such as ‘I see what you mean’, ‘that looks right’  When relaxing, prefer to watch a film or video, go to the theater or read  Prefer to talk to people face to face  Are fast talkers, dislike listening to others  Forget names, remember faces  If lost or need directions, prefer a map  When inactive, tend to doodle or watch someone or something  When angry, are silent and seethe  Reward people with a note, letter or card  Are well dressed, tidy and organized Information taken from Learners pocket book 2 nd Edition by Paul Hayden

9 Did you find out which learning style you have? You could have a fragment of each! We hope you enjoyed this page!

10 For further information please contact The STEM Alliance or visit

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