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Ch. 3 L. 1 Notes (Pg. 84 – 87). Merchant – someone who buys and sells goods to earn money Kingdom – a place ruled by a king or queen Caravan – a group.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 3 L. 1 Notes (Pg. 84 – 87). Merchant – someone who buys and sells goods to earn money Kingdom – a place ruled by a king or queen Caravan – a group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 3 L. 1 Notes (Pg. 84 – 87)

2 Merchant – someone who buys and sells goods to earn money Kingdom – a place ruled by a king or queen Caravan – a group of people and animals who travel together

3 Was a merchant Left Italy in 1271 with his brother and father Stayed in China for 16 years Worked for Chinese ruler, Kublai Khan Saw many inventions Gunpowder, paper, and printing

4 Several trade routes connecting China and Europe Merchants became rich by bring goods to rich people Some goods were spices and silk Silk is a very finely woven cloth

5 In 1405 the ruler of China wanted to impress other countries with China’s power Zheng He (Jung-HUH) Sailed all the way down the east coast of Africa Traded goods such as gold and silk with people he met He even brought a giraffe back to China In 1434 a new ruler stopped the voyages

6 Grew powerful in the 700s Had a lot of gold, needed salt Salt preserves food Merchants brought salt by crossing the Sahara Desert Merchants traveled in caravans for safety Arab merchants taught people from Ghana their religion of Islam Many Ghana citizens became Muslims

7 Conquered Ghana in 1234 Had to travel through Mecca, Arabia Mansa Musa Greatest king of Mali Traveled to Mecca to set up trade agreements Made Timbuktu a center for learning, trade, and art Grew weak after Mansa Musa’s rule

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