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1 POIF Metric Status March 2008 Lybrease Woodard Marshall Space Flight Center Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Lab Operations Directors Office.

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Presentation on theme: "1 POIF Metric Status March 2008 Lybrease Woodard Marshall Space Flight Center Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Lab Operations Directors Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 POIF Metric Status March 2008 Lybrease Woodard Marshall Space Flight Center Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Lab Operations Directors Office

2 2 Payload Operations and Integration: Health Assessment Status as of: 03/07/08 Team/Subteams SchedTech Green (G): Inside work plan. Schedule/Cost Variance: 0 - 5% Ahead/Underrun Yellow (Y): Outside limits but with accepted recovery plan or within reserve margin. Schedule/Cost Variance: 0 - 5% Behind/Overrun Red (R): Outside limits with no accepted recovery plan. Schedule/Cost Variance: greater than 5% Behind/Overrun Improving Worsening Payload Operations Integration Function (POIF) Space Systems (DMC/PRO) Operations Control (OC) / Shuttle Operations Controller (SOC) Mission Planning (MP) Crew Operations (Crew Ops) Overall Status: Continue to be challenged to balance the workload. Significant progress was made with the transition of targeted processes from increment-base to flight-base to gain efficiency in workloads. IP interfaces coming on line will require significant attention to assure continued success. Concern: Continued late baseline of the Payload Tactical Plan (PTP), as well as an increase in number of changes to the Increment past baseline, adversely affects final product development, crew training efficiency and real time change traffic volume. Concern: Partner agreements and documentation of decision-making interfaces that may impact real time operations. Progress being made towards processes and procedures to support decision making interfaces. Preliminary agreements are still in early stages. Concern: MOD ground systems community misinterpretation of the payload requirements for the use of critical partner voice loops between POIC and its payload partners. G G Y R Training (TNG) G G G G G G G G G G G Concern There is not an integrated set of NASA/ESA/JAXA GL&Cs for the 1 J/A Stage at this time. We need these Integrated GL&Cs to determine the NASA Payload Regulations and Planning Groundrules & Constraints. EO03 Management discussed this issue with JSC/OZ and Boeing, and it was agreed that in the future the GLCs for NASA, ESA and JAXA should be made available for our review at L-4 months. We will be allowed to comment on the documents through PEI. The Increment 16 POM, A-POM, and OCs have reviewed the current ESA GLCs for the 1 J/A Stage, and had several questions which were sent to PEI for answers. Hopefully, PEI will coordinate with ESA on the answers to our questions prior to the 1 J/A Stage. Concern There is not an integrated set of NASA/ESA/JAXA GL&Cs for the 1 J/A Stage at this time. We need these Integrated GL&Cs to determine the NASA Payload Regulations and Planning Groundrules & Constraints. EO03 Management discussed this issue with JSC/OZ and Boeing, and it was agreed that in the future the GLCs for NASA, ESA and JAXA should be made available for our review at L-4 months. We will be allowed to comment on the documents through PEI. The Increment 16 POM, A-POM, and OCs have reviewed the current ESA GLCs for the 1 J/A Stage, and had several questions which were sent to PEI for answers. Hopefully, PEI will coordinate with ESA on the answers to our questions prior to the 1 J/A Stage. Concern The current process for developing and delivering Payload Configuration Files (PCFs) and notification of their "flight readiness/maturity" to POI is impacting our ability to plan and prepare for real-time operations. The process includes development of the files and schedule for delivery by one organization and testing/maturity notification by another prior to delivery to POI for uplink. The integrated end-to-end process appears fragmented and rigid (with respect to schedule) and may not meet need dates for files that are required for significant onboard events that POI must implement. Concern Lack of a multilaterally integrated crew tasking authority for payloads is creating a problem for crew training implementation for increment 18 and beyond. The need for this multilateral tasking function has been elevated to the International Training Control Board (ITCB) by the Multilateral Payload Training Panel (MPTP).

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10 10 FY08 Attrition Metric (as of February 29, 2008)

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17 17 Current POIC Payload Anomaly Report (PAR) Status ASSIGNEDOPENPENDINGCLOSEDOPEN SUSPENDED WITHDRAWN POIC Operated H/W 123411 EXPRESS 20916214 HRF 2102647 MELFI 1222 MSG 18382 Subrack Payloads 2254167314 TOTAL 76715467350



20 20 POIC Operated Hardware PARs

21 21 Payload PARs

22 22 PARs initiated since February ‘08 Pld Name PAR NumberPAR TitleDate OpenedStatusDate Closed EMCS 1EMCS-HW-0009 Unexpected low current caution for lockers 3 and 7 2008/2/25 GMT 056OPEN EXPRESS Rack 4 Laptop 2ExpRk4-SW-0050DVD Drive Incorrectly Mapped 2008/2/1 GMT 032OPEN 3ExpRk4-SW-0051 Directory Downlink Failure Following Ground-Commanded ELC4 Reboot 2008/2/14 GMT 045WITHDRAWN HAL 4HAL-SW-0001 MELFI Monitoring Sequence Bundle Failed to Auto Install 2008/2/6 GMT 037OPEN Human Research Facility 5HRF-SW-0038 HRF1 failed to initilize after SSPCM replace 2008/2/19 GMT 050ASSIGNED2008/3/7 GMT 067 MELFI 6MELFI-SW-0005Dewar 3 Unexpected Cooldown 2008/2/7 GMT 038WITHDRAWN MSG 7MSG-SW-0016 MLC Timeline Conflicts at MSG Activation 2008/2/29 GMT 060ASSIGNED SLEEP 8SLEEP-SW-0001 SLEEP Download File Not Found on HRF 1 PC 2008/2/29 GMT 060ASSIGNED

23 23 PARs closed since February ‘08 Pld Name PAR NumberPAR Title Date Opened StatusDate Closed ALTEA 1 ALTEA-SW- 06ALTEA Delete Failure 2007/3/9 GMT 068 CLOSE D 2008/3/6 GMT 066 Human Research Facility 2 HRF-HW-25 Utility Drawer (k-drawer) sticking 2007/7/11 GMT 192 CLOSE D 2008/3/6 GMT 066 3 HRF2-HW- 08 Utility Drawer (k-drawer) sticking 2007/7/11 GMT 192 CLOSE D 2008/3/6 GMT 066

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25 25 FY08 POIF Baseline Vs. Actual (as of March 12, 2008) * Launched this fiscal year. Reflight payloads include the same payload being re-flown or still operating on-orbit. Notes Changes since last month: -CEF 1352 - HRP Deleted CCISS ops from Increment 17.

26 26 FY08 POIF Baseline Vs. Actual - IP Payload Support (as of March 12, 2008) * Launched this fiscal year. Reflight payloads include the same payload being re-flown or still operating on-orbit. Notes Changes since last month: -CEF 1356 Added MDRV Microbial Drug Resistance and Virulence) -CEF 1357 Added the CGBA related science/national lab sortie payload; NLP-Vaccine- 1A" (National Lab Pathfinder Vaccine 1A).

27 27 FY08 POIF Baseline Vs. Actual (as of March 12, 2008) Notes Changes Since Last Month:

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31 31 Payload Operations and Integration Level II Schedule [CR9463 Rev A Assembly Sequence]

32 32 Payload Operations and Integration Level II Schedule [CR9463 Rev A Assembly Sequence]

33 33 Payload Operations and Integration Level II Schedule [CR9463 Rev A Assembly Sequence]

34 34 Payload Operations and Integration Level II Schedule [CR9463 Rev A Assembly Sequence]

35 35 POIF Deliverables Three Month Look Ahead [CR9463 Rev A] (as of March 13, 2008) #17: ECR submittal slipped from 2/28 to 3/13 for Vol 1 & 2 and from 2/29 to 3/14 for Vol. 3. Slips were coordinated w/NASA technical leads. #67: All ready except PL Regs.

36 36 POIF Deliverables Three Month Look Ahead [CR9463 Rev A] (as of March 13, 2008) #85: Date slipped from 2/8 to 2/12. IEPT agreed to slip GR&C inputs to 2/12/08 because of manifest changes. #86: Date slipped from 01/30 to 2/14/08. Will go to board on 02/14/08. #105: Note: Unsigned CEF for SHERE.

37 37 POIF Deliverables Three Month Look Ahead [CR9463 Rev A] (as of March 13, 2008) #105: Date slipped from 3/3 to 4/4, late manifested PL (SHERE) #113: Date slipped from 3/14 to 3/28. New Payloads: #116: Date slipped from 3/3/08 to 3/31/08 to allow additional time to process multiple CEFs.

38 38 ATV EXPRESS Racks 1, 2 Topology No change Rack 1 (LAB1O2) B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 MAMS SAMSII-RTS1 SAMSII-RTS2 OPEN GREEN  RED  Legend Locker Locker Replacement Vent closeouts installed Stationary Descending Ascending Changes Locations BLACK BLUE  OPEN ARIS-POP Rack 2 (LAB1O1) B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 OPEN

39 39 ATV EXPRESS Racks 3, 4, 5 Topology No Change B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 Rack 5 (LAB1S4) Rack 3 (LAB1O3) EMCS-HS B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 EMCS- ISIS Dwr OPEN ELITE-S2 KU-REC SAMSII-ICU Rack 4 (LAB1P2) BSTC 1 OPEN B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 GSM 1 CGBA 5 ANITA CGBA 4 CSI-02

40 40 ATV HRF Racks 1, 2 & MELFI Topology Ultrasound SLAMMD SD Workstation2 Stowage B2 D2 G2 H2 C2 E2 F2 J2 B1 D1 G1 H1 C1 E1 F1 J1 HRF 1 (LAB1S2) MELFI (LAB1O4) HRF 2 (LAB1P4) No Changes B2 D2 G2 H2 C2 E2 F2 J2 B1 D1 G1 H1 C1 E1 F1 J1 PFM/PAM Workstation2 SLAMMD Refrigerated Centrifuge GDS

41 41 Lab Rack Layout, Post 1J/A Joint Ops Racks already on orbit FORWARDAFT OVERHEAD STARBOARD DECK PORT LAB1O1LAB1O2 OPEN LAB1O3LAB1O4LAB1O5LAB1O6 Avionics #2 Avionics #1 /Cond H2O Atmosphere Revitalization System (ARS) CCAA/Low Temperature LAB1S1 LAB1S2LAB1S3LAB1S4LAB1S5LAB1S6 LAB1D1LAB1D2LAB1D3LAB1D4LAB1D5LAB1D6 LAB1P1LAB1P2LAB1P3LAB1P4LAB1P5LAB1P6 Zero-gravity Stowage Rack (ZSR) EXPRESS #2 (ARIS) EXPRESS #4 Human Research Facility (HRF 1) CCAA/ Moderate Temperature Temporary Sleep Station (TeSS) DDCU#2 Avionics #3 Crew Health Care System (CHeCS) DDCU#1 EXPRESS #1 EXPRESS #5 Cupola MSS/ Avionics & Console Lab MSS/ Avionics & Console Minus Eighty degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) Human Research Facility (HRF 2) Lab Window OGS OPEN

42 42 Columbus Topology Post 1J/A Joint Ops NASA PL Racks To Node OVERHEAD AFT DECK Forward COL1O4COL1O3 COL 1O2 COL 1O1 COL 1A4 COL1A3 COL1A2COL1A1 COL1D4 COL 1D3 COL 1D2 COL 1D1 COL 1F4 COL1F3 COL1F2COL1F1 ESA EDR ESA EPM ZSR NASA ER3 System Rack System Rack System Rack ESA ESR ESA FSL NASA MSG ZSR ESA Biolab

43 43 1J/A EXPRESS Rack 2 Topology ARIS-POP Rack 2 (LAB1O1) B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 OPEN GREEN  RED  Legend Locker Locker Replacement Vent closeouts installed Stationary Descending Ascending Changes Locations BLACK BLUE  OPEN ARIS-POP Rack 2 (LAB1O1) B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 OPEN ISIS  ELITE-S2  Before transfer After transfer ISIS Drawer in LAB1O1_D1 moved to LAB1S4_D2

44 44 1J/A EXPRESS Rack 5 Topology GREEN  RED  Legend Locker Locker Replacement Vent closeouts installed Stationary Descending Ascending Changes Locations BLACK BLUE  OPEN B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 Rack 5 (LAB1S4) Before transfer After transfer B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 Rack 5 (LAB1S4) ELITE-S2 in LAB1S4_D2 moved to LAB1O1_D1 ELITE-S2  ISIS 

45 45 1J/A EXPRESS Racks 1, 4 Topology KU-REC SAMSII-ICU Rack 4 (LAB1P2) BSTC 1 OPEN B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 GSM 1 CGBA 5 CGBA 4 OPEN ANITA Rack 1 (LAB1O2) B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 MAMS SAMSII-RTS1 SAMSII-RTS2 OPEN No Change GREEN  RED  Legend Locker Locker Replacement Vent closeouts installed Stationary Descending Ascending Changes Locations BLACK BLUE  OPEN

46 46 1J/A EXPRESS Rack 3, & MSG Topology Rack 3 (LAB1O3 to COL1A1) EMCS-HS B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 EMCS- ISIS Dwr OPEN Move to Columbus MSG (LAB1S3 to COL1F2) GREEN  RED  Legend Locker Locker Replacement Vent closeouts installed Stationary Descending Ascending Changes Locations BLACK BLUE  OPEN  

47 47 1J/A HRF Racks 1, 2 & MELFI Topology Ultrasound SLAMMD SD Workstation2 Stowage B2 D2 G2 H2 C2 E2 F2 J2 B1 D1 G1 H1 C1 E1 F1 J1 HRF 1 (LAB1S2) MELFI (LAB1O4) HRF 2 (LAB1P4) No Changes B2 D2 G2 H2 C2 E2 F2 J2 B1 D1 G1 H1 C1 E1 F1 J1 PFM/PAM Workstation2 Refrigerated Centrifuge GDS GASMAP

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