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FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER Shannon Gonzalez, Newsletter Chair.

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3 FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER Shannon Gonzalez, Newsletter Chair





8 NCMA's vision is to be the preeminent source of professional development for acquisition personnel worldwide; to sustain and increase membership through organizational vitality and professional outreach; and to ensure the continuous practicality, timeliness, and integrity of products, programs and services. – Mickie Cranford, Awards Chair The Gulf Coast Chapter of the American Society of Military Comptrollers (ASMC) and the Northwest Florida Chapter of the National Contract Management Association (NCMA) in conjunction with the NW FL Chapter Institute of Internal Auditors have once again teamed up to provide an amazing training event. The Regional Professional Development Seminar will be held at the Emerald Coast Conference Center on 02 March 2007 in Fort Walton Beach Florida. You are invited to attend this dynamic day of learning and networking. Keynote speaker is the Honorable Sue Payton, the lunch speaker is Major General (Retired) Robert Chedister, and the wrap up session is an AFSOC speaker providing insight from a warfighter's perspective. Breakout sessions run in between these great speakers include a variety of topics on contracting, financial management, auditing, and wellness. Please see the attached flyers and this website for more information: WR-ALC Director of Contracting will speak on Mentoring. Hope to see you there! WR-ALC Director of Contracting will speak on Mentoring. Hope to see you there! Achieving Outstanding Results Through Effective Life-Cycle Contract Management Come celebrate the best of the profession and forge new frontiers in the buying and selling communities. From scanning exhibitors’ new products, services, solutions, attending pre-conference seminars and plenary sessions/panel discussions by leaders in the field, and seizing opportunities for personal career growth, this three-day conference provides you with a wealth of opportunity and knowledge for career success. Visit NCMA on the web at for more information. Register by 16 March 2007 and save! for more information. Register by 16 March 2007 and save! The program includes classroom-based and online courses on leadership, contract management, and NCMA operations. Participants may complete more than 180 continuous learning hours in the program, which also includes experiential learning activities, such as: The program also includes a strong mentoring element, with each participant assigned two mentors to work with throughout the year (NCMA is also looking for volunteer mentors). I’ve attached a copy of the application form, summary of the program I was sent last year and a copy of the tentative curriculum (where the 180 hours of continuous learning comes from). There are four events throughout the year-long program that require travel. I have REALLY enjoyed this program and met wonderful people from across the country that are eager to share their knowledge. Our chapter can submit as many applications as we choose, but no more than one student can be selected from any given chapter.


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