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Support the Earthquake Affected population to meet their relief and early recovery need in Rasuwa District Aug 2015 – Apr 2016 Funded By.

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Presentation on theme: "Support the Earthquake Affected population to meet their relief and early recovery need in Rasuwa District Aug 2015 – Apr 2016 Funded By."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support the Earthquake Affected population to meet their relief and early recovery need in Rasuwa District Aug 2015 – Apr 2016 Funded By

2 Goal, Rasuwa Working in 3 VDCs : Dhunche, Syaphru and Gatlang Objective : 1. Shelter up gradation 2. Material Support 3. Cash for Work 4. Livestock shed support 5. Verification of earthquake resistant techniques – pilot and Demo construcion.

3 Detail of Beneficiaries No Dhunche – 396 HH Syaphru – 323 HH Gatlang – 481 HH Total = 1200 HH

4 Distribution Shelter Kit Distribution – 1200 HH Shelter kit - ShelterMaterials_ECHO.docxShelterMaterials_ECHO.docx Tool Kit Distribution – 1200 HH @ 1 box per 5 HH Tool Kit - Toolkits_ECHO.docxToolkits_ECHO.docx Tool Kit given handover to VDC - Toolkits_ECHO_VDC.docx Toolkits_ECHO_VDC.docx

5 DRR Training The training includes the basic earthquake resistant construction techniques given by Shelter Cluster and Nepal Government. The approach was done in two ways: 1. DRR Training session : conducted by Engineers 2. HH visit, convey the message from Cluster, monitoring and supervision : done with Engineers and Technical Assistants. Total DRR Training Completed : 11 session Total Household Approached : 1200 HH

6 Mason Training Objective : To train the rural masons for enhancing their capacity and make familiar with the earthquake resistant construction techniques. The training was conducted in coordination with DUDBC. Duration of Training :1 st and 2 nd session -5 days, 3 rd session -7 days No of Training completed : 3 1 planned No of masons trained: 78

7 Construction Activities Pilot House Construction – 3 nos completed Demo House Construction – 5 nos completed 1 - ongoing

8 Livestock shed construction Training Training for construction of Livestock Shed for small goat/sheep farming. No of training conducted – 8 session

9 Cash For Work Shelter Beneficiaries – 1200 HH @ NPR 10000 support Livestock Shed Beneficiaries – 275 HH @ 10000 support

10 HH Monitoring Monitoring of each household ( total 1200 ) was done in 3 phase : 1. 1 st phase : Convey DRR training message. Assessment of houses. 2. 2 nd Phase : Suggestion and supervision 3. 3 rd Phase : Assessment of up gradation.

11 Current Activities Working for completion of few remaining activities in CFW, Demo and reporting.

12 What Next…. Need Assessment and Gap Finding.

13 Thank You

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