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Bellwork (Refer to your notes from yesterday) 1. What was the main reason for the Japanese “expansion” during the 1930’s? 2. What caused the U.S. to finally.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork (Refer to your notes from yesterday) 1. What was the main reason for the Japanese “expansion” during the 1930’s? 2. What caused the U.S. to finally."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork (Refer to your notes from yesterday) 1. What was the main reason for the Japanese “expansion” during the 1930’s? 2. What caused the U.S. to finally enter WWII?


3 Few natural resources and relies mainly on imports Hit hard (and early) by the global depression following WWI Their response was to expand territory to gain natural resources

4 Military invasions Sets up colonies in Manchuria, Korea, and Taiwan Use high tariffs to limit import of American and European goods in Japan and colonies Continue military invasion into French Indochina and throughout Southeast Asian islands

5 They gained access to many of the natural resources needed except one important one: Oil Their military (especially navy) needs oil to continue fighting and spreading their empire throughout the Pacific They buy their oil from the U.S.

6 U.S. had been trying to stay out of the European war American people think Asia is too far away to get involved U.S. President Roosevelt wants to limit Japanese expansion U.S. issues embargo of oil exports to Japan

7 “The US fleet is a dagger pointed at our throat and must be destroyed.” “I can run wild for six months after that, I have no expectation of success.” - Yamamoto, during discussions on the planned Pearl Harbor Attack Fleet Admiral Yamamoto

8 Japan’s navy has enough oil to last about six months Believed that if they could destroy the U.S. Pacific Fleet, it will keep us from fighting back On December 7, 1941, Japanese bombers attack the Naval force based at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Also attack naval bases on Guam, Wake Island, and the Philippines





13 1932

14 1942


16 U.S. Congress declares war on Japan U.S. allies follow and declare war on Japan Germany and Italy declare war on U.S. WWII has officially become a global conflict

17 The Big Players……. Allied Powers - U.S., Britain and the USSR (Russia) Axis Powers – Germany, Italy and Japan


19 The “Big Three” Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill The Allied Powers

20 The Manhattan Project - 1941 Official name of U.S. effort to build an atomic bomb Led by scientists Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi, and Robert Oppenheimer On July 16, 1945, first atomic bomb was tested

21 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt dies in office April 12, 1945. Vice President Harry S. Truman is sworn in as the 33 rd President of the United States.

22 Ending the War  On August 6, 1945, the American B-29 Bomber, the Enola Gay, dropped the 9,000 lb atomic bomb known as “Little Boy” on Hiroshima, Japan  Explosion was catastrophic and resulted in over 90,000 killed  Approximately another 145,000 died from radiation poisoning and injuries

23 Three days later on August 9, 1945, the second bomb known as “Fat Man” was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan The bomb weighted over 10,000 lbs and wiped out half of the city Over 73,000 killed, 75,000 injured


25 Little Boy


27 Fat Man



30 U.S. Occupation of Japan The U.S. was in charge of rebuilding Japan. Japan was now controlled by U.S. army occupation led by General Douglas MacArthur.

31 The U.S. wanted Japan to become a peaceful, democratic nation. Business and military leaders who were tied to the old militaristic Japan were stripped of their power. Transportation systems, industry, urban infrastructure, and businesses had to be rebuilt.

32 Japan gave Manchuria back to China and gave up Taiwan General MacArthur decided Japan would become a Constitutional Monarchy. He wrote a constitution for Japan that is still called the MacArthur Constitution today.

33 Nagasaki Today

34 Hiroshima Today

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