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Supplements and Ergogenics Including Weight Gain, Illegal Drugs and Doping, Creatine and Other Popular and Miscellaneous Supplements Name:__________________________________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "Supplements and Ergogenics Including Weight Gain, Illegal Drugs and Doping, Creatine and Other Popular and Miscellaneous Supplements Name:__________________________________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supplements and Ergogenics Including Weight Gain, Illegal Drugs and Doping, Creatine and Other Popular and Miscellaneous Supplements Name:__________________________________________________ Period:____________

2 General Information _______________________ drugs and dietary supplements have been around since the ancient Olympic Games. Some substances have been banned by sports governing bodies such as the _______________ __________________________. Ergogenic aids can be any _____________, _________________, or _______________ that improves sport performance.

3 Weight Gain The type of weight an athlete needs to gain is ______________________ (muscle mass). As a general rule, in order to gain weight you must ____________________________________. The formula to gain one pound of muscle per week is _________________________= daily caloric needs. For example a 200 lb. football player would need require (200 x 20) 4000 calories per day. Gaining more than one pound per week results in increases in __________. Strength training will use the extra calories to stimulate growth.

4 Types of Performance Enhancing Supplements The two principal categories of performance enhancing substances are: – ________________________________________ – _______________________ Dietary supplements are highly refined products that would not be confused with food. They have _______________________________. Ergogenic substances are usually banned from athletic competition when a ________ is reached that they may provide an ___________________.

5 Hormones The most commonly used hormone to improve athletic performance is ___________, along with its synthetic derivatives. Also, a variety of other hormones produced by the body have been employed by athletes as ergogenic aids to stimulate the __________ to produce testosterone. Some synthetics may have anabolic properties themselves, like _____________ for example.

6 Anabolic Steroids Synthetic derivatives of the male sex hormone, testosterone. Elevations in testosterone concentrations stimulate ___________________, resulting in improvements in __________, ___________, and ____________. The _______________ effects that testosterone regulates have made it one of the drugs of choice for strength/power athletes or other athletes interested in increasing muscle mass.

7 Adverse Effects Associated with Anabolic Steroid Use Cardiovascular: _________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Endocrine: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Genitourinary: – Males- decreased sperm count, decreased testicular size. – Females-menstrual irregularities, clitoromegaly, masculization. – Males and Females: Gynecomastia, libido changes Dermatological: _________________________________________. Hepatic: _______________________________________________. Musculoskeletal: premature epiphyseal plate closure, increased risk of tendon tears, intramuscular abscess Psychological: ______________________________________________.

8 Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Secreted from the ______________________. HGH produced by the body stimulates ______ and __________ growth. HGH maintains blood glucose levels, increasing the uptake of glucose and amino acids into muscle cells, and stimulating release of fatty acids from the fat cells.

9 Before 1986 HGH was available only from ________ forcing the cost to be extremely high and limiting its use. Clinicians are now able to make HGH, but the cost is still relatively high on the ___________, about $150 - $170 per dose. The ______ potential of HGH and its ability to reduce body fat have contributed to the rise in HGH use among _____________. HGH is not studied for athletic populations because of ___________________.

10 Adverse Effects of HGH  Although growth hormone used as replacement therapy for people with growth hormone deficiency can be effective and can have minimal adverse consequences.  The doses that are likely used by athletes may pose a significant risk of __________.  __________ is a disfiguring disease characterized by a widening of the bone, arthritis, organ enlargement, and metabolic abnormalities.

11 Erythropoietin (EPO)  Naturally produced in the body by the ______ and stimulates the production of new _________ cells.  Its level increases in response to _____________ __________________ such as marathon running.  Blood Doping: EPO has been used in ___________ sports such as boxing, cycling, rowing, distance running and even horse racing.  The primary reason why athletes use EPO is to improve ___________ delivery to the muscles.

12  Blockers  Blockers: generally prescribed by cardiologists for the treatment of a wide variety of ______________ diseases, including ___________. – Used by _________ and ________ to steady their nerves for ____________. Has other cardiovascular effects. –  Blockers impair cardiovascular response to exercise by reducing oxygen to exercising muscles.

13 Dietary Supplements Supplements are a quick fix. Athletes seek a quick fix because people are inherently _______. The best tried and time proven method for muscle growth is HARD WORK, SOUND DIET, and REST. Some athletes follow a ______________ and take supplements and are successful, however, those same athletes would probably be successful regardless of whether they took supplements or not.

14 Supplements Can Be Dangerous Products containing _________________, and their herbal forms can be dangerous. There is a lot of misinformation regarding supplements because of ______________ and _________________.

15 AXE and Supplement Advertisements Fitness magazines have anatomical figures, graphs, and tables that appear scientific, creating the ______________________. These ads are not made to ________ they are made to ________. The FDA does not control food supplements. Laws do not exist to protect the ___________. There is no guarantee that what is in listed on the label is in the bottle.

16 Protein  Essential Amino Acids (EAA): not _________ in the diet and must be obtained through the ____.  Essential amino acids include: isoleucine, leucine, valine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, and tryptophan.  Taking protein _____________ a workout and within ____________ of workout completion will cause a person to experience greater gains in muscle mass that training only.

17 Creatine  A nitrogenous organic compound that is synthesized __________ in the body, primarily in the _______.  It is found in abundance in both ___________________.  Among high school athletes that use supplements, 90% use creatine.  A ___________ limit for creatine exists within muscle. This has important implications for the “_____________” philosophy.  Creatine has been shown to increase strength and improve training by reducing ___________ and enhancing postworkout recovery.

18 Stimulants ___________: Used by aerobic and anaerobic athletes to increase alertness, reduce fatigue, increase confidence and even euphoria. – Adverse Effects: anxiety, gastrointestinal disturbances, restlessness, insomnia, tremors, and heart arrhythmias.

19 ______________: Reported to have a strong _________________ quality that bodybuilders desire in order to reduce body fat. Often stacked with caffeine. – Adverse Effects: _________, also called ma huang, is a plant or herb that contains ephedrine. In April 2004 the FDA banned all products containing ________. The FDA concluded that ___________ increased the incidence of nausea, vomiting, psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety and change in mood, autonomic hyperactivity, palpitations, and in a few cases death.

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