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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Where’s Waldo? ReligionsVocabulary Water Crisis Solutions.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Where’s Waldo? ReligionsVocabulary Water Crisis Solutions Random

2 Waldo is in the country that is the world’s leading producer of oil

3 What is Saudi Arabia?

4 Waldo is at the beginning of the Tigris River in this country.

5 What is Turkey?

6 Waldo is on an oil tanker going from Kuwait to the U.S. He just left Kuwait an hour ago. He is currently in this physical feature.

7 What is the Persian Gulf?

8 Waldo is on a ship in the Mediterranean Sea. This is the quickest way he can get to India.

9 By traveling through the Suez Canal to the Red Sea and then through the Arabian Sea?

10 Waldo was vacationing in the fertile crescent (near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers) when ISIS came and took over the hotel. Where is he?

11 What is Iraq?

12 The holy text of Judaism

13 What is the Torah?

14 This man initiated Islam

15 Who is Muhammad?

16 Hanukah

17 What is a Jewish holiday?

18 This group of Muslims believe that the leader of the Islamic community should be elected from among those most capable for the job

19 Who are Sunni Muslims?

20 This group of Muslims believe that the leader of the Islamic community should be chosen from a line of Imams which they believe have been appointed by the Prophet Muhammad or God Himself

21 Who are Shia Muslims?

22 Belief in one God

23 What is monotheism?

24 Describes the process of taking oil out of the ground through drilling

25 What is extraction?

26 The desert offers little amounts of this on which to plant crops

27 What is arable land?

28 Describes the relationship between people and the world in which we live

29 What is human environmental interaction?

30 The relationship between most of the Middle East and water *Daily Double*

31 What is scarce?

32 The process of removing salt from ocean water

33 What is desalination?

34 Definition of water committee

35 What a group of people working together to solve a problem?

36 Definition of Conservation

37 What is care for resources / use wisely / save resources?

38 2 pros of aquifers

39 Possible responses: Division of water is clear based on land ownership Can use in a drought Natural No waste Low cost

40 2 cons of Diversion

41 Possible Responses: All of the countries have to agree Too expensive for just one country Could cause war / conflict Countries pump water away from each other or could damage others pipelines

42 The oldest of the prominent religions in the Middle East

43 What is Judaism?

44 Control over the price of oil in the world market

45 What is the purpose of OPEC?

46 The largest minority ethnic group in Turkey, and are an active minority in Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Armenia

47 What are the Kurds?

48 OPEC stands for this

49 What is Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries?

50 Difference between an ethnic and religious group

51 What is that ethnicity is a set of shared common characteristics held by a group of people whereas religious groups have a set of beliefs?

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