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Vocabulary All about animals Jane Play games and chase each other.

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2 Vocabulary All about animals Jane

3 Play games and chase each other

4 I have a pet. What is my favorite pet? He likes to eat and sleep. He is fat and lazy, but very lovely. We can see him everyday. Hello, I’m Eddie! He has a tail and four paws. His fur is yellow.

5 soft.lazy.lovely sleep anywhere

6 paw tail The different parts of the animals

7 Animals walk with paws,catch food with paws.cats play balls with paws.

8 swim around quiet. beautiful

9 fin tail The different parts of the animals

10 Fish have ____and ____ to swim around. tails fins

11 Birds have _______ They look so beautiful ________. feathers in the sun

12 Birds have beaks,which they use to eat and drink.

13 Birds,chickens,ducks have wings.Birds use wings to fly high in the the sky.

14 The different parts of the animals wing feathers tail

15 Task 2:Do Part A 扫描三幅 beak wing tail whisker paw scales tail fin feathers

16 beakfeathersfinspawsscalestailwhiskerswings parrot cat goldfish dog A table:

17 1.I have a black cat. She has four white paws and a black and white tail. She likes to _____ balls. When she gets tired, she _____ in the armchair. She _____ when she wants some food. She always _____ herself in the cupboard. chase sleeps miaows hides

18 1.What color is the cat’s tail? 2.What does she like to chase? 3.Where does she sleep? 4.What does she do when she is hungry?

19 2. My parrot is a very special friend. His blue-and-green feathers look so beautiful in the sun. He is very clever and he learns to _______ the words I say. repeat

20 He _______ ‘Hello!’ when I go back home. When he is hungry, he always _______ on the cage door. When he is full, he ______ happily. says knocks sings

21 5.What color is the parrot? 6.What does he do when his owner( 主人 )comes back home? 7.Does he knock on the cage when he is full? 8.What does he do when he is full?

22 beak feather fin paw scale wing cage in the sun knock on the cage door 喙 羽毛 鳍 爪 鳞片 翅膀 笼子 在阳光下 敲笼子的门

23 1.When a parrot is hungry,he knocks on the cage door with his. 2. Goldfish swim around with their and. 3. All the animals above have a. 4. Cats doesn ’ t have __,so it can ’ t swim.It doesn ’ t have,so it can ’ t fly.But it has so it can catch a mouse. 5.A parrot ’ s look beautiful in the sun. 6.But a cat doesn ’ t have,, or wings. 7.Wash the dog ’ s after taking it out for a walk. beak fins tails tail fins wings f eathers paws a beak finsscales paws

24 Make profiles of animals Do you know me?I am a lovely ___________.I have two big eyes and a small mouth.I have “clothes ”over my body.They are my _________.With the help of the _____ and the _____,I can swim very well.Most people think I am a wonderful pet because I do not make any trouble.I don’t eat a lot and just bubble. goldfish scales fin tail

25 Proverbs Go to the sea,if you would fish well. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 A cat has nine lives. 猫有九条命,吉人天相 。 If water is noisy,there are no fish in it. 咆哮的水中无鱼。 (夸夸其谈者无真才实学) Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌.

26 Task 6:Reading comprehension Jimmy is a black and white dog. We all like him. He is a member of our family. Jimmy is one and a half years old. He usually gets up at about 7:00 a.m. At about 7:30 a.m, he has his first meal. He usually has bones. Sometimes he has meat. After that he goes out and brings bottles of milk for us. At about 9:00 a.m he goes out to meet his friend, a brown dog next door. He comes back at about 12:00 and sleeps for three hours. At about 3:30 p.m, he goes out and brings us the evening newspaper. Then walk him in the park. We often play Frisbees ( 飞盘 ) together there. At about 6:00 p.m, he has his second meal. Every day at 7:00 p.m, Jimmy and I sit together on the sofa, watching TV. Then he sleeps.

27 ( ) 1. How many meals does Jimmy have ? A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four ( ) 2. What does Jimmy usually have for his meals? A. BonesB. MeatC. Beef D. Pork ( ) 3. When does Jimmy bring the evening newspaper ? A. Before walking in the park. B.After walking in the park. C Before his first meal. D.After bringing milk for us. ( ) 4.Where did Jimmy watch TV ? A. Under the sofa.B. Under the desk. C. On the sofa.D. On the desk. ( ) 5. How many things does Jimmy do every day for us ? A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4 B A A B C

28 goldfish

29 tortoise

30 dolphin

31 camel

32 ant

33 dinosaur

34 tiger


36 Write your own article. These useful expressions may help you. I love/like my…very much. Its name is… It is always very friendly. My pet is… My…looks like… It usually sits/lies on the bed/ floor. It likes/does not like… It lives in a cage/basket/box.

37 Remember new words on all about animals and make more profiles.

38 Reading (The First Period) Thank you !

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