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W wh u prefix - un w as in wind (graph) wh as in wheel (digraph) u as in quote (graph) un as in unusual (prefix)

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Presentation on theme: "W wh u prefix - un w as in wind (graph) wh as in wheel (digraph) u as in quote (graph) un as in unusual (prefix)"— Presentation transcript:

1 w wh u prefix - un w as in wind (graph) wh as in wheel (digraph) u as in quote (graph) un as in unusual (prefix)

2 Word Lists R123456 wind wake wood weak week wife water watch wear wheel white waddle wagon wage wait winter wonder waste waist weakly witch whisker quit quiz quite woman whisper worry whale whip quail quiet quote quest quotation waltz wardrobe whistle wedge wealthy walrus wander warmth wolves wholesale PREFIX – un unkind unlock unreal uneven unfair unload unequal uncertain unfinished undecided PREFIX – un uncomfortable unacceptable, unusual unopposed unorganised underappreciated unprocessed unaccommodating underhanded uncanniest

3 3 woman whisper worry whale whip quail quiet quote quest quotation

4 4 waltz wardrobe whistle wedge wealthy walrus wander warmth wolves wholesale

5 w wh u w wh u Handwriting 18/8/15 worry whale whip quiet quest 1.The chef needed to ___ cream. 2. Don’t _____ be happy. 3. You must be ___ in the library.

6 w wh w wh w wh Handwriting 19/8/15 waltz wardrobe wealthy wedge 1.My ___ is full of clothes. 2. Stay healthy, _____ and wise. 3. I love to dance the ____.

7 WOMAN an adult human female w-o-m-a-n = 5 wo/man = 2 say sounds syllables woman spell

8 WHISPER speak very softly using one's breath rather than one's throat wh-i-s-p-er = 5 whis/per = 2 say sounds syllables whisper spell

9 WORRY feel or cause to feel anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems w-o-rr-y = 4 wor/ry = 2 say sounds syllables worry spell

10 WHALE a very large marine mammal with a streamlined hairless body, a horizontal tail fin, and a blowhole on top of the head for breathing wh-a-l-e = 3 whale = 1 say sounds syllables whale spell

11 WHIP a strip of leather or length of cord fastened to a handle wh-i-p = 3 whip = 1 say sounds syllables whip spell

12 QUAIL a small short-tailed Old World game bird resembling a tiny partridge qu-ai-l = 3 quail = 1 say sounds syllables quail spell

13 QUIET making little or no noise qu-i-e-t = 4 qui/et = 2 say sounds syllables quiet spell

14 QUOTE repeat or copy out (words from a text or speech written or spoken by another person). qu-o-t-e = 3 quote = 1 say sounds syllables quote spell

15 QUEST a long or arduous search for something qu-e-s-t = 4 quest = 1 say sounds syllables quest spell

16 QUOTATION a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker. qu-o-t-a-ti-o-n = 7 quo/ta/tion= 3 say sounds syllables quotation spell

17 WALTZ a dance in triple time performed by a couple w-a-l-t-z = 5 waltz = 1 say sounds syllables waltz spell

18 WARDROBE a large, tall cupboard in which clothes may be hung or stored w-a-r-d-r-o-b-e = 7 ward/robe = 2 say sounds syllables wardrobe spell

19 WHISTLE a clear, high-pitched sound made by forcing breath through a small hole between partly closed lips wh-i-s-t-le = 5 whis/tle = 2 say sounds syllables whistle spell

20 WEDGE a piece of wood, metal, etc. having one thick end and tapering to a thin edge, that is driven between two objects or parts of an object to secure or separate them w-e-dge = 3 wedge = 1 say sounds syllables wedge spell

21 WEALTHY having a great deal of money, resources, or assets; rich w-ea-l-th-y = 5 wealth/y = 2 say sounds syllables wealthy spell

22 WALRUS a large marine mammal related to the eared seals with two downward facing tusks w-a-l-r-u-s = 6 warl/rus = 2 say sounds syllables walrus spell

23 WANDER walk or move in a leisurely or aimless way w-a-n-d-er = 5 wan/der = 2 say sounds syllables wander spell

24 WARMTH the quality, state, or sensation of being warm; moderate heat w-a-r-m-th = 5 warmth = 1 say sounds syllables warmth spell

25 WOLVES plural form of wolfwolf w-o-l-v-e-s = 6 wolves = 1 say sounds syllables wolves spell

26 WHOLESALE the business of selling of goods in large quantities and at low prices, typically to be sold on by retailers at a profit. wh-o-l-e-s-a-l-e= 6 whole/sale = 2 say sounds syllables wholesale spell

27 3 feel or cause to feel anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems an adult human female a small short-tailed Old World game bird making little or no noise a group of words taken from a text or speech, repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker repeat or copy out text or speech written or spoken by another person speak very softly using one's breath instead of one's throat a marine mammal with a blowhole on top of the head for breathing a long or arduous search for something a strip of leather or length of cord fastened to a handle

28 4 a clear, high-pitched sound made by forcing breath through a small hole between partly closed lips a piece of wood, metal, etc. having one thick end and tapering to a thin edge, that is driven between two objects or parts of an object to secure or separate them walk or move in a leisurely or aimless way the quality, state, or sensation of being warm the business of selling of goods in large quantities and at low prices, typically to be sold on by retailers at a profit. having a great deal of money, resources, or assets; rich a large, tall cupboard where clothes are hung or stored a large marine mammal related to the eared seals plural form of wolfwolf a dance in triple time performed by a couple

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