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Some Reflections on Democracy - Can we solve the social conflicts by “Free and Fair Elections”? - Rei SHIRATORI President Institute for Political Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Some Reflections on Democracy - Can we solve the social conflicts by “Free and Fair Elections”? - Rei SHIRATORI President Institute for Political Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some Reflections on Democracy - Can we solve the social conflicts by “Free and Fair Elections”? - Rei SHIRATORI President Institute for Political Studies in Japan (IPSJ) 1

2 Contents 1.Democracy as a system of decision making 2.“Free and Fair Election” is the key institute for modern democracy 3.Case of “Column Society” 4.Case of “Plural Society” 5.How can we solve the conflicts in “Column Society” 6.“Consociational Democracy” in column society by Arendt Lijphart 7.Toward more diverse and original theories of democracy 2

3 1. Democracy as a system of decision making Everybody agrees with democracy But, everybody has different concept of democracy Therefore, ‘Democracy’ is the source of conflicts and antagonisms Democracy as “the goal to be realized” vs. Democracy as “a system of decision making” 3

4 2. Classic theory of democracy ‘Democracy’ is a combination of two Greek words: Demos (Majority) + Kratia (Rule) Key concept of ‘ Democracy ’ was throughout history ‘Majority Rule’ The majority is important because they create our present society The minority is equally important because the minority helps to shape and create our future society The “Realization of the Majority’s Wishes” and “Ensuring the Freedom of Speech of the Minority Opposition” form the two great pillars of the house of Majority Rule 4

5 3. “Another Democracy” by J. A. Schumpeter Democracy is a “system for the competitive selection of leaders” The general public does not focus on decisions, but concentrate on the election of political leaders who will make decisions Division of ‘functions’ in politics between ‘Elite’ and ‘Mass’ ‘Competitiveness’ in the selection with multiple candidates is needed to comply with the principles of democracy 5

6 4. “Elective Polyarchy” by G. Sartori What we should desire is to be ruled in a better way and not to eliminate ‘rule’itself If there is a real limit to the abilities of the general public, we end up relying heavily on our leaders to come up with good policy and political measures In modern politics, the selection of leaders is conducted through elections; Therefore “Free and Fair Election” is the key institution of modern democracy 6

7 Figure 1. Concept of “Column Society” 7

8 5. Characteristics of “Column Society” 1.A society is divided and each segment of society is clearly differentiated. 2.The size and the number of members of each segment are clearly known. 3.The borderlines between segments and the borderlines of political, social and economic organization are identical. 4. Since loyalty to a political party and loyalty to a segment of society are identical, the results of an election correspond to the results of a population census. 8

9 Figure 2. Concept of “Plural Society” 9

10 6. Characteristics of “Plural Society” 1.Political inequality and rule by political leaders exist, but, inequality is dispersed 2.As a result of competition among several political leaders, People are able to live in a free and equal environment 3.The borderlines of discrimination against races, wealth and poverty, and degree of education do not overlap and therefore, cross pressure occurs 4.Since newspapers, schools and political parties exist across all the divisions of race, wealth and education, the unification and integration of society is maintained 10

11 7. ‘Consociational Government’ by A. Lijphart Democratic government based on “autonomy of segment” (self- government) and “mutual veto among segments” 1.Self-government within their segments 2.The recognition of a mutual veto 3.An all-inclusive grand coalition with power-sharing 4.The principle of proportional selection is adopted formally or informally 11

12 8. Toward more diverse and original theories of democracy I sincerely hope that Ukraine, blessed with beautiful natures, proud people and respectable traditions of great culture, will through your own efforts and initiatives construct your own democratic system for the future 12

13 Thank You Very Much Rei SHIRATORI (白鳥 令) President, The Institute for Political Studies in Japan (IPSJ) 日本政治総合研究所 理事長 13

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