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Commission Regulation No. 2015/340
2014 Commission Regulation No. 2015/340 Module 06 – TRAINING ORGANISATION CERTIFICATION
2014 Training Objectives Appreciate the provisions of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 of 20 February 2015 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures relating to air traffic controllers' licences and certificates pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council, amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 and repealing Commission Regulation (EU) No 805/2011 Appreciate comparison with 805/2011 This module will provide a description of all requirements listed within Commission Regulation 805/2011 and will help to understand the requirements and the implications they have over the CA/NSA. This module will highlight the main aspects of the Regulation 805/2011 to create the incentive for further reading of the regulation. ©2015 EUROCONTROL
Annex III, Part ATCO.OR, Subpart A General requirements
2014 Annex III, Part ATCO.OR, Subpart A General requirements Article 18 Certification of training organisations 1. Applications for training organisation certification shall be submitted to the competent authority in accordance with the procedure established by that authority. 2. Training organisations shall demonstrate by evidence that they are adequately staffed and equipped and operate in an environment suitable for the provision of the training necessary to obtain or maintain student air traffic controller licences and air traffic controller licences. 3. Training organisations shall grant access to any person authorised by the competent authority to the relevant premises in order to examine the relevant records, data, procedures and any other material relevant to the execution of the tasks of the competent authority. It is needed to understand what training providers we have at national level. 1) For the initial training there is an Academy or Aviation school, etc. This Academies or Aviation School are usually under the responsibility of the same Ministry to which the CA/NSA report to. As well some States use the normal university environment for such training. In this case, the schools/training organisations are under the responsibility of Ministry of Education or a different Ministry than the one to which the CA/NSA reports to. In this situation certification should take place as well. But let’s not forget that such organisations are institutions under different rules, regulated by a different body. There is a need to establish a joined team to realise the certification for only that type of training. This will give the possibility that the examinations and the awards issued to be recognised by the CA/NSA as suitable and in accordance with the European legislation. 2) For the unit and continuation training usually the ANSP is the training organisation that ensures it. However, in the case of some courses that are more related to classroom techniques not involving specific simulation or devices, the same Academy or Aviation school would play a role. In this case, the certification for the intial training will include as well the other types of training provided under continuation training. ©2015 EUROCONTROL 3
ONLY with ATC training organisations!!
2014 ATCO.OR.A.001- Scope Establishes requirements for ATC training organisations Aero-medical centres To obtain and maintain a certificate in accordance with EASA BR and this Regulation ONLY with ATC training organisations!! Aero-medical centres certification is dealt with in the Medical part!! Article 18 Certification of training organisations 1. Applications for training organisation certification shall be submitted to the competent authority in accordance with the procedure established by that authority. 2. Training organisations shall demonstrate by evidence that they are adequately staffed and equipped and operate in an environment suitable for the provision of the training necessary to obtain or maintain student air traffic controller licences and air traffic controller licences. 3. Training organisations shall grant access to any person authorised by the competent authority to the relevant premises in order to examine the relevant records, data, procedures and any other material relevant to the execution of the tasks of the competent authority. It is needed to understand what training providers we have at national level. 1) For the initial training there is an Academy or Aviation school, etc. This Academies or Aviation School are usually under the responsibility of the same Ministry to which the CA/NSA report to. As well some States use the normal university environment for such training. In this case, the schools/training organisations are under the responsibility of Ministry of Education or a different Ministry than the one to which the CA/NSA reports to. In this situation certification should take place as well. But let’s not forget that such organisations are institutions under different rules, regulated by a different body. There is a need to establish a joined team to realise the certification for only that type of training. This will give the possibility that the examinations and the awards issued to be recognised by the CA/NSA as suitable and in accordance with the European legislation. 2) For the unit and continuation training usually the ANSP is the training organisation that ensures it. However, in the case of some courses that are more related to classroom techniques not involving specific simulation or devices, the same Academy or Aviation school would play a role. In this case, the certification for the intial training will include as well the other types of training provided under continuation training. ©2015 EUROCONTROL 4
2014 Annex III, Part ATCO.OR, Subpart B Requirement for ATC training organisations Article 18 Certification of training organisations 1. Applications for training organisation certification shall be submitted to the competent authority in accordance with the procedure established by that authority. 2. Training organisations shall demonstrate by evidence that they are adequately staffed and equipped and operate in an environment suitable for the provision of the training necessary to obtain or maintain student air traffic controller licences and air traffic controller licences. 3. Training organisations shall grant access to any person authorised by the competent authority to the relevant premises in order to examine the relevant records, data, procedures and any other material relevant to the execution of the tasks of the competent authority. It is needed to understand what training providers we have at national level. 1) For the initial training there is an Academy or Aviation school, etc. This Academies or Aviation School are usually under the responsibility of the same Ministry to which the CA/NSA report to. As well some States use the normal university environment for such training. In this case, the schools/training organisations are under the responsibility of Ministry of Education or a different Ministry than the one to which the CA/NSA reports to. In this situation certification should take place as well. But let’s not forget that such organisations are institutions under different rules, regulated by a different body. There is a need to establish a joined team to realise the certification for only that type of training. This will give the possibility that the examinations and the awards issued to be recognised by the CA/NSA as suitable and in accordance with the European legislation. 2) For the unit and continuation training usually the ANSP is the training organisation that ensures it. However, in the case of some courses that are more related to classroom techniques not involving specific simulation or devices, the same Academy or Aviation school would play a role. In this case, the certification for the intial training will include as well the other types of training provided under continuation training. ©2015 EUROCONTROL 5
ATCO.OR.B.001-Application for TO certificate
2014 ATCO.OR.B.001-Application for TO certificate Aplication for TO certificate Submitted to CA in due time In accordance with the procedure established by the CA (see Annex II- Part ATCO.AR, Subpart E) Applicants for the initial certification – compliance with EASA BR and this regulation Information to be contained in the Application the applicant’s name and address; he address(es) of the place(s) of operation (including, where relevant, the list of ATC units) if different from the applicant’s address in point (a); … Similar to the ANSP certification Means of compliance (ATCO.OR.B.005) Explanations about the AMC: other AMC subject to CA’s approval upon notification Article 18 Certification of training organisations 1. Applications for training organisation certification shall be submitted to the competent authority in accordance with the procedure established by that authority. 2. Training organisations shall demonstrate by evidence that they are adequately staffed and equipped and operate in an environment suitable for the provision of the training necessary to obtain or maintain student air traffic controller licences and air traffic controller licences. 3. Training organisations shall grant access to any person authorised by the competent authority to the relevant premises in order to examine the relevant records, data, procedures and any other material relevant to the execution of the tasks of the competent authority. It is needed to understand what training providers we have at national level. 1) For the initial training there is an Academy or Aviation school, etc. This Academies or Aviation School are usually under the responsibility of the same Ministry to which the CA/NSA report to. As well some States use the normal university environment for such training. In this case, the schools/training organisations are under the responsibility of Ministry of Education or a different Ministry than the one to which the CA/NSA reports to. In this situation certification should take place as well. But let’s not forget that such organisations are institutions under different rules, regulated by a different body. There is a need to establish a joined team to realise the certification for only that type of training. This will give the possibility that the examinations and the awards issued to be recognised by the CA/NSA as suitable and in accordance with the European legislation. 2) For the unit and continuation training usually the ANSP is the training organisation that ensures it. However, in the case of some courses that are more related to classroom techniques not involving specific simulation or devices, the same Academy or Aviation school would play a role. In this case, the certification for the intial training will include as well the other types of training provided under continuation training. ©2015 EUROCONTROL 6
ATCO.OR.B.010- Terms of approval and privileges of TO certificate
2014 ATCO.OR.B.010- Terms of approval and privileges of TO certificate TO comply with the scope and privileges defined in the terms of approval attached to the certificate. (What approvals?) The privilege to provide unit and continuation training shall only be granted to TO which: hold a certificate for the provision of the air traffic control service; or have concluded a specific agreement with the ATC provider Providing OJT Via an Agreement with ATC provider (GM) Specific agreement should detail: Issues of liability and insurance for the provision of ATC, and Consider relevant provisions for contracted activities (ATCO.OR.C.005) to ensure conformity of the contracted or purchased activity or part of activity. Additionally, the agreement shall enforce the requirements On occurrence reporting (ATCO.OR.B.040) and On funding and insurances (ATCO.OR.C.025) ATCO.OR.B.020- Continued validity TO’s certification remains valid Certificate is not being surrendered or revoked TO remain in compliance with requirements Certificate shall be returned to CA when revoked or cease of all activities ©2015 EUROCONTROL 7
ATCO.OR.B.015- Changes to TO Type of changes
2014 ATCO.OR.B.015- Changes to TO Changes to the TO (AMC) TO shall inform CA of any changes to personnel (PART.ATCO.OR) that may affect certificate or training approvals. TO shall send to CA each management system doc. amendment. When this requires CA approval, TO shall receive it in writing. Changes to the TO (GM) Examples of changes affecting the certificate or the terms of approval or management system: Name of TO (new application; when this does not affect previous documentation, this shall be sent with the previous name) Change of legal entity TO’s principal place of operation TO’s type(s) of training Additional locations of TO Accountable manager The facilities TO’s documentation on safety policy and procedures Personnel changes (see above in AMC) Type of changes Prior approval Without prior approval – procedure approved by CA, notified to CA Changes with prior approval To the certificate or the terms of approval of TO To any relevant element of the management systems Additional aspects – agreed between TO and CA Application for approval Relevant documentation Implemented only when approved TO shall operate under the conditions prescribed by CA during the change Changes due to unforeseen circumstances shall be notified to CA Which one? (Those affecting certificate, approvals and management system) Obtain the approval TO shall notify CA when they cease their activities CONTENT OF THE PROCEDURE FOR CHANGES WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL (GM) Scope of the change Its management inside TO Notification mechanism ©2015 EUROCONTROL 8
ATCO.OR.B.025- Access to TO’s facilities and data
2014 ATCO.OR.B.025- Access to TO’s facilities and data TO shall grant access to authorised persons (either CA or acting on behalf of CA) Examine records, data, procedures and pertinent material to the tasks of CA ATCO.OR.B.030- Findings After receipt of findings, the TO shall Identify the root cause of the finding Define CAP Demonstrate corrective action implementation within the timeframe agreed ©2015 EUROCONTROL 9
ATCO.OR.B.035- Immediate reaction to a safety problem
2014 ATCO.OR.B.035- Immediate reaction to a safety problem TO shall implement any safety measures mandated by CA ATCO.OR.B.040- Occurrence reporting TO providing OJT shall report to CA or other organisation required by the States Accident, serious incident and occurrence (996/2010; 376/2014) resulting from the training activity Reports within 72 hours, unless exceptional circumstances prevent TO produce a follow-up report with the intended actions to prevent similar occurrence in the future Reports above have the form and content defined by CA Information known by TO ©2015 EUROCONTROL 10
2014 Annex III, Part ATCO.OR, Subpart C Management of ATC Training organisation ©2015 EUROCONTROL 11
ATCO.OR.C.001- Management system of TO
2014 Safety policy (AMC) should include Endorsed by the accountable manager Identify safety as highest priority over commercial, operational, environmental or social pressure Include commitment to: Improve towards highest safety standards Comply with applicable requirements, meet applicable standards and consider best practices Provide appropriate resources Enforce safety as primary responsibility to managers and staff Be communicated, with visible endorsement throughout org Include safety reporting and just culture principles Enhance and embed safety culture and awareness Be periodically reviewed to ensure it remains relevant to organisation Identification of aviation safety hazards (AMC) For TO not providing OJT – hazard identification is limited to demonstrating that there are no hazards directly identified. The training is designed to ensure future safe operations. Personnel trained and competent (AMC) A TO shall demonstrate that: A list of activities with relevant needed competence has been established Personnel have relevant competence needed to fulfil the activities Personnel maintain competence through appropriate training Theoretical and practical instructors are qualified as per Regulation Practical instructors have OJTI or STDI end./ assessors have assessor end. STDI and assessors demonstrate knowledge and receive refresher trng, ATCO.OR.C.001- Management system of TO Management system includes: Lines of responsibility and accountability, including direct safety accountability of the accountable manager Safety policy – overall principles of the organisation regarding safety Identification of aviation safety hazards, their evaluation and management of risks Maintaining personnel trained and competent Documentation of management system key processes and how is amended A function to monitor compliance of the organisation with requirements Management system shall be proportionate to the size and activities of the organisation, taking into account hazards and associated risks inherent in those activities ©2015 EUROCONTROL 12
Documentation of management system key processes (AMC)
2014 Documentation of management system key processes (AMC) The TO should demonstrate that the mgt. syst. Policies, processes and procedures are monitored ( kept current) reviewed and amended Controls, records and track changes to all mgt. syst. policy, processes and procedures documents Includes a master record index that list all policies, processes and procedures MGT syst. includes as a minimum Master record index TO certificate Management structure and staff roles profile (responsibilities and accountabilities) Training manuals, plans and courses; Course design documents; Safety management manual Instructor/assessor qualification and competence records Change control process for documents; evidence of regulatory compliance ©2015 EUROCONTROL 13
Example of compliance monitoring syst. (GM)
2014 A function to monitor compliance of the organisation with requirements (AMC) Implementation and use of such function – TO monitor compliance with this Regulation TO shall specify the basic structure of the function applicable to the activities to conduct Person designated for compliance monitoring (AMC) Is responsible for the review and improvement of established mgt. syst. policies, processes and procedures. Can use tools that are essential in the ongoing continuous improvement process as follows: Organisational risk profile Risk management plan Coherence matrix Corrective and preventive action reports Inspection and audit reports Example of compliance monitoring syst. (GM) TO may monitor compliance with procedures they put in place, as such they could monitor: Organisational structure; plans and objectives; manuals, logs, records; mgt syst, etc. Organisational set-up Person resp. for compliance monitoring designated with roles, respons. – like Safety Manager Compliance monitoring documentation Relevant parts of mgt. syst.; plus compliance monitoring programme, duties and respons, etc. Training Everybody is trained, but as well those working in the function ©2015 EUROCONTROL 14
Size, nature and complexity of the activity (AMC)
2014 Size, nature and complexity of the activity (AMC) What is complex? How big should be the TO? TO should considered COMPLEX – when the workforce > 20 FTE involved in EASA BR and its implementing rules TO with <= 20 FTE may also be considered COMPLEX based on assessment of the following factors: . Extent and scope of contracted activities subject to certificate, in terms of complexity Different types of training provided, in terms of risk criteria ©2015 EUROCONTROL 15
ATCO.OR.C.005- Contracted activities
2014 Contracted activities (AMC and GM) Written agreement btwn TO and contracted org defining the contracted activities and applicable requirements Contracted safety-related activities from the agreement – TO compliance monitoring programme including hazard identification and risk management TO shall ensure that contracted org has authorisation or approval when required and commands the resources and competence to undertake tasks. Contracted org is certified – TO shall monitor that approvals cover activities and are still valid ATCO.OR.C.005- Contracted activities TO when contracting or purchasing any parts of their activities That contracted activities conform with the applicable requirements TO contracts to NON-CERTIFED organisation (in accordance with the Regulation) NON-CERTIFIED organisation shall work under the terms of approval in the TO certificate TO shall ensure that CA is given access to the NON-CERTIFIED organisation to determine continued compliance with applicable requirements Sufficient funding (AMC) TO - Economic study identifying the minimum amount necessary to ensure that training is conducted in accordance applicable requirements Sufficient insurance cover (AMC) TO – deposit of an insurance certificate or other evidence of valid insurance Insurance cover shall be established: nature of the training, frequency and the fees applicable for courses ATCO.OR.C.025- Funding and insurance TO shall demonstrate sufficient funding is available to conduct training Activities have sufficient insurance coverage in accordance with the nature of training provided All activities can be carried in accordance with this regulation ©2015 EUROCONTROL 16
ATCO.OR.C.010- Personnel requirements
2014 ATCO.OR.C.010- Personnel requirements Appoint accountable manager A person/persons responsibility for training – responsible to accountable manager Sufficient qualified personnel for the planned tasks and activities Record of theoretical instructors with relevant professional qualifications, adequate knowledge and experience, instructional techniques assessment and subjects they are entitled to teach Procedure to maintain competence of theoretical instructors Practical instructors and assessors complete refresher training to revalidate the endorsement Records of persons qualified for assessing practical instructors’ and assessors’ competence with their relevant endorsement ©2015 EUROCONTROL 17
ATCO.OR.C.015- Facilities and equipment
2014 ATCO.OR.C.015- Facilities and equipment TO shall have facilities for the planned tasks and activities STD comply with applicable specs and reqs appropriate to the tasks (STD specs are in AMC material) During OJT, instructor has the same information as the student and the means to intervene immediately Facilities (AMC and GM) General areas – facilities appropriate to the size and scope of intended operations provided in an environment conducive to learning Office space for managerial and administrative and training staff Rooms for study and testing Library facilities Storage areas, including secure area for training and personnel records Training areas – facilities should also include sufficient suitably equipped classroom areas for TO providing theoretical training Rooms for briefing and debriefing (for TO providing practical training) Suitably equipped rooms for practical training (for TO providing practical training) ATCO.OR.C.020- Record keeping Detailed records of persons undertaking or have undertaken courses A system to record professional qualifications and instructional techniques assessments of instructors and assessors and what they are entitle to teach Records above – 5 years subject to applicable national data protection law Archiving process and the format of records – management system; storage in a secure manner. ©2015 EUROCONTROL 18
2014 Annex III, Part ATCO.OR, Subpart D - Requirements for training courses and training plans ©2015 EUROCONTROL 19
ATCO.OR.D.001 – Reqs. for trng. courses and plans
2014 ATCO.OR.D.001 – Reqs. for trng. courses and plans TO shall develop CA Training plans and training courses – Annex I, Part ATCO, Subpart D Subjects, subjects objectives, topics and subtopics for rating endorsements - Annex I, Part ATCO Methods of assessment – Annex I, Part ATCO, Subpart D ATCO.OR.D.005- Examination and assessment results & certificates TO shall make available results of examinations and assessments and upon request issue a certificate Upon completion – TO issue a certificate Initial training Rating training for issue of additional rating Basic training – ONLY ON REQUEST ©2015 EUROCONTROL 20
2014 Annex II, Part ATCO.AR, Subpart E - Certification procedure for ATCO TO and approval of training courses ©2015 EUROCONTROL 21
ATCO.AR.E.001- Application and certification procedure for TO
2014 ATCO.AR.E.001- Application and certification procedure for TO CA Receives application for TO certificate – verifies compliance with Annex III requirements TO is compliant – CA issues certificate Format in App 2, Annex II - certificate For changes without prior approval – CA approves the TO procedure Scope of changes and how will be managed and notified (procedure) ATCO.AR.E.005- Approval of training course and plans CA approval for training courses and plans (Annex III, Subpart D) Following exchange of licence – CA approves/rejects UEC (6 weeks) and ensure non-discrimination and proportionality ©2015 EUROCONTROL 22
ATCO.AR.E.010- Changes to TO Type of changes
2014 ATCO.AR.E.010- Changes to TO Type of changes Prior approval from CA Affecting the certificate or the terms of approval of TO Any relevant element of the management system Additional changes agreed between TO and CA No prior approval from CA Procedure from TO approved by CA (scope, management and notification of changes) Receipt of change with prior approval – CA verifies compliance with Annex III before approving it CA Approves it Conditions under which TO operates during the change Does not approve it – change is not implemented When TO implements changes requiring prior approval without the CA approval – immediate and adequate action (enforcement) ©2015 EUROCONTROL 23
ATCO.AR.E.015- Findings and corrective actions
2014 ATCO.AR.E.015- Findings and corrective actions Level 1 findingS include but is not limited Failure to give CA access to TO facilities during normal operating hours or after 2 written requests Falsification of submitted evidence – obtain or maintain validity of TO certificate Evidence of malpractice or fraudulent use of To’s certificate Lack of accountable manager CA a syst to analyse and record findings; record CAP and enforcement measures Level 1 finding Any significant non-compliance with EASA BR and this regulation TO procedures and manual ; Type of training and/or service provided Certificate which lower or endanger safety or significant degrades the training provided CA action: Prohibit or limit activities; revoke, suspend or limit the certificate (whole or in part) until corrective active has been taken Level 2 finding – Any not significant non-compliance CA action: CAP and timeframe is granted + assessment and acceptance When no CAP or no implem. in the timeframe – Level 1 ©2015 EUROCONTROL 24
What is missing for CA? Certificates TO and next?
2014 What is missing for CA? Certificates TO and next? Monitoring of TO (art 28 in 805/2011) Regular audit and unannounced inspection Where this has moved? Annex II, Part ATCO.AR, Subpart C – Oversight and enforcement – all elements are there! CA Requirements Article 28 Monitoring of training organisations activities and enforcement 1. Competent authorities shall monitor compliance with the requirements and conditions attached to the training organisation’s certificate. 2. Competent authorities shall audit the training organisations on a regular basis with a view to guaranteeing effective compliance with the standards laid down in this Regulation. 3. In addition to the regular audit, competent authorities may make unannounced inspections to check compliance with the requirements contained in this Regulation. 4. If a competent authority finds that the holder of a training organisation’s certificate no longer satisfies the requirements or conditions attached to its certificate, it shall take appropriate enforcement measures, which may include withdrawal of the certificate. 5. Certificates issued in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation shall be mutually recognised. What the enforcement measures could be? Withdrawal of the certificate, financial penalties, etc.. ©2015 EUROCONTROL 25
805/2011 Requirements for Training Organisations
2014 805/2011 Requirements for Training Organisations Certification of Training Organisations (Art. 18) details Management system of Training Organisations (Art. 19) details Requirements for training courses, initial and Unit Training Plans and Unit Competence Schemes (Art. 20) In conjunction with Annexes provides details about the courses Certification procedure for Training Organisations (Art. 27) – NSA (details) Monitoring of Training Organisations activities and enforcement (Art. 28) – NSA (details) ©2015 EUROCONTROL 26
2014 Questions? ©2015 EUROCONTROL 27
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