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CS&L Partner Training Alexis McMillen, MPA Presentation prepared by Christina Cudney & Marrah Gadomski.

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Presentation on theme: "CS&L Partner Training Alexis McMillen, MPA Presentation prepared by Christina Cudney & Marrah Gadomski."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS&L Partner Training Alexis McMillen, MPA Presentation prepared by Christina Cudney & Marrah Gadomski

2 Agenda Welcome and Introductions CS&L Definition of Service Partner Benefits Service-Learning Questions and Discussion

3 SERVICE-LEARNING FIELD EDUCATIONVolunteerism INTERNSHIPCivic Engagement Who is BENEFITTING? What is the main FOCUS? Volunteer Learning Organization Service Adapted from Furco, 1996 and Engagement Continuum

4 Partner Program Partner Requirements: Keep updated MOU on file with CS&LKeep updated MOU on file with CS&L Regular training and event attendanceRegular training and event attendance Maintain process for recruiting, managing, and supervising volunteers including iServeMaintain process for recruiting, managing, and supervising volunteers including iServe Partners Receive: Organizational iServe AccountOrganizational iServe Account Access to partner benefits through our “Partners Only” pageAccess to partner benefits through our “Partners Only” page “Partners Only” page “Partners Only” page Personalized consultation and connections to campus that support your organizational mission and goalsPersonalized consultation and connections to campus that support your organizational mission and goals Students are Ensured: All sites are verified and safe for studentsAll sites are verified and safe for students Service experiences provide learning opportunities and meet community needsService experiences provide learning opportunities and meet community needs Click to open!

5 Programs and Services iServe —Online volunteer recruitment, opportunity posting, and service tracking Service-Learning – Individual and group projects connected to course learning outcomes that meet community needs Connections and Support — Streamlined support, services, and development opportunities that build community capacity and connections to campus Engagement --special projects, civic involvement, Federal Work-Study Community Placements, and philanthropy

6 Partner Benefits Promotional Banners hung on Beechurst Ave. Email list to School, Colleges, Residence Halls, Student Organization, other Programs/Units Student Mix Homepage posting Employment and Internship opportunities posted with WVU Career Services (MountaineerTRAK) E-news/WVUToday (when applicable) Social Media WVU Calendar Announcements Board Member Recruitment Printing, Laminating, Binding Tabling for event promotion or info distribution, Community Meetings, Student Meetings, Board Retreats, etc. Mountainlair Reservations Opportunity to recruit students, faculty, and staff from all WVU campuses The Foundation Center

7 Service-Learning Courses Timeline CS&L solicits projects from partners (July/Aug, Dec/Jan) CS&L presents appropriate project ideas to students (September, January) Students select partners/projects of interest CS&L notifies partners of student choices Student(s) contact Partner to setup initial meeting (one student chosen as partner liaison) Student and Partner complete SL contract and student returns contract to CS&L Student completes service & logs hours on iServe Partner verifies service hours on iServe Partner submits SL evaluation of student service to CS&L (Nov/Dec, April/May)

8 Service-Learning Courses


10 Questions/Follow-Up Alexis McMillen, Program Coordinator 304-293-8344 Partners Only Page: Username: ccepartner Password: goldandblue

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