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My E-portfolio. From Mrs.Tedechi ‘s lit. class 2015-2016 By: Alec.

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Presentation on theme: "My E-portfolio. From Mrs.Tedechi ‘s lit. class 2015-2016 By: Alec."— Presentation transcript:

1 My E-portfolio. From Mrs.Tedechi ‘s lit. class 2015-2016 By: Alec.

2 1)Title Page. 3)Introduction. 4)Fall Is… 5)Favorite Things To Do. 6-7)Books I’ve Read. 8)Teacher Read Alouds. 9)Notebook Entries. 10-11)Free Writing. 12) First Piece writing. 13)Compare first Piece to Last Piece. 14)Year In Review. 15) End. Table Of Contents.

3 I’m Alec, I like to play Video Games, some of my favs are MineCraft, Kirby, Call Of Duty, The Legend Of Zelda, Disney INfinity, and Strike Force Heros. My favorite type of music is Dubstep. Introduction

4 ❖ Awesome Halloween parties. ❖ GIANT leaf piles ❖ Eating my grandma’s famous pies. ❖ Eating Thanksgiving dinner with my family. ❖ Going trick or treating with my family dressed up as my favorite monsters. ❖ Watching my favorite Halloween and Thanksgiving movies. ❖ Having time away from SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!! ❖ Going to HAUNTED HOUSES!!!!!! ❖ Reading my favorite HORROR stories. ❖ And going to corn mazes and fairs. Fall Is...

5 My My favorite thing to do is to play Minecraft. I play the PC(computer), X-Box 360, and the PE(pocket edition). My personal favorites are the X-box 360 and the PC, but the pocket editon is good too! I also like playing The Legend Of Zelda. I have The Legend Of Zelda: The Ocarina Of Time, but there are A LOT of different versions. One of the versions isn’t labeled the same as the others, instead it says Hyrule Heroes. Lots of the versions are fun, but some of the older versions are not as fun.

6 Look At Me As A Reader. Personally I love reading. My reading habits are that I read really fast. I love fictional books, such as fantasy, mythology, and science fiction. I love reading books with at the minimum 300 pages.

7 Look At Me As A Writer. I don’t really like to write, but when I do I can create a whole 3-page writing if it free writing. I have a permanent dent in my finger from writing so much.

8 Books I’ve Read! ❖ A Swiftly Tilting Planet.Madeleine L’Engle. ❖ My Friend the Enemy.Dan Smith. ❖ Chasing Lincoln's Killer.James L. Swanson. ❖ The Slave Dancer.Paula Fox. ❖ Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone.J.K. Rowling. ❖ Stung.Bethany Wiggins. ❖ Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince.J.K. Rowling. ❖ Narnia; The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe.C.S. Lewis. ❖ Narnia; The Magician's Nephew.C.S Lewis. ❖ The Return of The Indian. Lynne Reid ❖ Star Wars; Everything You Need To Know. Disney. ❖ Narnia; The Last Battle.C.S. Lewis. ❖ Hatchet.Gary Paulsen. ❖ Far North.Marcel Theroux ❖ Prisoner B.Alan Gratz ❖ We Fought Back.Allan Zullo ❖ Pokemon Deluxe Handbook.Scholastic ❖ X-Men First Class.Jeff Parker ❖ The Clockwork Three.Matthew J. Kirby ❖ Redwall: Mariel Of Redwall.Brian Jacques ❖ Beast World.Stella A. CaldwellStella A. Caldwell ❖ Fantastic Beasts.Scholastic ❖ Dragons.Scholastic ❖ Monsters.Scholastic ❖ The Indian In The Cupboard.Lynne Reid.

9 Books I’ve Read Continued. ❖ Redwall: The Outcast Of Redwall.Brian Jacques. ❖ Choose Your Own Adventure: The Antimatter Formula.Edward Packard. ❖ House Of Robots. James Patterson. ❖ Treasure Island. James Patterson. ❖ Redwall: Triss ❖ Redwall: Lord Brocktree.Brian Jacques. ❖ Redwall: Tatterrung.Brian Jacques

10 My Narrative ❖ On My Honor. Marion Dane Bauer. ❖ The Tiger Rising.Kate DiCamillo. ❖ The Cay. Theodore Taylor. ❖ Lawn Boy.Gary Paulsen. ❖ Tuck Everlasting.Natalie Babbitt.

11 Comments On Teacher Read Alouds. ❖ On My Honor, I didn’t really like this book, saying that I don’t like realistic fiction. ❖ The Tiger Rising, I LOVED this book, the fast pace, the dark past, some of my favorite different plots. ❖ The Cay, I loved this book, but considering I already read the book spoiled it. ❖ Lawn Boy, I liked this book, but I just didn’t like the plot, I don’t really like economics. ❖ Tuck Everlasting, I LOVED this book too!!! The plot of the Tucks was awesome and the fast paced action never let you down.

12 1)Minecraft(AKA Free Writing) 2)First Piece Writing. 3)Compare First Piece to Last Piece.

13 Free Writing.(AKA, MINECRAFT) Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows the player to build and craft almost anything. This game combines fun and creativity with real life learning skills, it improves creativity, how to survive, problem solving, nutrition, and responsibility. It helps you with problem solving because there are enemies that appear, you need a strong base, defences, and ways to fix damage. Zombies will try to break down your door, spiders can climb walls, skeletons shoot arrows, and creepers will blow up. You may find yourself in tight squeezes, for example, I had just started a world, I had not built a house yet, I was on a two block high tower, fighting off 20 zombies, 2 skeletons, and a creeper. The creeper blew up the tower and I was left with a wooden sword. But with problem solving a managed to escape. This game also teaches you about responsibility. You can tame ocelots and wolves, and they will become dogs or cats. Having a dog or a cat means you need to take care of it. When you attack a mob (creature) it will attack it with you, if it gets hurt you will need to feed it to heal it. A cat won’t hurt a fly, but will send creepers running for the hills. Feeding a cat or dog can put it into “love mode”. This allows two of the same animals to breed and create a baby. This can help because having more....

14 Dogs or cats can help you in tight squeezes. Minecraft is meant for fun too! You can build almost anything you can think of, and if you're on multiplayer you can work together to create awesome worlds.Or you can play pranks on your freinds and family.And for the action lovers you can go on PVP(Player vs Player) or battle monsters, and awesome bosses, like the WITHER or the ENDER DRAGON!!!!!! Killing the wither will give you the Nether Star, used to make beacons, both a good light source and a power source to players. Killing the Ender Dragon will… well… I don’t want to spoil the secret. There are a LOT more reasons to play minecraft, but that would take to much space. Anyways, I hope you liked my writing on Minecraft.

15 First piece writing We’ve been listening to On My Honor. I think Tony will get hurt. Because in most books that i’ve read, the character that start bragging get hurt showing off. I think that because Tony is a show off, unlike Joel. That’s why I think Tony is going to get hurt instead.

16 Compare First Piece To Last Piece. My last piece was two pages long and had a “share” on it. My first piece was only a couple of sentences long. It barely covered an eighth of the paper.

17 I think I grew a lot this year. And my teachers were awesome. I think I improved in all of my subjects. Some of my favorite times were our baseball field trip and when we made icecream.


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