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Year 8 Geography Revision. Extreme Environments; It’s difficult to live in some areas of the World. Like Goldilocks and the three bears, some places are.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 8 Geography Revision. Extreme Environments; It’s difficult to live in some areas of the World. Like Goldilocks and the three bears, some places are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 8 Geography Revision

2 Extreme Environments; It’s difficult to live in some areas of the World. Like Goldilocks and the three bears, some places are too hot, some are too cold, and some seem to be just right. To understand why this is, we first saw that there are two things which might affect locations; weather and climate. Weather is what happens to the temperature, rain and wind on a day to day basis. Climate is the average weather seen over many years. Four things which help decide the climate are; a. Relief - how high a place is b. Latitude - how near a place is to the Equator c. Prevailing wind - where does the main come from d. Closeness to the sea - different in Winter and Summer Hot Deserts are found on the Tropics - the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. They are hot during the day, and very cold at night when the heat escapes without clouds to trap it, and almost always dry. Plants and animals have had to adapt (change)to live here, trying to collect and store water and food. People who travel here must use their knowledge and skill to be able to survive. either taking everything they need including suitable clothing, or by using the plants and animals they find. Tropical rainforests are hot, wet and each day is like the day before, the same. They are found on the Equator. To live here, the plants and animals adapt to the high humidity (the large amount of water in the air). The plants grow in layers; the emergents, the canopy, the under canopy, and the little undergrowth. People do live here and explore here, but it is difficult. Unfortunately, more and more of it is being cut down (deforestation). Most people believe this is wrong, but some have a different opinion.

3 What is an ecosystem? An ecosystem is a community of living organisms (plants and animals) sharing an environment. The largest ecosystems are called biomes. What is a biome? A biome is a very large ecosystem e.g. Tropical Rainforest. The tropical rainforests are known as the lungs of the world. They provide over 20% of the world’s oxygen. 25% of the ingredients in today's cancer-fighting drugs come from organisms found only in the rainforest. 50% of the Earth’s plant and animal species live in tropical rainforests. An area of tropical rainforest the size of a football pitch is lost every second. Tropical rainforests used to cover 14% of the Earth’s surface. Now they only cover 2%. Around 100 plant and animal species are lost each day due to deforestation. At the current rate of deforestation, all the world’s tropical rainforests will have disappeared in 40 years time. At least 80% of MEDCs diet originated in the tropical rainforest. 2.5 acres of tropical rainforest can contain over 750 different species of tree.

4 Long eyelashes to protect eyes from dust Can close nose and ears Humps to store fat – can be broken down into water Big flat feet so does not sink into the sand Fur for the cold nights Tough mouth so can eat spiky plants

5 They provide a habitat for many plants and animals They are a source of medicine and food. They help prevent flooding, drought and erosion. They help control the world’s climate. Carbon Dioxide levels. They support tribal communities They are interesting places to visit. The world’s rainforests are important because…

6 Sometimes called “Shifting Cultivation”. Subsistence Farming (slash and burn) Cutting and burning of areas of rainforest Leads to soil Infertility (loss of topsoil Local people realised they were damaging the soil. When soil has been overused, they move to a new patch of land. This allows vegetation to recover and grow again. Causes of deforestation: Mining, cattle ranches, Dams, highways

7 Eco-tourism in Lapland Impact of tourism In 1993, UK visitors spent 145,381 bed nights in Finland. By 2007, that figure had risen four fold to 515,554. Tourism in Finnish Lapland has become the main source of employment and income replacing traditional industries such as forestry. In 1950 the largest part of Lapland’s inhabitants lived in rural areas and more than half the workforce worked in forestry and agriculture. Approximately a quarter of Lapland’s 100 000 strong workforce was unemployed in 1997. Today 65 % of the workforce is in the service industry, 22 % in processing and 10 % in primary production. This huge growth in tourism and service provision has been developed in line with a long-term sustainable tourism plan with one of the aims being to maintain nature in its natural state while guaranteeing the traditional way of life. Visitors Many of these visits are for a few hours only. A wintery race ensues from the airport. “There's a reindeer, here's a Christmas bun, that bloke in the distance is Santa, no time for a toilet visit we're behind schedule.” Such visits have become finely tuned exercises in maximizing profits for the tour operator while minimizing the benefits to the host country. The visitor has little chance to spend money while in the country. According to Finland’s Border Interview Survey (Winter 06/07) British leisure visitors spent an average of €165 per trip but those on one-day trips spent a meagre €34.

8 United Kingdom China Where on earth is China? EUROPE AFRICA ASIA Austral asia EQUATOR

9 One Child Policy With a population of 1.2 billion, China's population grows by 14 million people every year — three-quarters of Australia's entire population! Up until the 1970s the Chinese government regarded a growing population as a benefit in bringing about economic development. By 1963, the average number of children born to a Chinese woman was 7.5. In recent decades, China's government has viewed population growth differently. With one-fifth of the world's population, but only 7 per cent of the world's farm land, continuing strong population growth would bring about great hardships, extreme poverty and famine. The Chinese government decided in the 1970s to control population growth. This has proved a very complex task. The main strategy the government introduced in 1982 was a radical family planning program to encourage couples to restrict their family size to just one child. This has become known as the 'One Child Policy'. Since 1982, detailed annual population plans have been drawn up for all provinces and cities. Birth targets or quotas have been set and controlled and all pregnancies are supposed to be planned and authorised. Because the One Child Policy is implemented and monitored by local authorities, it has been applied differently across the nation. For example, there has been stricter enforcement of the policy in urban areas than in rural areas. The policy is attempting a huge shift in the values of most Chinese people. Government campaigns are still achieving only limited success. Policy incentives salary bonus (urban) bigger land allocation (rural) extended maternity leave paid medical and hospital expenses priority access to housing, employment and schooling for the child Disobeying the policy withdrawal of family allowance and medical benefits fines (even against everyone in the village or town) demotion or discharge from a government job Exceptions to the rule membership of a minority ethnic group (can be allowed two or even more children) having a first child with a disability that is likely to result in inability to work pregnancy after adopting a child risk of 'losing the family line' without a second child (the first child being a girl) rural families with 'real difficulties' (all children so far being girls)


11 In a communist society workers had to work very hard, for long hours, without much rewards. In communism everybody is guaranteed a job, so there is no unemployment. Communist countries provide free education, health services and subsidised food to millions of people who were denied these under the old Capitalist system. Transport was cheap, rents were cheap, housing was cheap, and most people had a job. Communism did bring certain things - a sense of community, and a sense of society. Rich people should share their wealth with the less fortunate. Although Capitalism is good at manufacturing products. It is unsuccessful at distributing products. Only if you can afford the product, you can have it. In America, only the rich can afford the best health care, schools and universities. Think about the way our country is heading?? High university bills? Private healthcare? Churches and religion may be banned. Basic Communist Principles * One Party Dictatorship * Industries and farms owned and run by the state *No individual ownership of property * Individuals lives tightly controlled. In a communist society. The state controls all news- papers, books, films and radio programmes.

12 Capitalism is seen to make "Considerable progress" on ending poverty. Factories and companies should be owned by individuals because… People should be free to earn as much (or little) money as they want. In a Capitalist society you a free to vote for whatever party you want. Capitalism encourages people to invent, improve and advance technology. Capitalism - An economic system that features private ownership of the means of production (such as factories, offices, and shipping enterprises). Market forces determine the way in which goods are produced and the means by which income and profit are distributed is called capitalism. Work for profit and wages which are not equal Capitalism and Democracy are usually linked, A democracy is a form of government in which the people, either directly or indirectly, take part in governing. The word democracy originates from Greek, and means rule of the people. The government may set few controls on the economy to ensure it runs successfully (tax, interest rates)

13 Is there poverty in China? Some 27 million people were classified as rural poor last year by the government, earning less than 55 cents a day (30p) The government have said by 2020 no-one in China would need to worry about food and clothing. Those classified as poor are entitled to government help such as subsidies, job training, discounted loans and employment opportunities Girls are also more at risk than boys of becoming poor. China now has more billionai res than any other country except the USA. The gap between rich and poor is already too large.

14 Please use this website for revision on coasts, the resources are detailed and interactive: BBC Bitesize KS3 – Geography- physical processes –Coasts Case study: Happisburgh What is going on here? The Facts Population: 850 One of the fastest eroding places in the world. In 1995 the council stopped defending the coast. Since then, 25 houses and lifeboat station have been washed away. Houses were worth £80,000 but now some are worth just £1. Government have refused to provide money as it isn't ‘cost effective’. What has been done? 2007, 5,000 tonnes of rip rap which cost £200,000. 1,000 tonnes of rock paid for by the villagers - £40,000. This is slowing the erosion down but not stopping it.

15 Families need children to go and out and work to earn money. The improvement in medical care preventing death during pregnancy or births. Poor medical care causes families to have a higher number of babies in case any die through their childhood. Cultural traditions or religious values may mean that families have a large number of children. Lack of education in family planning and contraception. A lack of understanding of the benefits of having fewer children. In the developed world, the cost of a baby is increasing, child care is expensive and large houses are expensive. In LEDC children need to support parents later in life, as there is no state pension. It is important to have enough children to make sure they stay alive to look after their parents. Population - What causes a high birth rate? Carrying Capacity The perfect amount of people for an area to function sustainably Death Rate The number of deaths per 1000 of a population Optimum Population The maximum amount of people that can be supported by resources in a given area. Natural Increase When more people are being born than are dying Immigration The movement of people into a place Birth Rate The number of births per 1000 of a population Migration The movement of people from one place to another Over-Population Too many people in one area so the place has severe economic, social and environmental issues Life Expectancy The average age a person is expected to live to Demographic Transition Model A prediction to show movement from high birth rates to optimum population Infant Mortality The number of children under 1 who have died per 1000 people Emigration The movement of people out of a place Population Key Terms

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