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Country Name Date Name of Country Presentation 2 nd OECS Council of Ministers Meeting for Human and Social Development: OECS Social Protection Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "Country Name Date Name of Country Presentation 2 nd OECS Council of Ministers Meeting for Human and Social Development: OECS Social Protection Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Country Name Date Name of Country Presentation 2 nd OECS Council of Ministers Meeting for Human and Social Development: OECS Social Protection Technical Committee Meeting (OSPTC). March 23, 2015. Saint Lucia. ANGUILLA 1

2 Slide 1 - Social Protection Reform Interventions Slide 2 - BIG PICTURE: Country’s Strategic Priorities Slide 3 - Programme Updates Slide 4 -Programme Updates Slide 5 - Youth and Development Slide 6 - SWOT Analysis Slide 7 - Plans for the way forward-Recommendations Content

3 Social Protection Reform Interventions Drafting of the Social Protection Bill 2015 (bill has been published in the Gazette) Drafting and Official Signing of the Interagency Child Protection Reporting Protocol Drafting of the Domestic Violence Bill 2015 (bill has been published in the Gazette) Gender Equality Mainstreaming Project coordinated through the newly established Gender Affairs Unit Drafting of the National Policy for Persons with Disabilities Job Link-up/TOUCH Programme Get Set—Youth Entrepreneurial Programme National Health Insurance Pilot Parole Policy Development & Implementation PAVE– Anti-violence Campaign 333

4 The BIG PICTURE: Member State Strategic Priorities 4

5 ProgrammeEnd Date Programme Owner Focal PointSummary UpdateIssues & Risks Public Assistance: including cash transfers, medical assistance, education assistance, food vouchers and assistance with utilities ongoing Ministry/Departme nt of Social Development Commissioner of Social Development Social Protection Bill which will modernize the provision of public assistance is ready to go before the House of Assembly Allocation for cash transfers do not match costs of living Increased cost of medical care Increased number of persons on dialysis Safeguarding Children in Anguilla ongoing Ministry/Departme nt of Social Development Social Development Planner Monies have been channeled from DFID through UNICEF to support the Safeguarding Programme Official Signing of the Interagency Child Abuse Reporting Protocol held 19th March Lack of Child Protection Legislation Difficulty changing attitudes toward corporal punishment Reluctance of members of the public to get involved/report Buy-in from stakeholders Projects in progress Progress Update Programmes in progress

6 ProgrammeEnd Date Programme Owner Focal PointSummary UpdateIssues & Risks Foster Care Ongoing Department of Social Development Commissioner of Social Development Foster Carers were recently recognized at a reception hosted by Her Excellency the Governor Monthly stipends do not reflect the cost of living Difficulty recruiting foster carers particularly for teenagers and “hard to place children” Lack of a place of safety/group home Legal Aid Clinic Ongoing Department of Social Development Retired Barrister-at- Law, Magistrate and Judge of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court Requires more volunteer lawyers Projects in progress Progress Update Programmes in progress

7 ProgrammeEnd Date Duration of Programme Programme Owner Focal Point Summary UpdateIssues & Risks Job Link-up Programme/TOUCH Programme ongoing Now in its sixth year of operation Department of Youth & Culture Director of Youth & Culture Continues to be a very successful programme. 83% of youth who participated in the last cohort were able to gain full-time employment Provides continuing education opportunities to its participants Need to increase the number of job placement sites and volunteers Need to expand programme to work with two cohorts simultaneously. Currently one cohort of 20 persons is possible given budget constraints. GET SET Entrepreneurial Programme OngoingIn its 2 nd year of operation Department of Youth & Culture Director of Youth & Culture Training of trainers completed Training of professional business mentors completed Phase 1 training for young entrepreneurs completed Loan facility created. Only 10 businesses will be funded in 2015 due to budget constraints. Very enthusiastic/highly motivated young entrepreneurs. Demand for assistance (financial and technical) exceeds the Department’s capacity to provide assistance. Projects in progress Progress Update Programmes in progress

8 ProgrammeEnd Date Duration of Programme Programme Owner Focal PointSummary UpdateIssues & Risks National Health Insurance Pilot Project December 2015 1 year Social Security Board NHI Programme Manager Provides free primary health care to those under 5 and over 64 Funded by SSB for a period of one year Currently no plan for what will happen to the participants at the close of the year Zenaida Haven Juvenile Rehabilitation Centre Ongoing Department of Probation Chief Probation Officer Has begun to adopt OECS Juvenile Justice Standards Have developed internal procedures for reporting of Child Abuse Currently exploring restorative justice and diversion programme Legislative amendments being drafted to define juvenile as a person under the age of 18 Space/Capacity constraints Projects in progress Progress Update Programmes in progress

9 Youth and Development Situation with youth (Major Issues/Concerns): Crime and Violence Unemployment (28-30% unemployment rate among young people; it doubles the national unemployment rate ) Limited access to opportunities for continuing education Needs of the youth Right to live in safe, secure communities (funding for the National Anti- Violence Strategy) Opportunities to pursue self employment/entrepreneurship in growth sectors (particularly, in emerging sectors like ICT etc.) Access to funding for continuing education (including vocational training). Role that youth can play in the development of the country Can provide direct input into the policy development processes of the country and the establishment of a national development plan Can further expand the number of local businesses by pursuing self employment/entrepreneurship Can diversify the economy by pursuing careers in non-traditional and emerging sectors

10 SWOT ANALYSIS People, Process, Systems Qualified Staff Commitment to Social Development Partnerships with stakeholder agencies Financial Constraints Lack of Place of Safety Lack of legislation to support policy Partnerships with regional agencies such as OECS and UNICEF Upcoming Elections Increasing awareness amongst the general public of social ills Understaffed Legal Drafting Unit High cost of living/essential services Global recession Opposition to legislation Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats

11 Plans for the Way Forward Enact the Social Protection Bill Draft and Enact a Child Protection Bill Enactment of the Domestic Violence Bill Complete Legislative Amendments related to juvenile offenders Work with Private Sector partners to draft a proposal for the development of a Place of Safety Explore Diversion Programmes Explore Restorative Justice Programmes Explore the establishment of a Family Court system Continue Public Sensitization on Child Protection issues Monitor the implementation of the Interagency Child Protection Reporting Protocol Draft a National Development Plan Draft a Poverty Reduction Strategy Implement a robust system for the collection of health & social data Develop Victim Services

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