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City Attorney / City Prosecutor / Liability & Claims Division Authorization and Approval to Renew Property and Casualty Insurance for the City of Pasadena.

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Presentation on theme: "City Attorney / City Prosecutor / Liability & Claims Division Authorization and Approval to Renew Property and Casualty Insurance for the City of Pasadena."— Presentation transcript:

1 City Attorney / City Prosecutor / Liability & Claims Division Authorization and Approval to Renew Property and Casualty Insurance for the City of Pasadena for Fiscal Year 2017 Presented by Aarti Kaushal Claims Coordinator June 13, 2016

2 City Attorney / City Prosecutor / Liability & Claims Division Rationale for Insurance  Renewal of the City’s liability insurance policies will protect the City’s assets in the event of:  Catastrophic loss to life, limb, and/or property  Terrorist threats and/or attacks  Privacy and Network / Cyber Hacking attacks  Theft of City monies and/or securities by employees  Insurance companies providing insurance to the City of Pasadena are Best’s rated carriers. 2

3 City Attorney / City Prosecutor / Liability & Claims Division Type of Coverages  Crime Protection  Liability and Excess Liability  Pollution Liability  Underground Storage Tanks  Healthcare Professional Liability: Medical Malpractice  Heliport and Aircraft, to include LA Impact aircraft  Property: Power Plant  Property and Equipment Breakdown (for non-power plant property)  Terrorism to include CBRN (Chemical, Biological or Biochemical, Radiological or Nuclear) 3

4 City Attorney / City Prosecutor / Liability & Claims Division Type of Coverages, continued  Automobile Physical Damage  Paseo Colorado Parking Garage  Cyber Liability  Sparta: Special Events Liability  SLIP (Special Liability Insurance Policies) for:  Pasadena Center Operating Company (PCOC)  Foothill Workforce Investment Board (FWIB)  Old Pasadena Management District (OPMD)  Pasadena Enterprise Center (PEC)  Excess Worker’s Compensation 4

5 City Attorney / City Prosecutor / Liability & Claims Division Overall Increase of Annual Premiums  Fiscal Year 2017 Total Premium: $3,226,012  Fiscal Year 2016 Total Premium: $2,966,282  Overall 8.75% increase in insurance premiums year over year 5

6 City Attorney / City Prosecutor / Liability & Claims Division Decreased Annual Premiums  Following premiums decreased compared to last year:  General Liability decreased by 10%  Healthcare Professional Liability decreased by 18%  Automobile Physical Damage decreased by 35%  Boiler & Machinery decreased by 16%  Excess Workers Compensation decreased by 7% 6

7 City Attorney / City Prosecutor / Liability & Claims Division Increased Annual Premiums  Premiums for the following policies increased when compared to last year:  Crime increased by 6% (in spite of $5,000,000 embezzlement claim)  Power Plant increased by 16%, although total insurable values increased by 54%  A $5,000,000 increase of excess general liability policy limits will increase total premiums by less than 1%, from $3,198,732 to $3,226,012 7

8 City Attorney / City Prosecutor / Liability & Claims Division Largest Increase of Annual Premium  Annual premium for Paseo Colorado parking garage increased from last year by 57%:  Paseo Colorado was purchased by CAPREF Paseo, LLC  Appraisal of the property was conducted revealing replacement value for parking structure had increased by 48%  CAPREF Paseo LLC is bound by Real Estate Agreement (REA), requiring retail tract owner to purchase general liability coverage with $50,000,000 policy limits  After much discussion with City staff, CAPREF Paseo LLC agreed to comply with the REA  Cost of adding general liability coverage to the master insurance policy was $59,812 8

9 City Attorney / City Prosecutor / Liability & Claims Division Recommendations  Authorize binding of the City’s property and casualty insurance with the total premium amount not to exceed $3,226,012, effective July 1, 2016 for the coverages outlined in the staff report  Grant an exemption from competitive selection pursuant to City Municipal Code section 4.08.049(B) contracts which the City’s best interest are served. 9

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