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What is IVF.CA ?. We are your patients... ... and future patients.

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Presentation on theme: "What is IVF.CA ?. We are your patients... ... and future patients."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is IVF.CA ?

2 We are your patients...

3 ... and future patients.

4 Get to know us!

5 ... and future patients. Join us!








13 Ask a person experiencing infertility,

14 Ask a person experiencing infertility, and they will tell you...

15 Ask a person experiencing infertility, Physically it is years of tests, procedures, pills, and needles.

16 Ask a person experiencing infertility, Emotionally it is one of the toughest roller coaster rides of cyclical hope and devastation you will ever experience.

17 Ask a person experiencing infertility, Mentally it is a hard concept to grapple with. There could be a reason, or no reason at all.

18 Ask a person experiencing infertility, Romantically it changes your your sex life, and your own connection with your most intimate body parts.

19 Ask a person experiencing infertility, Spiritually it challenges your belief in a higher power, in fairness, and in what is meant to be and not meant to be.

20 Ask a person experiencing infertility, Socially it is an isolating and terribly misunderstood problem for something so common that it affects 15% of the population.

21 Ask a person experiencing infertility, Politically it is debated and debated and change is glacial.

22 Ask a person experiencing infertility, Financially it is incredibly expensive and can rapidly drain your life savings with no guarantee of success.

23 Ask a person experiencing infertility, Biologically it is the potential lack of passing on of one’s own genes.

24 Ask a person experiencing infertility, and they will tell you it is so much more than a protocol

25 What patients are saying about the lack of government funded IVF..

26 Members comments on non-funding... “ Dear OHIP: My reproductive organs aren’t working right, so why aren't you supporting my treatment? Organs are organs - why are you being biased? “

27 Members comments on non-funding... “It really bothers me that my tax dollars fund abortions but they don't fund infertility treatments. “

28 Members comments on non-funding... “Gov't funding of IVF would pay for itself by reducing the incidence of multiples and the associated costs. “

29 Members comments on non-funding... “ Infertility is a medical condition, not a lifestyle choice. “

30 Members comments on non-funding... “ Tubal ligations and vasectomies are covered but not fertility treatments. There are much cheaper forms of birth control but I only have one choice - IVF. “

31 Members comments on non-funding... “ My husband was diagnosed with a sperm morphology of less than one percent at 28 years of age. How is that a choice? “

32 Members comments on non-funding... “ Our family doctor told us that deciding to have children is a lifestyle choice and is not covered by the Government of BC MSP plan or BC Travel Assistance Program. I did not make any choices; infertility made the choice for us! “

33 Members comments on non-funding... “ My husband and I are thankful we can even give IVF a try, unfortunately it's not something all infertile couples can afford. “

34 Members comments on non-funding... “ My extended health plan does not cover fertility medications as it considers them "lifestyle drugs", however it does cover medications for erectile dysfunction and smoking cessation. “

35 Members comments on non-funding... “ Government assisted IVF will save both our health care and social programs millions. It just makes sense. “

36 Members comments on non-funding... “ For a woman with bilaterally blocked tubes, IVF is often the only path to conception. 3 cycles of IVF covered by OHIP.....

37 Members comments on non-funding...... For a man with severe male factor infertility, IVF is often the only path to conception. Not one cent of IVF covered by OHIP. “

38 Members comments on non-funding... “The Ontario Government wants everyone to celebrate their family on Family Day every February but they won't help people have a family. Family Day is just another painful reminder of the struggles of infertility. “

39 Members comments on non-funding... “It seems that the BC government only wants wealthy people to have access to fertility treatments and private adoption. “

40 Members comments on non-funding... “My tax dollars pay for incarcerated criminals to get a university education but it won't help me as a taxpayer pay for my medical needs. “

41 Members thanking the professional community...

42 Convention messages from the patient community “ Thank you to the Doctors and Nurses of Ontario's Network of Experts in Fertility for treating me like a human, and not a number. “

43 Convention messages from the patient community “ Thank you to Xytex Cryo International Sperm Bank for making the most difficult decision of our life easier by providing awesome customer service, local distributors and prompt and supportive communications.”

44 Convention messages from the patient community “ Thank you Regional Fertility Program for helping us make our dream come true! “

45 Convention messages from the patient community “ Thank you Genesis for making our dreams come true. “

46 Convention messages from the patient community “Thank you to CRC (now ONE fertility) for making our dreams come true! “

47 Convention messages from the patient community “ Sincere thanks to the doctors who take the time to dig deeper and don't have a "one size fits all" approach to treating infertile couples. “

48 Convention messages from the patient community “ Thank you to all the experts on the panel who take the time to answer the questions that come with infertility. “

49 Convention messages from the patient community Thank you Dr Stephen Hudson

50 Convention messages from the patient community Thank you Dr Stephen Hudson Dr Kimberly Lui

51 Convention messages from the patient community Thank you Dr Stephen Hudson Dr Kimberly Lui Dr Jason Hitkari

52 Convention messages from the patient community Thank you Dr Stephen Hudson Dr Kimberly Lui Dr Jason Hitkari Dr Tamer Said

53 Convention messages from the patient community Thank you Dr Stephen Hudson Dr Kimberly Lui Dr Jason Hitkari Dr Tamer Said Dr Fiona McCulloch

54 IVF.CA trivia fact..... In June 2010, received 107,129 site visits.

55 IVF.CA trivia fact..... In June 2010, received 107,129 site visits.... On pace for 1,000,000+ annual visits

56 IVF.CA trivia fact..... In June 2010, received 107,129 site visits.... and we’ve never advertised before

57 IVF.CA trivia fact..... 55% of’s web traffic comes from Search engines.

58 IVF.CA trivia fact..... 55% of’s web traffic comes from Search engines. 47% from Google alone.

59 IVF.CA trivia fact..... 55% of web traffic comes from Search engines. 47% from Google alone. Patients tell us they wish clinics told them about this site.

60 Clinic Waiting Room Brochures

61 Help your clients cope with IVF by introducing them to Canada’s premiere online infertility support network.

62 Clinic Waiting Room Brochures Help your clients cope with IVF by introducing them to Canada’s premiere online infertility support network. IVF.CA

63 Clinic Waiting Room Brochures Help your clients cope with IVF by introducing them to Canada’s premiere online infertility support network. IVF.CA Your patients will appreciate it.

64 Clinic Waiting Room Brochures Help your clients cope with IVF by introducing them to Canada’s premiere online infertility support network. IVF.CA See our testimonials

65 Clinic Waiting Room Brochures Help your clients cope with IVF by introducing them to Canada’s premiere online infertility support network. IVF.CA Thank you for your support!

66 Infertility By Primary Cause – Reporting Members Members electively report their primary cause of infertility in their profiles when they register on the site.

67 Infertility By Primary Cause – Reporting Members Members electively report their primary cause of infertility in their profiles when they register on the site. Do these stats closely represent the industry?...

68 Infertility By Primary Cause – Reporting Members





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