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Washington State RCO E-Billings Introduction and Demonstration May 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington State RCO E-Billings Introduction and Demonstration May 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington State RCO E-Billings Introduction and Demonstration May 2016

2 Sections we will cover in this session:  Section 1 – Getting Paid  Section 2 – Billing RCO  Terms we may use in this session you may or may not be familiar with:  RCO: This acronym is how most of us refer to our agency: The Recreation and Conservation Office.  NCLI: This acronym is used sometimes used for No Child Left Inside  PRISM: The name of the platform RCO uses to make payments to our sponsors.  PRISM Online: The platform you will use to submit billings to RCO.

3 SECTION 1: FIRST THINGS FIRST - Making sure you’re set up to be paid by RCO  To be reimbursed for costs you report to RCO, you must be set up with the state as a payee and have an associated statewide vendor number. If this is not in place before you submit a billing, we cannot pay you until this is obtained.  “Fine, but how do I do this?”, you might ask.  Let us know if you need to do this and we can provide the Payee Registration form & W9 to fill out and fax to the number listed on page 2. (you will need to fill out both pages and sign both - but sign pg 1 only if you provide deposit information).  Visit the Department of Enterprise Services Web page and follow the instructions there. default.aspx default.aspx

4 Got a Statewide Vendor Number?  Once you receive a Statewide Vendor Number, you need to report that number to RCO so we can enter it in PRISM so you can be paid.  If you already have a number, let us know what it is and we will verify and make sure it is in PRISM.  To contact the Department of Enterprise Services, call its help desk number: 360-407-8180. Staff will be able to best answer your questions.  May be subject to receiving a 1099 MISC form

5 (PR)oject (I)nfomation (S)yste(M) or PRISM  On our Web site, we have a page specifically for PRISM information.  1: You need to have a login username and password. To request this click on the “create a PRSIM user account” link in the PRISM User Accounts section of the PRISM Web page.  2: You also will use PRISM Online to submit billings to RCO for reimbursement of costs.  If you have questions about PRISM, please click the e-mail link in the “Feedback” section of the Web page. For other questions, please contact one of the fiscal team members.

6 SECTION 2: What is RCO E-Billing?  Everything required for billing is entered online  RCO reimburses – You must spend the $$ first  Payment details  Description, amount, date, t ransaction numbers, vendor/employee  Required attachments  Equipment purchase invoices > $1,000  Expanded Documentation

7 RCO Match Requirements  Your agreement will define if you have any match requirements  Match can be satisfied using any of the following  Expenditures  Report 100% of your expenditures, PRISM will automatically calculate the match  Donations  Report as non-reimbursable  Volunteers  Need to have volunteer log sheet: see Manual 8, Reimbursements page 11 for required elements  Skilled vs general labor

8 Billing Submitted by Sponsor RCO Reviews Billing State Treasurer Releases Funds RCO Processes Billing Return to Sponsor if needed The Billing Cycle $

9 Section 2 - RCO E-Billings – DEMO 1  Logon as sponsor - Username, P-word  Go to home page  Need to be related to organization  Need to be related to a project with the correct role  Billing  Project Contact  Alternate Project Contact  IMPORTANT if you DO not have a logon to PRISM, or do not have the correct roles in the projects let us know. Get it fixed if needed. Use the e-mail later in presentation.  Pick a project to bill –  Go to project brief, point out project information  Start date, end date, RCO amount, match

10 RCO E-Billings – DEMO 2  Non-Capital Project  Start billing/billing set up – i.e. date: 05/01- 5/31/2016  Entry by hand to complete bill - Cost page (specific to type)  5 required fields (pd to/empl, descr, amount, $$, Chk/doc, date(s))  Page error ck - Have one mistake to show how the errors show up  Equipment cost page  Enter the 5 required entries  Attach a photo and invoice  Complete bill  Check bill for errors  Certify and submit invoice  Comments saved in status history on certify & submit/routing page  To print contents of the billing use: Billing Detail Report PDF  When you get paid you will receive a payment confirmation e-mail

11 RCO E-Billings – DEMO 3  Related manuals  Manual 8, Reimbursements  Manual 23, No Child Left Inside These can be found on:

12 Manual 8 and 23 highlights  Manual 8 ineligible costs (pg 13)  Celebration  Alcohol  Bad debt expenses  NO CASH  Religious activities  Manual 23 allows (pg 7)  T-shirts and awards  Manual 23 ineligible (pg 8)  Computer games, car purchases, teacher training

13 RCO E-Billings - Conclusion  Resources  Web site: RCO.WA.GOV  E-mail:  Fiscal contacts  Sabrina Subia: 360-725-3938 (N-Z)  Sandy Scott: 360-902-3007 (A-M)  Gerald Seed: 360-902-2954

14 RCO E-Billings  Questions?

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