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This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Services for the Life Cycle of Scholarship Mike Furlough, Penn State University.

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1 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Services for the Life Cycle of Scholarship Mike Furlough, Penn State University August 7, 2012 SUNY Geneso

2 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Roadmap About you, about us Scholarly communication: what is it? Penn State Libraries context Putting publishing services in context Continuum of publishing activities & services Strategies for success (IMLS study) Business planning: (CLIR/DLF study)

3 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license.


5 Scholarly communications & stewardship

6 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Transformation: Drivers Consumer technology and user expectations The marketplace for academic publishing The open access/copyleft movement The emergence of digital scholarship in humanities & social sciences The emergence of computationally-driven data-intensive science Mass digitization …

7 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license.

8 Office of Digital Scholarly Publishing (ODSP) Conceptualized in the 1990s, collaborations in early 2000s, formally began in March of 2005 Jointly run by Press and University Libraries Cooperative projects: Publishing/Archiving/Hosting of Journal Content Online OA monograph Conference Proceedings Paperback POD Editions of Formerly Out-of-Print Books Paperback POD Editions of Formerly Out-of-Print Books

9 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. What can we help faculty and students do that no one else can help them with?

10 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Discussion

11 The Continuum of University and College Publishing* *Actually, this is really about planning for success Mike Furlough, Penn State University August 7, 2012 SUNY Geneseo

12 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Roadmap About you, about us Scholarly communication: what is it? Penn State Libraries context Continuum of publishing activities & services Putting publishing services in context Strategies for success (IMLS study) Business planning: (CLIR/DLF study)

13 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. A continuum of publishing activities

14 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license.

15 A programmatic view

16 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Principles Service driven Strategic investment Build upon historical strengths Experimentation Future focused

17 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license.

18 ScholarSphere Principles 1.Everything we do must help researchers and students achieve their scholarly aims. 1.Everything we do must help researchers and students achieve their scholarly aims. 2.Penn State users are the primary contributors of content we publish and curate. 2.Penn State users are the primary contributors of content we publish and curate. 3.Non-Penn State consumers of the content are as important as Penn State users. 3.Non-Penn State consumers of the content are as important as Penn State users. 4.The services we provide will be for stuff that is primarily scholarly. 5.Most of the stuff we handle will be inactive, if not at a stage of completion. 5.Most of the stuff we handle will be inactive, if not at a stage of completion. 6.The scholarly stuff we handle will persist. 7.We must respect and work within a framework of other policies and laws. 7.We must respect and work within a framework of other policies and laws.

19 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license.



22 Office of Digital Scholarly Publishing (ODSP) Where do we take this now? What kinds of collaborations make sense for us? How much staffing capacity is there for collaboration?

23 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Publishing & Curation Services Enable Penn State’s faculty and students to publish and distribute their research and scholarship, including data sets, for worldwide discovery, sharing, and access. Data Curation Services Scholarly Publishing Services Digital Scholarship Services

24 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license.

25 Working solo Local partnership Multi-institution coordination Jointly owned cooperative

26 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license.


28 Workplace Training Philosophy

29 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Office of Digital Scholarly Publishing (ODSP) Conceptualized in the 1990s, collaborations in early 2000s, formally began in March of 2005 Jointly run by Press and University Libraries Cooperative projects: Publishing/Archiving/Hosting of Journal Content Online OA monograph Conference Proceedings Paperback POD Editions of Formerly Out-of-Print Books Paperback POD Editions of Formerly Out-of-Print Books

30 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Libraries and Presses: Two Cultures Inward facing vs outward facing Expenditure based vs revenue based User perspective v author perspective Cooperative vs competitive

31 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Clichés LibraryUniversity Press Online deliveryPrint Delivery Giving it awaySelling it Digitize & reformatPackage CollectCorrect TrainFollow the instructions The Broader ContextThe Product Working through itTake it or leave it PreserveProtect Sure!Um….okay….*sigh* Thumbs up!!Smacks forehead!!

32 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license.

33 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. LPS Report: Recommendations Develop Best Practices for Library Publishing Develop Best Practices for Library Publishing Develop meaningful metrics Develop meaningful metrics Establish editorial quality and performance criteria Establish editorial quality and performance criteria Develop return-on-investment justifications Develop return-on-investment justifications Collaborate to Create Community-based Resources Collaborate to Create Community-based Resources Share policies, tools, and templates Share policies, tools, and templates Centrally hosted software and publishing platforms Centrally hosted software and publishing platforms Formalize Skills & Training Formalize Skills & Training Create formal and informal training venues Create formal and informal training venues Articulate the particular value delivered by library publishing Articulate the particular value delivered by library publishing

34 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Business Cases for New Service Development in Research Libraries Ted Fons, OCLC Mike Furlough, Penn State Elizabeth Kirk, Dartmouth College Carol Hunter, University of North Carolina Judy Luther, Informed Strategies Michele Reid, North Dakota State University CLIR/DLF sponsors this work MediaCommons will host results of our work Beverly Lynch, Director, Senior Fellows Program, UCLA introduced us

35 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Why business case planning? Our goal is to provide the Library/Higher Education community with processes, tools, best practices, and examples to enable successful planning for library services to support new scholarly communications practices. Our goal is to provide the Library/Higher Education community with processes, tools, best practices, and examples to enable successful planning for library services to support new scholarly communications practices.

36 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. If you can’t persuade me that the work you’re doing is going to make us more famous, we’re not going to be interested in investing in you…. Is that wise and profound and good? No. It’s stupid. But that’s the way it is…. --John V. Lombardi, President of Louisiana State University at the October 2011 ARL Meeting. If you can’t persuade me that the work you’re doing is going to make us more famous, we’re not going to be interested in investing in you…. Is that wise and profound and good? No. It’s stupid. But that’s the way it is…. --John V. Lombardi, President of Louisiana State University at the October 2011 ARL Meeting.

37 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. NOTE The following slides were authored by my colleague Elizabeth Kirk, Dartmouth Univeristy, for a talk we gave at the Digital Library Federation in November 2011.

38 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Recommendations for Success We need a toolkit for making informed decisions about creating new services We need a toolkit for making informed decisions about creating new services Diagnose organizational and institutional readiness Diagnose organizational and institutional readiness Develop a business case Develop a business case “A culture of discipline is not a principle of business; it is a principle of greatness.” (Jim Collins on non-profits) “A culture of discipline is not a principle of business; it is a principle of greatness.” (Jim Collins on non-profits)

39 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Organizational readiness Are the climate and capacity ready for very different kinds of services? Are the climate and capacity ready for very different kinds of services? Four steps: Four steps: Understand if you are mission-ready Understand if you are mission-ready Know your risk tolerance Know your risk tolerance Determine outcomes that promote impact and sustainability Determine outcomes that promote impact and sustainability Make sure that you can put resources in the right places Make sure that you can put resources in the right places

40 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Mission and risk Do proposed new services “fit”? Do proposed new services “fit”? Are the library and the institution comfortable with new service development? Are the library and the institution comfortable with new service development? Is risk-taking rewarded or is maintaining the status quo essential? Is risk-taking rewarded or is maintaining the status quo essential? Is there an understanding of the importance of revenue and a willingness to keep services financially feasible? Is there an understanding of the importance of revenue and a willingness to keep services financially feasible?

41 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Outcomes and resource allocation Social enterprises balance social and economic values Social enterprises balance social and economic values Outcomes must promote high mission impact and high viability Outcomes must promote high mission impact and high viability Environmental scan: are all of the essential pieces in place? Environmental scan: are all of the essential pieces in place?

42 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Developing a business case What happens if… ? What happens if… ? Multiple steps Multiple steps Create a basic outcome statement Create a basic outcome statement Identify options and analyze them Identify options and analyze them Pinpoint and test Pinpoint and test Write your implementation plan Write your implementation plan

43 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Outcomes and options Define what a service will accomplish Define what a service will accomplish Tie desired outcomes to strategic goals Tie desired outcomes to strategic goals Brainstorm all possible options, then narrow Brainstorm all possible options, then narrow Gather data and analyze the options Gather data and analyze the options Benefits, viability, costs Benefits, viability, costs Should you really do this alone, or as part of a distributed effort? Should you really do this alone, or as part of a distributed effort? Timeframes Timeframes Talk to key stakeholders early and often Talk to key stakeholders early and often

44 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Pinpoint, test, implement Find the sweet spot Find the sweet spot Identify and plan for risk Identify and plan for risk Be realistic: avoid best-case scenarios Be realistic: avoid best-case scenarios Write an implementation plan Write an implementation plan Action items and timelines Action items and timelines Value proposition and marketing Value proposition and marketing

45 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Further considerations: Test. Build. Assess. Rebuild. To pilot or not to pilot? To pilot or not to pilot? Who’s the project manager? Who’s the project manager? No, really, who? No, really, who? Creativity and freedom to fail Creativity and freedom to fail Execution and assessment Execution and assessment The cycle of change and assessment The cycle of change and assessment

46 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. What can we help faculty and students do that no one else can help them with?

47 This presentation is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Discussion

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