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Misunderstandings Grammar and Homophones Alice Chiu March 1, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Misunderstandings Grammar and Homophones Alice Chiu March 1, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Misunderstandings Grammar and Homophones Alice Chiu March 1, 2005

2 Misunderstanding—grammar 1/3 Allen: I’ve been waiting here for five minutes to cross this road. Bill: Well, there’s a zebra crossing further down the road. Allen: Well, I hope it is having better luck than I’m having. What’s Allen thinking when Bill tells him there’s a zebra crossing further down the road? What does Bill really mean?

3 Misunderstanding—grammar 2/3 Joe: Your dog is chasing a man on the bicycle. Sue: don’t be stupid. My dog can’t cycle. What’s Sue thinking when Joe tells her that her dog is chasing a man on the bicycle? What does Joe really mean?

4 Misunderstanding—grammar 3/3 Tim: The police are looking for a man with one eye called Wilson. Helen: What’s the other eye called? What’s Helen thinking when Tim told her that the police are looking for a man with one eye called Wilson? What does Tim really mean?

5 Misunderstanding—homophone 1/3 Tom: have you ever hunted bear? Bill: No, I always hunt with my clothes on. What word does Bill misunderstand?

6 Misunderstanding—homophone 2/3 A teacher saw two boys fighting in the playground. Teacher: Stop! You know the school rule—no fighting allowed. Boy: But sir, we were fighting quietly. What word does the word misunderstand?

7 Misunderstanding—homophone 3/3 Fortune Teller: Would you like your palm read, sir? Man: No thanks, I like the color it is now. What word does the man misunderstand?

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