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V. 21. Improvements to the PC – Server transactions log available for viewing via the GUI Rep_ver 017099 Yoel Kortick.

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Presentation on theme: "V. 21. Improvements to the PC – Server transactions log available for viewing via the GUI Rep_ver 017099 Yoel Kortick."— Presentation transcript:

1 V. 21. Improvements to the PC – Server transactions log available for viewing via the GUI Rep_ver 017099 Yoel Kortick

2 2 Introduction

3 3 Description: Now in addition to the start time of the PC/Server transaction ('Time' in the previous versions), the time after the transaction is measured, saved in the log file and displayed in the 'Show PC/Server Transaction Log'. The new time format is hh:mm:ss. In the GUI 'Show PC/Server Transaction Log' window the new column 'End' has been added and the previous column 'Time' has been renamed to 'Begin'. The.\alephcom\tab\ \tab_col.dat file has been changed accordingly

4 4 In other words … Formerly (before version 21) when the librarian viewed the PC server transactions log he had no way of knowing how long a transaction took. The “Time” appeared, but not the start and end time

5 5 In other words … Now (version 21 and up) when the librarian views the PC server transactions log he knows how long each transaction took. Now the date as well as start and end time appears.

6 6 Useful aspect of development This is very useful for identifying the cause of performance issues. In viewing the log file the exact program and function which may be taking longer than usual time can be identified. Each program which appears in the transaction log also appears in the pc_server log on the server in $LOGDIR.

7 7 Useful aspect of development In the next slide you will see that the pc_server log file in $LOGDIR on the server contains the IP of each PC running the GUI It also contains the program name and description being run This information is transferred to the PC server transaction log file viewable via the GUI

8 8 Useful aspect of development

9 9 The “Response” Column The “Response” returns the value of server transaction (‘status’). If < 0 then this is error code.

10 10 To implement this change … Make sure these lines exist in …\AL500\Alephcom\Tab\Eng\TAB_COL.DAT

11 Thank You! Thank You

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