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외계 행성과 생명 Exoplanets and Extraterrestrial Life Masateru ISHIGURO 이시구로 마사테루 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University.

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Presentation on theme: "외계 행성과 생명 Exoplanets and Extraterrestrial Life Masateru ISHIGURO 이시구로 마사테루 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University."— Presentation transcript:

1 외계 행성과 생명 Exoplanets and Extraterrestrial Life Masateru ISHIGURO 이시구로 마사테루 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University 2011-2 학기

2 Contact Address -Lecturer Masateru -TA 양홍규 Dhanraj + one


4 Today’s Contents Self-introduction Syllabus Lecture Plan Grade evaluation

5 What’s lecturer? AstronomerPlanetary Scientist

6 What’s lecturer? AstronomerPlanetary Scientist

7 1. Syllabus

8 extraterrestrial = of or from outside the Earth or its atmosphere exoplanet = a planet that orbits a star outside the solar system

9 The universe begun with Big Bang about 13.4 billions years ago

10 Life exists on the Earth

11 Life may exist on the Exo-planets

12 Is the Earth isolated from the other system? Is human being unique in the vast universe? Is the birth of the life on the Earth miracle?

13 Because the Sun is just one unremarkable star among the 100 billion objects that populate our galaxy, why should it be the only star to have a train of planets? And why should life be confined to our own Earth?

14 Purpose of This Course People have long speculated about the possibility of life outside of the Earth. We seek for the generality of Earth-like planets and the life in the universe, and consider the place of human beings in the universe. In recent years, the various kinds of materials related to the life have been found by the astronomical observations and space exploration. These discoveries invoke an exogenous origin of organic matter to the early Earth. On the other hand, the advances in the astronomical instrumentation technique have increased the detection of the exoplanetary system. It seems to be a matter of time before the detection of Earth-like planets. In such a situation, we aim to acquire a broad range of general knowledge and advanced expertise by learning the evolution of the universe, the origin of life, exoplanetary systems. To learn these subjects, students are also supposed to study a basic physics and astronomy as well.

15 We have a plan to visit 과천 과학관 in October (to be determined). Midterm Exam on October 26 (Wed), and Final Exam on December 14. 강의계획서 Tentative plan

16 [ 성적평가 ] I will evaluate your academic assessment on the basis of: [ 출석 확인 ] We will check your attendance every lecture. If you cannot attend the lecture on account of illness or some reasons, please let me (or TA) know it. You may be required to submit the certificate. [ 부정행위 ] In the last semester, we found some students left their seats after marking absences. We deal with such student harshly. attendance + quizzes + homework

17 체험학습 (off-campus class) As a part of this class, we plan to visit the GwaCheon National Science Museum. At the Museum, they have exhibition to experience cutting-edge astronomy such as solar system objects and exploration of extraterrestrial life. In addition, they have been constructing the new public radio telescope equipped with a SETI spectrometer there. You may study the ongoing SETI project in Korea. After the lecture, all attendance must submit the written description of their impression.



20 Grade evaluation 중간 : Midterm Exam (35%) The midterm exam will take place on October26. It consists of multiple choice questions and short written exam. 기말 : Final Exam (35%) The final exam will take place on December 14. It will be comprehensive and consist of multiple choice and short written exam. Because this course is offered in English, only answers written in English are acceptable. Please be aware that the difficulty of the exams. It will be definitively higher than that of previous classes. Active participant is required in the class. Any question during or after the class are most welcome!

21 Supernumerary registration More than 60 students required to accept the supernumerary registration. Such students should submit “ 초안지 ” with my signature. Because I want to accept only motivated students, I would like them to write a letter explaining the reason and pledge with your (1) major, (2) student ID, and (3) e-mail address, and submit it to me or the administration office at the Astronomy Program (19-dong) by tomorrow noon. We will announce the result by tomorrow midnight via e-mail. If you are accepted, please bring the document ( 초안지 ) that requires my signature.

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