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English Corner – Session 3 The Macao New Chinese Youth Association.

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1 English Corner – Session 3 The Macao New Chinese Youth Association

2 Session 2 Recap T – D (water -> wader, later -> ladder C – G (welcome - > welgome, skills –> sgills) P – B (spring -> sbring, spell -> sbell About -> bot, Have -> ave, And -> n You ate too much, I like deep purple.

3 Session 2 Recap Word Stress “REcord”- “reCORD” “CONtract”-“conTRACT” “DEsert” -“deSERT” “INsult” -“inSULT” “OBject”-“obJECT” “PROject” - “proJECT”

4 Idioms Session 2 Recap 1.To be choosy – to be picky; to not like many things 2. To have a sec – to have some time 3. A blockbuster – a popular movie that made a lot of money 4. A winner – a good choice 5. To check out – to watch; to look at

5 6. To start from scratch – to start at the very beginning 7. To know your stuff – to know a lot about something 8. To keep up with – to stay up to date; to know current information 9. To be into (something) - to like something; to be interested in 10. To give a ring – to call someone on the telephone Session 2 Recap Idioms

6 Accent Reduction Don't leave off the final sound! Voiceless : p, t, s, k, f, th Voiced : b, d, z, g, v, th Sound Pairs: p – b, k – g T – d, f – v S – z, th – th

7 Accent Reduction Don't leave off the final sound! Word Pairs: Bead - beatnab - nap Heed - heat tab - tap Bid - bit bathe - bath Robe - rope breathe - breath Bag - backhave - half Tag - tack save - safe Pig - pick live - life

8 Accent Reduction Past tense “ED” Endings: cried, walked, chated How to add the “t”, “d”, and “ed” sound? Rule: If a word ends in “t”, or “d”, then you say the full “ed”. “ED” as full “ed”. For example: “waded”, “added”, “needed”

9 Accent Reduction Past tense “ED” as “D”. For example: “cried”, “grabbed”, “moved”, “viewed” Voiceless: p, t, k, f, th “ED” as “T”. For example: “walked”, “passed”, “kissed”, “laughed”

10 American Slang Expression Hey there! = used as a greeting in informal English Hold on a sec = used to ask someone to wait / Can you hold on a second? / Could (would) you please hold? / One moment, please.

11 American Slang Pronunciation How ya doin? “you” sometimes changes to “ya” Verbs ending in “-ing”often lose the final “g” She’s commin’ now, okay? Again, the final “g” is dropped from the “-ing”

12 American Slang Grammar As seen before, words are left out when the context is clear to all speakers: “Coming.”= I’m coming

13 American Slang Expression Be up for (something) = be interested or in the mood for something Take in (something) = go see a move, play, etc. Say…? = used to make a specific suggestion (such as the time of an event or the type of something) For example: Let’s meet tonight. Say 7 o’clock?

14 American Slang Pronunciation I dunno. = “don’t know”often change to “dunno” I’m kinda tired. = “kind of” often changs to “kinda” Grammar You up for a movie tonight? Auxiliary verbs (“helping verbs”) are sometimes dropped. Full question here: Are you up for a movie tonight?

15 American Slang Grammar Say 6 o’clock? Again, words are ommitted. The full question is: Let’s say 6 o’clock. – OR – Shall we say 6 o’clock? (“Shall” would make the question very polite and more formal.)

16 Online Videos Title: Obama Urges Quick Passage of Economic Stimulus Description: U.S. President Barack Obama met with top Democrat and Republican lawmakers Friday January 23rd to build support for a massive economic recovery plan. Mr. Obama says he expects Congress to approve the new package within weeks to help stimulate the battered economy and put Americans back to work. 標題 : 奧巴馬敦促儘快通過經濟刺激方案 描述 : 美國總統巴拉克 奧巴馬在 1 月 23 日星期五與高級民 主黨和共和黨議員會晤獲取對一項巨大經濟復蘇計劃的支援。 奧巴馬先生說他期望國會在幾周內批准新的方案以幫助刺激 傷痕累累的經濟和讓美國人重新工作。

17 Group Discussion 1.Form a group of 5 - 6 2.Discuss about the speech - Obama Urges Quick Passage of Economic Stimulus 3.Choose a representative and give an oral presentation on behalf of his/her group 4.Time: 10-15 mins

18 Funny Little Video Clips Communication problem A8gbmo&NR=1 emVMsRk&feature=related

19 Session 3 Recap 1. Listening and speaking skills 2. Idioms 3. Group discussion

20 Accent Reduction Don't leave off the final sound! Voiceless : p, t, s, k, f, th Voiced : b, d, z, g, v, th Sound Pairs: p – b, k – g T – d, f – v S – z, th – th

21 Accent Reduction Don't leave off the final sound! Word Pairs: Bead - beatnab - nap Heed - heat tab - tap Bid - bit bathe - bath Robe - rope breathe - breath Bag - backhave - half Tag - tack save - safe Pig - pick live - life

22 Accent Reduction Past tense “ED” Endings: cried, walked, chated How to add the “t”, “d”, and “ed” sound? Rule: If a word ends in “t”, or “d”, then you say the full “ed”. “ED” as full “ed”. For example: “waded”, “added”, “needed”

23 Accent Reduction Past tense “ED” as “D”. For example: “cried”, “grabbed”, “moved”, “viewed” Voiceless: p, t, k, f, th “ED” as “T”. For example: “walked”, “passed”, “kissed”, “laughed”

24 American Slang Expression Hey there! = used as a greeting in informal English Hold on a sec = used to ask someone to wait / Can you hold on a second? / Could (would) you please hold? / One moment, please.

25 American Slang Pronunciation How ya doin? “you” sometimes changes to “ya” Verbs ending in “-ing”often lose the final “g” She’s commin’ now, okay? Again, the final “g” is dropped from the “-ing”

26 American Slang Grammar As seen before, words are left out when the context is clear to all speakers: “Coming.”= I’m coming

27 American Slang Expression Be up for (something) = be interested or in the mood for something Take in (something) = go see a move, play, etc. Say…? = used to make a specific suggestion (such as the time of an event or the type of something) For example: Let’s meet tonight. Say 7 o’clock?

28 American Slang Pronunciation I dunno. = “don’t know”often change to “dunno” I’m kinda tired. = “kind of” often changs to “kinda” Grammar You up for a movie tonight? Auxiliary verbs (“helping verbs”) are sometimes dropped. Full question here: Are you up for a movie tonight?

29 American Slang Grammar Say 6 o’clock? Again, words are ommitted. The full question is: Let’s say 6 o’clock. – OR – Shall we say 6 o’clock? (“Shall” would make the question very polite and more formal.)

30 Online Videos Title: Obama Urges Quick Passage of Economic Stimulus Description: U.S. President Barack Obama met with top Democrat and Republican lawmakers Friday January 23rd to build support for a massive economic recovery plan. Mr. Obama says he expects Congress to approve the new package within weeks to help stimulate the battered economy and put Americans back to work. 標題 : 奧巴馬敦促儘快通過經濟刺激方案 描述 : 美國總統巴拉克 奧巴馬在 1 月 23 日星期五與高級民 主黨和共和黨議員會晤獲取對一項巨大經濟復蘇計劃的支援。 奧巴馬先生說他期望國會在幾周內批准新的方案以幫助刺激 傷痕累累的經濟和讓美國人重新工作。

31 Learn English through songs Unchained Melody Sara Up where we belong

32 Q & A

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