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1 Tobacco

2 Smoking trends by High School Students

3 What is Tobacco? Tobacco is a plant grown in the United States, China, Brazil and India among other countries. The leaves of tobacco plants are dried, aged for two years, and then used to make cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco and snuff.

4 Why People Smoke Nicotine addiction - addiction can start a few days after have a few cigarettes. Half of teenagers progress to daily smoking, and become addicted Social and psychological factors- physical addiction, and habits (using tobacco in social situations), character Why start in the first place?-- appear older, mature, cool, manly, parents smoke do not discourage smoking. Who uses tobacco?- 90% of new smokers are children and teens, average age is 13.

5 CHEMICALS????? Find your match (picture to a description) Share your description of the chemical to the class (read)

6 Chemicals in Tobacco Questions to Ask Yourself Would you pour nail polish remover (Acetone) over your cereal in the morning, or brush your teeth with mascara (Stearic Acid) ? Of course not! Would you use shaving cream (ethanol) in place of whipped cream on a piece of pie? Nope! Yet, when you use tobacco, you are taking these chemicals into your body! There are over 4,000 chemicals in tobacco. 200 of them are heavy metals like cadimum (which is used to make batteries).

7 Tar – A dark, thick, sticky liquid that forms when tobacco burns. 1 pack of Cigarette = 1 Quart of Tar in the lungs over a lifetime

8 Nicotine – An addictive drug that is found in all tobacco products. Carbon monoxide – A colorless, odorless, poisonous gas that is produced when tobacco burns. A stimulant More than 4000 chemicals 10% are carcinogens or poisonous Carcinogens are cancer causing agents The 3 most poisonous chemicals are: tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide


10 Different Forms of Tobacco Cigarette – The most common form in which tobacco is used. Cigars and Pipes – Cigars and Pipes produce more tar than cigarettes. Cigar smokers are more likely to develop cancers. Smokeless Tobacco – Chew is made from coarsely ground tobacco leaves. Users suck and occasionally chew on it.

11 How Tobacco Affects the Body Systems

12 Tobacco Affects the Body System

13 How Tobacco Affects the Body Personal Appearance Stained Teeth Stained fingers Clothing damage Bloodshot eyes Wrinkles Smelly clothes Bad breath

14 The Cost of Tobacco 1 Pack a Day $98.51$1,182.09 1.5 Packs a Day $147.76$1,773.14 2 Packs a Day $197.02$2,364.18 # of Packs Cost/Month Cost/Year $3.25 Per Pack Lifetime cost = 60 years = $141,850.80

15 The Cost of Tobacco Packs/ Day Cost/ Month Cost/ year 1$127.30$1527.60 1.5$190.95$2291.44 2$254.60$3055.22 $4.20 Per Pack Lifetime Cost = $183,313.20

16 Hidden Cigarette Costs Clothes ruined from cigarette smoke or cigarette burns. Higher Insurance Rates Doctor or Dental bills from Smoking

17 Tobacco Addictions Addiction – A physical or mental need for a drug or other substance. Nicotine is as addictive as heroin, cocaine and alcohol Tobacco is the most common form of drug addiction in the United States.

18 Choose to BE Tobacco FREE Why Teens Start to use Tobacco A False Crutch: Peer Pressure Control Weight Look cool Stress Parents smoke Using Lighters / Carrying Cigarettes

19 Loss of Control 75% of tobacco addicts SAY they want to quit 60-80% of addicts quit at stop-smoking clinics, but nearly all relapse tobacco addicts have dysfunctional need gratification cycle average 40 minutes between nicotine fix (get edgy, irritable, trouble concentrating if no drug)

20 It’s not to late to Quit

21 Tobacco In The Media !! Gives false impressions of people who smoke Images Athletic Healthy Rebels Mature Attractive

22 The Reality of SMOKING!! Reality Sickly Constantly Short of Breath Social outcasts Prematurely Aged

23 The Truth!

24 Electronic Cigarettes

25 Electronic Cigarettes History: Electronic cigarettes, also called e-cigarettes, were invented in 2003 by a Chinese pharmacist. Today, there are hundreds of brands. E-Juice - The liquid used in e-cigarettes is a mixture of nicotine, flavors, and propylene glycol Propylene glycol is a food preservative Flavors include: gummy bears, fruit punch, peach, licorice, Swedish Fish, etc.

26 Youth Prevalence In 2012, 10% of high school students reported ever using e-cigarettes, up from 4.7% in 2011. More than 75% of these students also report using cigarettes

27 Health Effects These products are poorly regulated and highly variable. One study found that: Nicotine content labeling was not always accurate; some cartridges that were labeled “no nicotine” actually contained high doses of nicotine EC vapor has been found to contain heavy metals, silicate, and nanoparticles (which can go deep into the lungs) Many of the ingredients found in EC vapor are known to be dangerous to human health. These ingredients can cause: lung and cardiac inflammation, cancer, and cell damage.

28 Marketing

29 Find out the Facts The Truth! Go to Pick an interesting fact and create a small poster for our TRUTH wall. Use colors and make it appealing to the eye.

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