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(First planet from the sun. (It has no moons. (No rings. (One year is 88 days. (One day is 59 days.

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Presentation on theme: "(First planet from the sun. (It has no moons. (No rings. (One year is 88 days. (One day is 59 days."— Presentation transcript:


2 (First planet from the sun. (It has no moons. (No rings. (One year is 88 days. (One day is 59 days.

3 <It is a small rocky planet. <It is 36 million miles from the sun. <It travels around the sun more quickly than any other planet. <Mercury looks brighter than any other planet.

4 #Second planet from the sun. #It has no moon. #It has no rings. #224.7 days in a year. #243 days in a year

5 >Its average distance from the sun is 68 million miles. >It is the brightest object in the night sky after the moon. >It is sometimes called the Evening Star or Morning Star. >It is surrounded by a heavy atmosphere.

6 ♦Third planet from the sun. ♦Has one moon. ♦No rings. ♦365.3 days in a year. ♦24 hours is one day.

7 =It is 93 million miles from the sun. =Distance is just right from the sun to support life. =Huge plates of rocky crust float very slowly across the mantle. =Has a thick atmosphere

8 ЏHas a thin atmosphere. ЏKnown as the red planet. ЏTakes eight months to get to in a spaceship. ЏIt is rocky and solid.

9 ♠Fourth planet from the sun. ♠687 days in a year. ♠24.5 hours in a day. ♠has two moons. ♠It has no rings.

10 ©Fifth planet from the sun. ©At least 16 moons. ©It has two rings. ©12 earth years is one year. ©One day is 9.8 hours.

11 ►Gas planet. ►If it were hallow all the other planets would fit inside it. ►The Great Red spot is nearly 25,000 miles wide. ►The temperature is 250°F below zero.

12 !S!Sixth planet from the sun. !A!At least 17 moons. !I!It has many rings. !2!29.3 earth years in a year. !1!10.7 hours in a day.

13 TTakes six years to get to in a spaceship. IIt might have a liquid interior small core. IIt is 890 million miles from the sun. IIt could float if you could find an ocean big enough.

14 @Seventh planet from the sun. @At least 15 moons. @It has ten rings. @84 earth years is one year. @17 hours is one day.

15 ®F®First planet to be discovered by a telescope. ®I®It is surrounded by a strange magnetic field. ®I®It is half the size of Jupiter. ®I®It is about one three quarter billion miles from the sun.

16 $E$Eighth planet from the sun. $H$Has eight moons. $H$Has four rings. $1$165 Earth years in one year. $1$16 hours in one day.

17 ♣I♣It has 700 mile per hour winds. ♣I♣It is 2.8 billion miles from the sun. ♣I♣It’s rings are very narrow and faint. ♣I♣It rotates eastward every 16 hours and three minutes.

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