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Performance test of the SOI pixel detector Hideki MIYAKE (Osaka University) for SOIPIX group Hideki MIYAKE (Osaka University) for SOIPIX group Oct.31,

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Presentation on theme: "Performance test of the SOI pixel detector Hideki MIYAKE (Osaka University) for SOIPIX group Hideki MIYAKE (Osaka University) for SOIPIX group Oct.31,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance test of the SOI pixel detector Hideki MIYAKE (Osaka University) for SOIPIX group Hideki MIYAKE (Osaka University) for SOIPIX group Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii

2 Related talks Introduction Radiation damage test Introduction Radiation damage test H.Ishino TCAD simulation study M.Hazumi Performance test This talk

3 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii Y. Arai *, Y. Ikegami, H. Ushiroda, Y. Unno, O. Tajima, T. Tsuboyama, S. Terada, M. Hazumi, H. Ikeda A, K. Hara B, H. Ishino C, T. Kawasaki D, H. Miyake E, G. Varner F, E. Martin F, H. Tajima G, M. Ohno H, K. Fukuda H, H. Komatsubara H, J. Ida H, H. Hayashi H KEK 、 JAXA A, U. Tsukuba B, TIT C, Niigata U. D, Osaka U. E, U. Hawaii F, SLAC G, OKI Elec. Ind. Co. H (*)—contact person Y. Arai *, Y. Ikegami, H. Ushiroda, Y. Unno, O. Tajima, T. Tsuboyama, S. Terada, M. Hazumi, H. Ikeda A, K. Hara B, H. Ishino C, T. Kawasaki D, H. Miyake E, G. Varner F, E. Martin F, H. Tajima G, M. Ohno H, K. Fukuda H, H. Komatsubara H, J. Ida H, H. Hayashi H KEK 、 JAXA A, U. Tsukuba B, TIT C, Niigata U. D, Osaka U. E, U. Hawaii F, SLAC G, OKI Elec. Ind. Co. H (*)—contact person Financial Support by KEK Detector Technology Project SOIPIX collaborators KEK Detector Technology Project : [SOIPIX Group]

4 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii List of 2005 TEG NameAMPTEG Preamp, Time over threshold, comparator, active feed back etc. RADTEG Pixel, transistor, ring oscillator PIXTEG 32x32 pixel array with readout STRIPTEG Short strip sensor HAWAIITEG Hard X-ray compton polarimeter Our fully-Depleted CMOS SOI TEG is fabricated by OKI Electric Industry Co. Ltd. - commercial technology with 150nm rule

5 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii Performance test OUTLINE Strip TEG Strip TEG I-V characteristics I-V characteristics Laser pulse scan Laser pulse scan Pixel TEG Pixel TEG I-V characteristics I-V characteristics Laser image view Laser image view Beta source Beta source Strip TEG Strip TEG I-V characteristics I-V characteristics Laser pulse scan Laser pulse scan Pixel TEG Pixel TEG I-V characteristics I-V characteristics Laser image view Laser image view Beta source Beta source

6 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii Strip TEG This one! 2.5mm We fabricated two types of chips with a different resistivity. (standard and high resistive type) This time we evaluated the high resistive type. (N-type ~700Ωcm ~6 ✕ 10 12 cm -3 ) We fabricated two types of chips with a different resistivity. (standard and high resistive type) This time we evaluated the high resistive type. (N-type ~700Ωcm ~6 ✕ 10 12 cm -3 ) Short p + -strip (length:460um) Short p + -strip (length:460um) Window for Light Illumination Bonding Pad

7 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii w/FET electrodes Breakdown Substrate-strip I-V 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (V) I(A) 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 10 -7 10 -8 10 -9 10 -10 10 -11 10 -12 Strip I-V characteristics Different strip structures Different strip structures Strip width Strip width FET electrodes FET electrodes w FET I I I I p-n junction exists Breakdown:50~60V p-n junction exists Breakdown:50~60V n p-strip Type7 Type3 Type1 Type5 Type6 Type2 Type4 Type8 ohmic w=40um w=30um w=10um strip-strip I-V 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 10 -7 10 -8 10 -9 10 -10 10 -11 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (V)

8 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii Laser Pulse 270KΩ 50MΩ n-bias p Amp (CS527) SoI chip Laser We used two types laser: Diode laser Hamamatsu PLP-01 (λ=859nm) Diode laser PicoQuant PDL-800B (λ=980nm) Laser Amp Microscope SoI

9 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii Pulse Shape Focused (microscope) Focused (microscope) Only one channel shows the pulse  good channel separation! Only one channel shows the pulse  good channel separation! 2 4 42 1 980nm 4 2 1 Note:Most right strips are coupled 859nm Unfocused Unfocused Pulses are seen at all 3 channels Pulses are seen at all 3 channels

10 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii Charge collection efficiency Focused Laser 980nm  No saturation until breakdown Not yet fully depleted Hot Spot search is necessary  later Pulse height depends on V back

11 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii Laser Scan Focused 980nm Laser is injected on movable stage. Focused 980nm Laser is injected on movable stage. Two windows for light injection Two windows for light injection When laser light hits the readout metal traces, the observed charge reflect the light When laser light hits the readout metal traces, the observed charge reflect the light Reasonable charge collection and separation between strips is confirmed. Reasonable charge collection and separation between strips is confirmed. Laser 980nm SOI chip

12 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii CMOS Active Pixel Sensor Type 20  m x 20  m 32 x 32 pixels Pixel TEG Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii

13 6"  MPW wafer 2.5 mm (chip) 20  m (pixel) Window for Light Illumination (5.4 x 5.4 um 2 ) Window for Light Illumination (5.4 x 5.4 um 2 ) p+ junction Storage Capacitance (100 fF) Storage Capacitance (100 fF) Pixel Layout

14 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii Pixel first signal! Weak Light Strong Light No Light The ramp up speed differs depending on the light intensity. V back =5V V back =5V Flashlight Flashlight Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii Reset-Integrate-Readout

15 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii Pixel I-V characteristic Breakdown:~100V Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii

16 Hot Spot observed with infrared camera corner of the bias ring I = 40  A, T = 1 min  Smooth the corner and move the ring inward at next submission. Hot Spot search Breakdown:~100V Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii

17 Plastic Mask Laser (670 nm) Vdet = 10 V Exposure Time = 7  s Photo Image 32x32 image view with 670nm Laser and plastic mask 32x32 image view with 670nm Laser and plastic mask Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (mm) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (mm) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

18 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii 90 Sr source Pixel sensor Response to beta source Performance test as a particle detector Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii Output of one channel is observed with oscilloscope. Output of one channel is observed with oscilloscope.

19 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii V det = 10 V W depletion ~ 44  m Q ~ 3500 e (0.6 fC) Response to beta source The voltage jump corresponds to particle hit. The voltage jump corresponds to particle hit. Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii Expected signal amplitude was observed for  -ray.

20 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii We tested basic performance of SOI detector fabricated in a commercial 0.15  m SOI CMOS process. Short strip sensor shows p-n junction and good channel separation with infrared laser light. Pixel sensor shows good image ‘KEK06’ with red laser light. Signal for  -ray from 90 Sr is observed. Break down voltage of present pixel sensor is about 100V and hot spot is identified. Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii SummarySummary

21 Let’s enjoy Hawaii!

22 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii Let’s enjoy Hawaii! Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii


24 補足

25 Hot Spot search for Strip TEG Hot spots are seen at edge of strips

26 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii PD vs. FD IBM PowerPC, AMD Athlon, Sony Cell … OKI Radio Controlled Wrist Watch (CASIO)

27 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii '05 10 Submission Layouts

28 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii Previous Activity Processed in Lab. with ~3  m technology. Ended at 2004?

29 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii Contact & Sheet Resistance [Sheet R] n+ : 33  /square p+ : 136  /square [Contact] (0.16x0.16um 2 ) n+ : 87  p+ : 218  Hi-R (> 1k  cm) Std. wafer (p+, ~13  cm) Std. wafer (p+, ~13  cm) Hi-R (> 1k  cm) p+ contact n+ contact

30 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii Pixel Leak current I ~ 150 fA/pixel

31 Oct.31, 2006 DPF-JPS joint meeting@Hawaii V dependence of the pulse height Note:Ch2  Ch4 are swapped Note:Ch2  Ch4 are swapped Unfocused Laser 859nm Focused Laser  No saturation until breakdown 980nm

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