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Energy Meters Production & Testing SHIVJI LAL CHOUDHARY.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Meters Production & Testing SHIVJI LAL CHOUDHARY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Meters Production & Testing SHIVJI LAL CHOUDHARY

2  Device to measure electrical consumption in units.  Electric meters are typically calibrated in billing units, the most common one being the kilowatt hour.

3 EElectromechanical Meters. EElectronic Meters.

4  PCB Manufacturing steps  Commercial production methods  Hobbyist prototype

5  Saving of time  Saving of space on the circuit board  Saving of wires  Low cost  Reliablity  Automation

6  Only little current can flow between the components as the copper tracks are very thin.  Soldering requires extreme precaution as it can damage the copper tracks.

7  Preprocessing  Photolithography ◦ Appliying photoresist ◦ Exposure to UV ◦ Development ◦ Etching ◦ Stripping ◦ Drilling ◦ Bareboard Testing ◦ Soldering

8  SMT stands for Surface Mount Technology.  One of the latest trend in the Electronics industry.  It is a technology in which surface mount components are directly mounted on the surface of Printed Circuit Board.

9  Smaller in Size.  Fewer holes need to be drilled through boards.  Simpler automated assembly.  Components can be placed on both sides of the circuit board.  Faster Assembly.

10 CComplicated process MManual prototype is difficult IIt cannot be used on the breadboards SSolder connection may damage the components.

11  Liquid Crystal Display  Real Time Clock  Current Transformer

12  Based on microcontroller.  10 bits ADC.  Non-Volatile Flash memory.  Linear Approximation.

13  Self Dignostic Features  Maximum Demand  Communication  Power Off Auto Display  Name Plate  Recording  Tamper and Fraud Monitering

14  ASIC processor.  Rms calculation upto 30 th harmonic.  Sample rate 320 k samples.

15  External Tampering  Magnetic field Tampering.  Neutral Tampering.  High Frequency & High Voltage Tampering

16  Internal Tampering  Internal Connection Tampering.  Loose Wire Connection.  By-Passing the coil.

17 AAnalog Bench. SSemi Automatic bench. AAutomatic Bench.

18 TType Test. RRoutine Test. AAcceptance Test.

19 MMechnaical Requirement RResistance to Heat & Fire. CClimatic Influences. EElectrical Parameters. IInsulation Properties. IInfluence of Heating IInfluence of Supply voltage

20  EMC & EMI  Accuracy. NNo-load condition.

21  A brief knowledge about the energy meters.  Knowledge about single phase & three phase meters.  Testing of Meters.

22 Any Queries.

23 Thank You.

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