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1. Welcome Zero Robotics Educator Training June 4, 2016 2.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Welcome Zero Robotics Educator Training June 4, 2016 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 Welcome Zero Robotics Educator Training June 4, 2016 2

3 Agenda Info needed for state coordinator State Rosters ( excel sheets)  Student accounts (creating student accounts)  Team Management (add students to the ZR team roster)  ZR Evaluation (educator, student, training pre/post)  Review Program Schedule  Review Location of Materials/Update on new materials  Game: SpySPHERES MS 2D  Questions - emailed in  getMyZRState  More Questions 3

4 How to Ask Questions Today 4

5 5 Info for State Rosters-Send to State Coordinator Complete your STATE ROSTER Important Info needed: –Zero Robotics Sign-in Email ( Email Address Linked with Google/ZR Website) –Communication Email for mailing list

6 6 State Coordinator Contact info SESSION ONE Alabama ALACN California CA. DOE – Region 5 Coordinator Georgia GSAN Texas Texas A&M & TXPOST Florida FAN SESSION TWO Connecticut Central Connecticut State University DC Metro/Maryland STEM Action Idaho IAN Massachusetts MIT & MAP Oregon OregonASK Washington Schools Out Washington West Virginia NASA IV & V

7 How to Invite Students to Your Team

8 Invite Team Members To begin: Log into the ZR website From the “Tournaments” menu select “Manage Teams”

9 Invite Team Members (cont.) If you are a team lead a window will open with: Team information Team Roster Edit the information as desired Not a team lead? A window will open with the Team Name only like this:

10 Invite Team Members (cont.) Only Team Leads can add new Team Members To add team members: Type in the team member’s email used on the ZR site and click “Add” The team member will appear in the roster below. Uncheck the “is lead?” box for members that are not team leads. Reminder: Each user added as a Team Member must have already created a ZR account

11 Student Account Setup What do I do if my student does not have an email account, and does not have parental permission to create an email account? 1.Email with the first name and last name of the student 2.The ZR team will set up that student with a “sandbox” account and reply to you with the following details: –username: –password: zerorobotics

12 Evaluation 12 Educator Evaluation May 2016 Pre-survey before training day (online) May 2016 Post-survey immediately following training (online) Jul/Aug 2016 Post program survey (last day of program) Student Evaluation Pre-survey First day of program (online) Post-survey Last day of program (online) August 2016 Real time survey during ISS Finals Statewide Coordination Evaluation All Statewide Coordinators, Lead Partners and MIT Undergraduates must complete an online final report in August and and/or interview with an external evaluator.

13 MS Tournament Structure & Timeline Field Day Intramurals/Practice Regional Competition ISS Collaboration ISS Finals! Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Regional Competition Week 1 Introduction Mid- Aug Introduction to Physics and Math Intro to Computer Science, SPHERES & the ZR Game Time to Play! - Programming and Support Strategies and Testing Finals Prep and My Future in Science & Engineering Introduction to Physics and Math Time to Play! - Programming and Support Strategies and Testing Schedule Competition Elements Curriculum Units Note: Due to ISS availability, the ISS Finals date is not fixed until ~3 weeks before event. 13

14 Example of Week 5 Student Video 14

15 Resources/New Materials Game Documents SpySPHERES MS 2D game 15

16 SpySPHERES MS 2D To the IDE! Create a Game Mode Project 16

17 Questions- received 1. How to estimate the time a SPHERE takes to move from point A to B? What would be its speed? Can it be changed? 2. What do random perturbations imply? What is their impact ? How they result in "large" variation in the score? Section 1.2.7 Noise 3. When in the light zone does the SPHERE regain full energy instantly? 4. When holding a mirror, can the SPHERE take pictures of opponent? 5. Will the game always start in the light zone ? Or it can be dark zone as well? 6. Will both the spheres be in the same kind light zone at the start ? 7. Is the starting location of items fixed as mentioned in the game manual? Or it can change? 8. There is no specific function to pick up an item. Correct? SPHERE just needs to be within a tolerable distance from it. 9. Picking up a mirror does not install it. Correct? 10. If the logic of the loop takes more than 1 sec, then will it be partially executed? 11. Is there a difference between taking a picture and uploading it ? 12. Once installed for how much time mirror remains active? 24 sec? 17

18 getMyZRState/ getOtherZRState 18 “getMyZRState” retrieves ZR state information (position, velocity, pointing vector, rates) for current satellite myZRstate[0] = x-coordinate myZRstate[1] = y-coordinate myZRstate[2] = z-coordinate Position Velocity Pointing vector Rotation rates [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

19 Teacher & Mentor Resources Online Curriculum (MS – Summer) Online Forums Tutorials Graphical Editor/Text Editor Live Technical Support:MIT students (Office Hours) Local Mentors 19

20 WEBSITE: CONTACT EMAIL: Twitter: @ZeroRobotics Follow us on Facebook and on Instagram 20

21 Thank You! Good Work! Now Go Have Fun! 21

22 22

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