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Chile Mariajesus C. León Alcayaga. Population CHILE: 17,62 millions U.S: 316,1 millions Population CHILE: 17,62 millions U.S: 316,1 millions ¿Why the.

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Presentation on theme: "Chile Mariajesus C. León Alcayaga. Population CHILE: 17,62 millions U.S: 316,1 millions Population CHILE: 17,62 millions U.S: 316,1 millions ¿Why the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chile Mariajesus C. León Alcayaga

2 Population CHILE: 17,62 millions U.S: 316,1 millions Population CHILE: 17,62 millions U.S: 316,1 millions ¿Why the name Chile? (Not because of this!) ¿Why the name Chile? (Not because of this!) Chile is 204 years old We speak spanish Capital City: Santiago de Chile

3 Copihue Coat of arms “By reason or by force”

4 Traditions and Festivities

5 21 de mayo

6 Fiestas Patrias

7 Navidad We are in summer! “Viejito pascuero” (Santa Claus) “Cola de mono” (monkey’s tail)

8 Año Nuevo

9 Fiesta de La Tirana

10 Fiesta de la Vendimia

11 La Minga

12 Food

13 Meals 1.Salad 2. Soup 3. Main Course 4. Dessert

14 ONCE: 11 (eleven) A G U A R D I E N T E 11 letters “Once” was the code word for liquor Hallulla Marraqueta

15 Common Dishes Anticuchos Empanadas Humitas Pastel de Choclo Choripan

16 Calzones rotos Porotos con riendas Cazuela Completos Mote con Huesillo

17 Everyday life Monday-Friday: School Friday night: Parties 11pm – 4am Saturday: Hang out with friends Sunday: Family day

18 School Schedule MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:05-9:35amBiologySpanish ChemistryMathematics 9:50-11:20amPhysicsElective: Biology Elective: Scientific EnglishFrench 11:30- 1pmPhilosophyMathematics P.E.History 1pm-2:30pmLUNCH 2:30-4pmSpanishEnglish / AAEnglishHistoryArt 4:10-5:30pmVolleyballMathematics EnglishPiano lessons 5:30-7pmVolleyball

19 Facts about Chile 33 Miners The 1st and 6th largest earthquakes ever recorded in the world history

20 Tongue Twisters 1. Tres tristes tigres trigaban trigo en un trigal 2. Pancha plancha con cuatro planchas, ¿Con cuántas planchas Pancha plancha? 3. Corren los carros del ferrocarril 4. Pablito clavó un clavito, ¿Cuántos clavitos Pablito clavó?

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