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KEK-Photon Factory Test Beams JOINT DEPFET Meeting Goettingen 24-26 September, 2012 High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Institute of Materials.

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Presentation on theme: "KEK-Photon Factory Test Beams JOINT DEPFET Meeting Goettingen 24-26 September, 2012 High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Institute of Materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 KEK-Photon Factory Test Beams JOINT DEPFET Meeting Goettingen 24-26 September, 2012 High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Institute of Materials Structure Science Soichi Wakatsuki, Naohiro Matsugaki, Nobutaka Shimizu Institute of Particle and Nuclear Science Yutaka Ushiroda, Shuji Tanaka, Takeo Higuchi, Toru Tsuboyama, Hideki Miyake Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich Hans-Günther Moser, Christian Kiesling, Jelena Ninkovic, Christian Koffmane, Felix Müller, Martin Ritter

2 Outline Objective March 2012 Experiments: short report Next KEK-PF test on November 16-18, 2012 – Detector rotation stage – Handshaking for data collection – Image reconstruction program To do list – Hideki Miyake will visit MPI München in Oct to learn the system – Completion of detector rotation stage with handshaking – Preparation of appropriate protein crystals Summary

3 ① Prep for developing the DEPFET detector Preliminary experiments to characterize DEPFET sensors for structural biology applications Design optimization of for large-are DEPFET detector system Spatial resolution, sensitivity, non-uniformity, dynamic range etc. Comparison with commercially available detectors Pseudo large solid angle data collection using a rotation stage Small DEPFET sensor 6.4mm×0.8mm, 25μm square: 256×64 pixels ① - Ⅰ High spatial resolution images of diffraction patterns Check of spatial resolution and peak shape with small beam matched for small xtals ① -Ⅱ Fast readout data acquisition for solution scatterin gexperiments Protein folding and photo excitation dyanmics followed by time-resolved SAXS with 20  sec time resolution X-ray DEPFET Rotation table

4 X線X線 Xtal ② Development of large area DEPFET detector Large area censor 1536×256 pixels On-the-fly integration of max 50,000 images (24 bit/pixel) 8 bit/pixel Software for noise reduction ⇒ Fiber optics Max 1 Gbytes/sec …… Crystallo-graphic analysis Protein dynamics Integration mode ADC Fast noise reduction Fast continuous mode ② -Ⅰ Ultrafast readout system ② -Ⅱ 8M pixel DEPFET detector based structural/dynamics analysis system 8M pixels with 20 DEPFET sensors Data acquisition and analysis

5 ③ Applications to challenging targets 20 μsec time resolution dynamics solution scattering experiments ③-Ⅱ Solution studies of domain association- dissociation dynamics and kinetics of signalosomes Linearly ubiquitylated protein substrate Liq jet rapid mixing ③-Ⅰ Structural analysis and dynamics of membrane protein complexes & large complexes Ring Structural changes of NEMO in complex with linear ubiquitin chains: NF- k B signal tranduction pathway involved in inflammation, apoptosis, and cancer Rahighi et al. Cell, 2009 Structure dynamics of complexes involved in photo synthesis and respiratory chain : photo excitation dynamics h IKK  ・ IKK  ・ NEMO complex …… Photo excitation

6 March 2012 Experiment: short report

7 h




11 Beam test on 16-18 November, 2012 X-ray Rotation stage Protein crystal X-ray shutter Measurement sequence: 1.X-ray shutter is opened 2.Protein crystal is exposed (by typically 1 sec) and small portion of the diffracted beam is detected and recorded by DEPFET 3.X-ray shutter is closed 4.DEPFET sensor is moved to the next position 5.Repeat from the step 1 Objective: To measure diffracted beams from a protein crystal by a DEPFET sensor which is moved around to cover large solid angle. The collected images are merged to a single big image in the end.

12 Proposed detector handshaking and stage control DEPFET Master control software (with socket interface) Motion controller Stage server time Step 1: asking DEPFET to start data acquisition by TTL signal just after the shutter is opened. Exposure time is set slightly longer than the data acquisition time Step 3: moving the DEPFET sensor to the next position and go to step 1 TCP/IP Master control software (with socket interface) Shutter controller shutter server TCP/IP Step 2: DEPFET stops data acquisition with a fixed number of frames and then the shutter is closed TTL (signal for data acquisition start) DAQ start Shutter OPEN Shutter CLOSE DAQ stop

13 DEPFET sensor will be translated and rotated to mimic a cylindrical detector Diffraction images will be projected to a plane, and merged to form a planar data Concatenation of scanned images 13 Parameters: – Radius :100 mm – No. of scans: 40 = 4(sagital) by 10(tangential) – L1 sensor type is used 768*250pxl (44.8x12.5mm) *40 (images) = ~7.68M pxl

14 Various types of pixels (in size, aspect ratio) can exist in the detector – Distribute intensities to the pixels in the projected image according to the ratio of related areas – The shape on the projected pixels is not taken in account How to project DEPFET pixels? 14 Pixels in the projected image DEPFET pixels

15 Concatenation test (1) A sample image is translated in an appropriate step and concatenated just for test (Note overlapped areas should have no ‘gap’ in the real experiment) 15

16 Concatenation test (2) An image obtained in the last beam test is used for this concatenated test sample image 16

17 Composite images The pixel size of the projected image will be the same as that of smaller DEPFET pixels In Y direction, it will be stretched by 1.15 to reflect projection Image overlap will be dealt with later 17 Program coded in Python Execution time: 4m26s (7m24s) on Xeon X5680 3.33GHz 3072x2875 6144x5750

18 To Do List for Nov 16-18 KEK-PF exp. Hideki Miyake will visit MPI München in October to learn the system Completion of detector rotation stage: mechanical drawings of the DEPFET system for mounting Data acquisition with handshaking between DEPFET and the X-ray camera (crystal and detector rotation stages) Preparation of appropriate protein crystals Prep for detailed analysis of the protein data – To make DEPFET library (MPI) available in the concatenating software – Data processing (indexing and integration of diffraction spots) 18

19 Summary 19 Preparation in progress for the November test beam at KEK Photon Factory: detector rotation stage, data acquisition, and data merging We would appreciate it very much if a operating set of equipment at KEK (DEPFET matrix + PS + R/O) can be left at KEK, preferentially for a few months, for us to learn and continue the development for photon science Thank you for your attention and support!

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