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“Quality of Life”: Gnosiology of Category Aristotle`s concept of “Eudaimonia” Category “Quality of Life” E.Phelps concept “Life of Quality” Aristotle`s.

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Presentation on theme: "“Quality of Life”: Gnosiology of Category Aristotle`s concept of “Eudaimonia” Category “Quality of Life” E.Phelps concept “Life of Quality” Aristotle`s."— Presentation transcript:


2 “Quality of Life”: Gnosiology of Category Aristotle`s concept of “Eudaimonia” Category “Quality of Life” E.Phelps concept “Life of Quality” Aristotle`s concept of “Good Life”

3 Classification of Countries by Socioeconomic Maturity


5 Rank of EU Citizens` Happiness Index by traditional values ©V.Kvint, V.Okrepilov, on the database of European Quality of Life Survey 2012 by Eurofund. Brussels, Belgium. Values EU Emerging Market Countries,% EU Developed Market Countries, % Health8073 Love4148 Employment/ satisfaction of Work3931 Peace3338 Money/wealth3825 Friendship2436 Freedom1932 Justice2224

6 Algorithmic multiplication function (the Kvint algorithm) Where: P - synthesized indicator, Pk - one of the five specific indicators listed below, Wk - the weight (or importance) of indicator Pk (the relative weight of each of the five indicators (listed in Table 1)) N - the total number of indicators (in this case, five).

7 Integrated Indicators and their Weights for countries classification IndicatorWeight Modern-tech Manufacturing Index1 Knowledge Economy Index1 Service-based Economy Index0,7 Economic Freedom Index0,7 GDP per Capita (PPP) Index2

8 Synthesized Country Rating of Technological, Economic, and Social Advancement


10 Source: scoreboard/ EU members innovation activity

11 Dynamics of the Human Development Index in Developed and Emerging Market countries Index Value Year ©V.Kvint, V.Okrepilov, on the database of 2013 Human Development Report, UNDP, New York, NY 2013.

12 Number of Quality Management Certificates issued in accordance with ISO 9001 (2011) ©V.Okrepilov, on the database of ISO Survey of Management System Standard Certification, 2011

13 Dynamics of Quality Management System certification, 2011 ©V.Okrepilov, on the database of ISO Survey of Management System Standard Certification, 2011

14 Analysis of activities in St. Petersburg companies according to the criteria of the EFQM Excellence Model ©V.Okrepilov

15 Example of a National Quality System

16 Strategic implementation of Values and “Life of Quality” Aristotle`s concept of “Eudaimonia” E.Phelps concept “Life of Quality” Aristotle`s concept of “Good Life” Quality Management System

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