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Interactive Effects of Consumer Ethnocentrism, Culture Similarity and Linguistic Attitude- The Case Study of Print Advertising on Edible and Inedible Products.

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Effects of Consumer Ethnocentrism, Culture Similarity and Linguistic Attitude- The Case Study of Print Advertising on Edible and Inedible Products."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Effects of Consumer Ethnocentrism, Culture Similarity and Linguistic Attitude- The Case Study of Print Advertising on Edible and Inedible Products. Student Katrina Lu Professor Kate Chen

2 Contents 2

3 3 Introduction Background Motivation Purpose of the Study Research Questions

4 Background 4 Magazine ads, in particular, heavily use visuals to get attention and the use of visuals is becoming a popular method for standardizing print advertisements in cross-national markets for a growing number of multinational corporations (Culter et al. 1992; Bulmer & Buchanan- Oliver 2004)

5 Background 5 The later analyses of print ads also confirmed that there are certainly differences in the presentation style of services and physical product (Cutler & Javalgi 1993).

6 Motivation 6 Consumer ethnocentrism generally plays an important role in determining the magnitude of reluctance to buy a foreign product. (Suh & Kwon, 2002)

7 Motivation 7 Moon & Nelson (2008)assumed that consumers’ cultural values will constitute an important factor that affects their attitudes towards the models in advertisements.

8 Motivation 8 Culture Similarity Consumer Ethnocentrism Linguistic Attitude

9 Purpose of the Study 9 To investigate the interaction of advertising communication effect by using linguistic attitude (Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese & English ) culture similarity, and consumer ethnocentrism on print advertising.

10 Research Questions Is there any relationship between linguistic attitude and advertising communication effect ? 10

11 Research Questions Is there any relationship between culture similarity and advertising communication effect ? 11

12 Research Questions Is there any relationship between consumer ethnocentrism and advertising communication effect ? 12

13 13 Literature Review ConsumerEthnocentrism CultureSimilarity Advertising Communication Effect

14 Consumer Ethnocentrism Ethnocentrism is defined in terms of in-group/out- groups orientation where the in-group is preferred and is seen in opposition to others Lantz& Lobe(1996) 14

15 Consumer Ethnocentrism Consumer ethnocentrism focuses on the responsibility and morality of purchasing foreign- made products and the loyalty of consumers to products manufactured in their home country Shimp and Sharma(1987) 15

16 Consumer Ethnocentrism The measurement of consumer ethnocentrism was made possible with the development of the CETSCALE (Consumer Ethnocentric Tendencies Scale) by Shimp and Sharma (1987) 16

17 Consumer Ethnocentrism Sharma et al. (1994) indicated that the antecedents to consumer ethnocentric tendencies included openness to foreign culture and demographic factors such as age, education and income 17

18 Consumer Ethnocentrism Watson and Wright (2000) concluded consumers with relatively high levels of ethnocentrism preferred imported products from countries with similar culture 18

19 Consumer Ethnocentrism Klein et al. (1998) stated ethnocentric considers tended to purchase domestic products due to the belief that products made in their own country were considered superior 19

20 Consumer Ethnocentrism Wang and Chen (2004) argued that in a developing country, influences of consumer ethnocentrism on willingness to purchase domestic products were weakened by judgment of inferior product quality. 20

21 Culture Similarity Culture Similarity has similar life styles, concepts, Languages and cultures 21

22 Consumer Similarity With regard to consumer ethnocentrism, Sharma et al. (1995) suggest that cultural similarity between countries is one factor that may influence the effect of consumer ethnocentric tendencies on attitudes toward foreign products. 22

23 Culture Similarity In this age of globalization, some theorists believe that cultural values are changing – especially among younger people ( Zhang & Shavitt 2003) 23

24 Advertising Communication Effects 24 Commu nication Effect Advertising Communication Effects Advertising Communication Effects

25 Advertising Communication Effects Friedman (1979) 25 Advertising communica tion Effect Advertising communica tion Effect

26 26 Research StructureQuestionnaires DesignParticipants &Data Analysis Methodology

27 Research Structure 27 Consumer Ethnocent rism Culture Similarity Culture Similarity Language Attitude

28 Questionnaires Design Jae, Delvecchio & Cowles (2008) Sharma (1987) 28

29 Participants &Instrument 29 Participants Data Analysis Taiwan MANOVA & Post- hoc test

30 30

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