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Presentation on theme: "DOES WEATHER IMPACT ON COMMUTERS’ TRAVEL DEMAND - EMPIRICAL CASE STUDY OF BELGRADE Dragana Petrovic, Ivan Ivanovic, Vladimir Djoric Faculty of Traffic."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOES WEATHER IMPACT ON COMMUTERS’ TRAVEL DEMAND - EMPIRICAL CASE STUDY OF BELGRADE Dragana Petrovic, Ivan Ivanovic, Vladimir Djoric Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering, University of Belgrade

2 Mutual influence between weather and traffic Weather impact on transport system should be explored at the local level Most researches deal with the extreme weather conditions analysis Does weather impact on commuters’ travel demand - empirical case study of Belgrade Daily weather conditions’ influences are less present themes INTRODUCTION

3 Temperature characteristics CASE STUDY OF BELGRADE Belgrade has a moderate continental climate, with four seasons Climate characteristics for period from 2009 until 2013, five years before pilot survey Does weather impact on commuters’ travel demand - empirical case study of Belgrade Days with precipitation during analysed periodSpecific weather characteristics overview

4 Pilot research about weather impact on travel demand was conducted by online and paper household survey, as well as through traffic monitoring during 2014 Employed residents were the target group in pilot survey Weather conditions impact on work-related and non-work- related trips were determined RESEARCH DESCRIPTION Does weather impact on commuters’ travel demand - empirical case study of Belgrade Open source online survey application LimeSurvey Stated preference method Traffic monitoring

5 RESEARCH AREA Does weather impact on commuters’ travel demand - empirical case study of Belgrade

6 Traffic monitoring was carried out from 7PM until 10PM during: three days with clear weather two days with snowfall, two rainy days Does weather impact on commuters’ travel demand - empirical case study of Belgrade

7 3.5 average number of trips among employed residents during a day with typical weather conditions 2.3 average mobility rate in Belgrade 20% respondents did not make even one trip beside commuting 2 additional trips made by respondents having trips with other purposes THE FIRST RESULTS OF RESEARCH

8 modal split for work trips Does weather impact on commuters’ travel demand - empirical case study of Belgrade modal split for social/entertainment trips modal split for recreation trips THE FIRST RESULTS OF RESEARCH

9 Does weather impact on commuters’ travel demand - empirical case study of Belgrade Low and high temperatures have the least impact on the demand Travel demand would be for 20% less if freezing rain falls during the afternoon In the case of low temperatures the number of trips during the day would decrease by 9% and in the case of high temperatures by 8% THE FIRST RESULTS OF RESEARCH

10 Belgrade employees cancel their work-related trip very rarely due to the adverse weather conditions Changes in mode choice and departure time More than half respondents get informed about weather conditions for the next day

11 Does weather impact on commuters’ travel demand - empirical case study of Belgrade greater transport demand is present at almost all locations in days with precipitation THE FIRST RESULTS OF RESEARCH

12 The pilot research showed that adverse weather conditions affect transport system users’ behaviour: Greater impact on non-work-related trips than on work- related trips Trip cancellation and, to less extent, trip postponing are usual responses to adverse weather conditions Changes in work-related trips are reflected in changes in mode choice and departure time Does weather impact on commuters’ travel demand - empirical case study of Belgrade CONCLUSIONS

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