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Presentation on theme: "TACKLING AN ENGAGEMENT CHALLENGE TOGETHER Worksheets and templates."— Presentation transcript:


2 Identify outcomes and / or partners / user reps Identify actions: - useful? - measurable? - benchmark? - smart? Agree group: -Chair -Responsibilities - Decision making - Minutes REVIEW Pilot & test actions REVIEW ACTION! - service provided - performance monitored REVIEW SPARK Tool 1: involvement process map Involvement process map Set up and define purpose Design and Test Action and Implementation

3 System: Ways we influence strategy and policy, and how we make changes happen at scale. Activity 1: WORKSHEET Capabilities What we do (or would like to do) to engage people in design & delivery of services? Organisation: Ways we organise ourselves to work with individuals & partners, and how we develop our capacity and expertise. Service design: Ways we design, develop, commission and improve our services. Insight: Ways we gather, manage, share and use input from individuals and services. Experience: What makes the services we deliver feel accessible, appropriate, attractive, meaningful. < What we do well What we need to develop >

4 What channels do we currently communicate through about this issue / service with this target group. What works and what doesnt work? What appears to be the enablers and the barriers to communicating with this group about this issue / service? What do we know has worked well with this group around a different issue ? What do we know has worked well with other groups? Note here channels through which we could communicate about this issue / service with this target group Activity 2: WORKSHEET 1. Channels What do we want to communicate about? - a service people need - an issue people need advice on, now or in the future Who is the target group(s)?

5 Activity 2: WORKSHEET 2. Segmentation

6 Activity 2: WORKSHEET 3. Profiles Overview Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer

7 Activity 2: WORKSHEET 4. Circles

8 Activity 2: WORKSHEET 5. Timeline

9 Activity 2: WORKSHEET 6. Engagement pathway Self- produce Support others ChampionSustainedEngagingUnaware Able to engage Want to engage AwareUnaware Building Blocks Barriers Methods

10 Activity 2: WORKSHEET 7. Process map Best Practice Process steps Worst practice

11 Outputs (What do we want to get out of this? In what format do we need outputs to be to be most useful?) Input (What do we have to feed in to get our output? In what format? Initial input or continous updates?) Who it is for (Who will use this tool? For example frontline staff, citizens, policy officers? Who else will need to be involved?) Constraints (Limited resources to support the tool, it’s use and application. For example expertise, skills, time). Activity 3: WORKSHEET Idea capture

12 What are the key activities? (e.g. recruitment, lobbying, testing) Who to involve? (e.g. engagement officer, service provider, or an older people forum) What tools? (including aspects of tools, e.g. personas, a checklist or communication plan) What else is needed? (e.g. weekly meetings, transport, IT system) Activity 3: WORKSHEET Roadmap

13 Question Action 1 Activity 3: WORKSHEET Actions Action 2 Action 3 Action 4 Action 5 Action 6 Action 7 Action 8 Action 9 Action 10

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