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How Many More People Will Die Needlessly In Fires? Keith MacGillivray SprinklerSafe Europe Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "How Many More People Will Die Needlessly In Fires? Keith MacGillivray SprinklerSafe Europe Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Many More People Will Die Needlessly In Fires? Keith MacGillivray SprinklerSafe Europe Ltd

2  Between 1978 and 2008, 122 Firefighters Were Killed on Duty in the UK  Of These 44 Died at Operational Fire Incidents  The Large Majority of These 44 Deaths Could Have Been Prevented Had Automatic Fire Sprinklers Been Fitted to the Buildings.  In 2007 443 People Died of Fire Related Deaths, Down Considerably Since 1978 When the Figure was Over 1000. However…….

3  29,770 Fires Occurred in Premises With Smoke Detection.  In 19,390 Cases the Smoke Detection Operated Successfully and Raised the Alarm  However 67 People Died in These Premises  In Some Cases They Have Never Heard the Alarm Due to Intoxication by Drink or Drugs  In Some Cases They Were Elderly and Were Incapable of Moving When the Alarm Sounded, Effectively a Death Knell  With Sprinklers They Could Have All Lived

4  Our Campaigns Are Succeeding  Some Governments Are Listening  The Environmental Lobby Are Listening  Building Designers See The Freedom That Sprinklers Can Give Them  Insurance Companies See The Benefits in Commercial and Industrial Premises

5  Elected Members  Building Control Officers  Architects  Fire Engineers  Fire Officers  Trade Unions  Health Professionals  Burns Victims

6  Wales  Scottish Building Standards  Angus Council  Fife Council

7  Continue Political Lobbying  Maximum Publicity From Each Fatality  Demonstrate the Economic Viability of Fire Sprinklers  Demonstrate the Sustainability of Buildings When Protected by Sprinklers  Provide Greater Incentives to Builders Who Include Sprinklers in Their Buildings


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