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Dacorum Borough Council Buncefield Explosion Dec 11 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Dacorum Borough Council Buncefield Explosion Dec 11 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dacorum Borough Council Buncefield Explosion Dec 11 2005

2 Chris Taylor Group Manager Strategic Planning & Regeneration NB: Focus on business and economic impact

3 Recovery starts from the start of the incident The Recovery Manager will form part of the Incident Management Team and attend meetings of this group. Additionally, this role will be highly involved in the multi-agency Recovery Working Group, which will normally be led by the local authority. To take overall responsibility for the Council’s recovery effort following a major incident at the earliest opportunity so that normality can be restored.

4 One of Europe’s largest business parks: 325 Hectares 630 Businesses Nearly 17,000 personnel £59 billion turnover 25,000 jobs including supply chain and service sector More than 1 in 3 of Dacorum’s working population UK’s 5 th largest fuel depot Maylands Business park Context





9 Follow the 3 R’s Response Recovery Regeneration

10 1. Response Business Impact 450 (72%) businesses suffered operational disruption 9,500 employees effected 420 (68%) damage to premises & assets 410 redundancies 350,000 sq ft of office accommodation destroyed 520 jobs relocated Further 200,000 sq ft required urgent repair 92 companies displaced Actions/outcomes Sourced alternative accommodation working with commercial agents and managed office providers Working with Police and Building control officers Set up Community Task Force to work alongside the Business Task Force

11 Business Lessons Learned Businesses with a recovery plan: On their feet quickest, Lost less money, some profited from the experience Other Messages: Be insured, but don’t rely on it for immediate recovery Don’t rely on the goodwill of public agencies, or others Dignitaries come and then go – The Buncefield “coach tour” Don’t underestimate the tenacity and resilience of good leaders Maintaining customer contact – have channels in place Deal with residents and businesses separately – different emotional response Some of it is luck ! (time, leases, etc) Some of it is good planning

12 2. Recovery 6 months to 3 years 150 (25%) companies were adversely affected one year on and 2,000 were jobs still at risk Many businesses had a choice when the time came to relocate or renew leases DBC and partners needed to work harder on engagement to promote loyalty to the area Businesses took the opportunity to streamline – became resilient (when the recession hit the impact was less ) Changes to design and operation of Oil depot

13 Look forward not back – Hold the Confidence Clear plans in place – Maylands Masterplan Continued high level business engagement – championed by business representatives Strong partnerships with other organisations Helping to build on our clear locational strengths and sell Maylands potential continually Steering the future

14 Launch of Phoenix Gateway on third anniversary – end of the investigation and positive move forward

15 Consultation Zones

16 3. Regeneration

17 Maylands Gateway 30 acres of land in public sector ownership New access and key infrastructure 2,500 New Jobs Construction Jobs Work commencing 2014

18 Heart of Maylands Pro-active site assembly Regeneration led by housing - 225 New Homes to be built by 2018 250 New Jobs Community facility New retail units Public Square construction jobs

19 Community spirit still there – sense of joint memory – almost fondness Survive and Thrive Business continuity now in built into Emergency Planning Maylands Masterplan being delivered Oil depots now all safer, Buncefield being rebuilt – but not the same What has changed since Buncefiield? Lessons learned- ability to communicate with business Outcome 10 years on – where is Maylands and Buncefield ? The Hemel Hempstead Business Ambassadors scheme The Buncefield Legacy

20 Chris Taylor Group Manager Strategic Planning & Regeneration 01442 867805 Presentation Role of Recovery Officer (have more than one – business and community) Maylands – Recovery to Regeneration Any Questions?

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