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Adapted from Vonceil Anderson 2004 Based on the website: Chem Lab Safety: the Department of Chemistry University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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Presentation on theme: "Adapted from Vonceil Anderson 2004 Based on the website: Chem Lab Safety: the Department of Chemistry University of Nebraska-Lincoln"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adapted from Vonceil Anderson 2004 Based on the website: Chem Lab Safety: the Department of Chemistry University of Nebraska-Lincoln

2  Write Drill # 15 and the date  Copy the questions on the right side of the screen  To receive credit you must be in your seat and work quietly for 5 minutes

3 Objective: Students will be able to  Identify and explain safe laboratory practices  HW#10: pick up worksheet (Word- search)

4  Work as a group  Examine the picture-look for all the wrong things students are doing  Pick 5 or more numbered items and write what’s wrong on your white board  Example: ◦ #3-fire extinguisher is not where it should be


6  Most accidents in the lab can be prevented:  Stop to think!  Common sense will help, if exercised  What will be the consequences of what I do next?  If in doubt, ask the teacher.  The following scenes graphically illustrate some difficulties as well as downright dangers that you could face in lab, mostly due to failure to observe ordinary safety precautions, and common sense.

7  Complete the graphic organizer using the information presented in the following slides  Work on your own  After the presentation you will have an opportunity to discuss your answers with your group


9  The school provides Laboratory Aprons for you to wear while during lab.  Lab Aprons prevent: ◦ Stains ◦ Small chemical spills on your clothes  You will be required to wear your apron during labs.

10  Many states require by law that students wear approved safety goggles or safety glasses when in the lab. This is an absolute "MUST"!


12  Avoid floppy garments; avoid things that dangle ◦ These get tangled up in equipment or glassware and cause accidents ◦ Avoid long, loose hair styles for the same reason. ◦ When Bunsen burners are in use, long hair sometimes catches on fire

13  To protect your feet from drops and spills avoid sandals, thongs, and other open shoes Correct Incorrect


15 These items may be used temporarily for small injuries (say, a cut finger)  Go to the school nurse immediately afterward.  Do not wait until the end of the day.  However, if blood is in evidence-- STAY AWAY! Let the victim apply his/her own bandage. If blood is on the floor or lab bench, let trained personnel do the clean-up.

16  Sweep it up right away  Don’t track in it all period.  Don’t use your hands to clean it up. Place the broken glass in a "SHARP’S CONTAINER. –This is a thick walled carton, that will be sealed and discarded as such.

17  Any time a liquid is spilled in lab it must be cleaned up IMMDEATELY.  DO NOT walk away and leave a spill unattended.  Use an absorbent substance, such as Kitty Litter, to absorb the liquid and then dispose of it properly.

18  When an Acid or a Base is spilled, the chemical MUST be neutralized prior to cleaning up.  To Neutralize: ◦ Acid—Use a weak base: Baking Soda ◦ Base—Use a weak acid: Vinegar (Weak Acetic Acid)

19  When using electrical equipment keep in mind: ◦ It is always important that you have Dry hands when working with electricity. ◦ When unplugging a device from the power socket, be sure to hold the head of the plug. Never pull on the cable to unplug any equipment.



22  A good practice is to assume everything in the lab is toxic.  Toxic means poisonous

23 You do not know what another person might have added to the "distilled water" jug.

24  Do NOT smell the flask directly.

25  If you absolutely must test the odor, carefully waft the vapor from the flask toward your nose with your hand.  Keep the flask quite distant from your face.

26 Remember when working with heated glass: Hot Glass Looks JUST LIKE cool glass. Don’t Burn Yourself or let your partner be burned Use Tongs or Hot Mitts to pick up hot glass.

27  Make sure that reaction tubes, e.g. test tubes, are not directed toward yourself or other persons.  The chemicals may splatter out the tube. NO YES

28  At the end of a laboratory experience it is imperative that the lab is properly cleaned. ◦ Chemicals are to be disposed of in the appropriate fashion. FOLLOW YOUR INSTRUCTOR’S DIRECTIONS EXACTLY.  SOME CHEMICALS CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS WHEN DISPOSED OF IMPROPERLY.

29  It is the responsibility of all students to make sure their work area is clean for the next group of students. ◦ The lab is to be in the same, or better, condition when you leave as when you entered.  Stools will be under the counter. No trash/paper/etc. will be left on the counters or floor. A Clean Lab doesn’t happen by MAGIC!!

30  In a laboratory setting, horseplay, even if good-natured, is absolutely unacceptable.  No pushing; no shoving; no tripping.  Serious accidents all too often result involving the glassware or solutions in use. “ The Devil made me do it” is NOT an acceptable excuse.

31  While many of these rules apply to personal safety, they also involve the safety of those around you.  If you are found to be breaking the safety rules of the lab, consequences could include: ◦ Detention--Referral to administrator ◦ 0 for the activity--Removal from lab, either for the specific activity OR permanently

32  Watch short video  Complete GO as you watch  Work on your own  After the video you can discuss the answers with your group

33  Answer each video-quiz question on your white board  You have 30 seconds to discuss and decide what is the correct answer  Need a score keeper volunteer

34 Assignment: Draw and describe the function of: ◦ Apron ◦ Goggles ◦ Fire blanket ◦ Fire extinguisher ◦ “Sharps” container ◦ First aid kit

35  Identify and explain safe laboratory practices

36  Worksheet

37  To receive credit you must be in your seat and work quietly  Question:  Describe 2 ways to put out a fire in the lab. Include details

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