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A CLEAN WORLD OF MITCO CLEAN From India’s leading Concrete Tile Manufacturer Company Now In Mechanized Cleaning & Disinfection of Water Storage Tanks.

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Presentation on theme: "A CLEAN WORLD OF MITCO CLEAN From India’s leading Concrete Tile Manufacturer Company Now In Mechanized Cleaning & Disinfection of Water Storage Tanks."— Presentation transcript:

1 A CLEAN WORLD OF MITCO CLEAN From India’s leading Concrete Tile Manufacturer Company Now In Mechanized Cleaning & Disinfection of Water Storage Tanks


3 “Don’t look inside your tank if you are concerned about your health…!” INSIDE

4 Dirty Tank leads to contaminated water which further gives birth to water borne diseases. the list is endless…

5 Common diseases transmitted to humans through contaminated drinking water Regular Cleaning of Tanks is a basic need and must to avoid these.

6 “ MITCO CLEAN process addresses the need of cleaning of Tanks most scientifically, professionally, efficiently and FASTLY…” How ?

7 MITCO CLEAN ProcessManual Cleaning Use of trained, neatly uniformed, medically fit technicians. No such use. No use of any hazard chemicals for cleaning.Use of hazard chemicals like Acid, Phenyl, Detergent Powder, Mechanically Cleaned with imported equipments hence less time taken. Manually cleaned for hours even in small tanks. Use of Anti Bacterial Agents to make the tank Bacteria free. Not possible. ISO certified, approved and recognized by hospitals, govt. and private corporate. No such data available.

8 Contaminated water is the most common cause of illness to mankind. Around 60% of diseases caused to human beings are water-borne, with children below 5 years more susceptible. One of the most usual ways of drinking water getting contaminated, is through water storage tanks - the cleaning of which is either neglected or inappropriate means like the services of a local plumber, sweepers/casual laborers, watchmen or Unprofessional Fly-by-night Mechanized Tank Cleaners are engaged. Though Household Water Purifiers form an integral part in most urban homes, many times it is found that they are not working effectively due to lack of regular maintenance and proper cleaning of filters.

9 In addition to drinking, water is used for other household chores like cooking, washing & bathing and also brushing teeth every morning! If the input water is not clean, we are still exposed to deadly water borne diseases!!


11 The most common way of cleaning the drinking water tank today is to hire the local sweeper or plumber. (This is many times done only after some people residing in that particular building complain of some health problems arising out of water borne diseases.) This plumber or sweeper in turn usually employs a casual laborer to get the tank cleaned. This laborer, who, himself on most of the occasions has the most unclean and dirty living habits, enters into the tank with a brush or a broom, (the same brush or broom which is used for cleaning the gutters and toilets.) and scrubs manually the walls and floors and only sometimes ceiling of the drinking water tank, using the same dirty water that is remaining in the drinking water tank.

12 After this he physically removes water and the sludge from the tank using a bucket, mug and mops the tank to only show the residents the tank is clean. He sometimes uses bleaching powder or detergent ( which proves to be harmful in some cases ) for cleaning the tank. This process in the first place is very laborious and the cleaning is very ineffective as there is no guarantee that person scrubs the tank to remove the dirt is using his full strength Secondly, even after so-called thorough cleaning by them, the disease causing bacteria still remains in the tank giving full scope for their further development and multiplication in the drinking water tank, to make the drinking water risky for human consumption. Thirdly, the people who normally do these cleaning jobs are untrained casual workers who usually do not have any sense at personal hygiene and they themselves could be the source of contamination of the drinking water tank.

13 The health of your family is the paramount reason we perform these services


15 The 5 stage MITCO CLEAN process has been developed through research and development to arrive at a fool-proof process that involves latest state-of-the- art imported equipment and proprietary anti-bacterial agents that are safe, effective and eco-friendly.

16 MechanizedDewatering In the First stage of Mechanized Dewatering of the MITCO CLEAN process the Manhole and surroundings are cleaned off dirt, mud and algae after which the water below the foot-valve level is pumped out using special de-watering equipments..

17 SludgeRemoval In the Second Stage of Sludge Removal the sludge which has settled on the floor of the tank is sucked out using our special sludge pumping equipments

18 High Pressure Cleaning In the Third Stage of High Pressure Cleaning the Walls & ceilings of the tanks are thoroughly cleaned using special high pressure jet cleaners which rid of the walls off calcinations, algae and all contaminants which cling on the internal surface of the tank helping the microbiological contamination to grow.

19 VacuumCleaning In the Fourth stage of the sludge removal process an Industrial Vacuum Cleaner is used to remove the resultant contaminants, making the tank absolutely speck-free.

20 UV Radiation And finally in the Sixth Stage of the MITCO CLEAN process final sterilization and disinfection is done using UV Radiation by a specially developed UV Radiator which is used to kill any suspended or floating bacteria remaining in the tank.

21 How MITCO CLEAN works ? Mechanized dewatering. Sludge removal. High pressure cleaning. Vacuum cleaning. UV radiation.

22 call 9650377922.

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