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Title Presenter, Position, Organisation. The Deep South National Science Challenge Te Kōmata o Te Tonga.

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Presentation on theme: "Title Presenter, Position, Organisation. The Deep South National Science Challenge Te Kōmata o Te Tonga."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Presenter, Position, Organisation

2 The Deep South National Science Challenge Te Kōmata o Te Tonga

3 “The National Science Challenge funding is to fund research, science, or technology, or related activities that have the potential to respond to the most important, national-scale issues and opportunities identified by science stakeholders and the New Zealand public.” National Science Challenge Request for Proposals, 2013 National Science Challenges

4 Concept & Principles

5 Climate change across the Challenges Building better homes, towns and cities Urban climate impacts Resilience to nature’s challenges Coastal inundations, erosion, floods Our land and water Floods, farm impacts, drought events, climate implications on productivity New Zealand’s biological heritage Biodiversity, biological impacts of climate change Sustainable seas Marine impacts of climate change

6 To understand the role of the Antartic and Southern Ocean in determining our climate and our future environment. The Deep South Challenge Objective from Cabinet

7 The Deep South Challenge … Working with our communities and industry, we will guide planning and policy to enhance resilience and exploit opportunities. This will be built on improved predictions of future climate, supported by new understanding of Antarctic and Southern Ocean processes. The Challenge will focus on the effects of a changing climate on key climate sensitive economic sectors, infrastructure and natural resources. This Challenge will enable New Zealanders to adapt, manage risk, and thrive in a changing climate.

8 The Deep South Challenge Programmes

9 Climate research ecosystem in New Zealand


11 Processes & Observations Improving our understanding of the global climate system by observing the Southern Ocean, Antarctica and the atmosphere.

12 Processes & Observations Funded projects: Improving predictions and understanding the Deep South drivers of New Zealand’s climate Targeted observation and process-informed modelling of Antarctic sea ice Reducing biases in the representation of clouds and aerosols in NZESM The Southern Ocean in a warming world and its influence on New Zealand’s climate

13 Earth System Modeling & Prediction Developing and utilising the New Zealand Earth System Model to produce improved projections of climate change.

14 Earth System Modeling & Prediction

15 Funded projects: Establishing a New Zealand Earth System Modelling Capability Improving predictions and understanding the Deep South drivers of New Zealand’s climate Targeted observation and process-informed modelling of Antarctic sea ice Reducing biases in the representation of clouds and aerosols in NZESM Assessing and validating NZESM using modern and historical observations The Southern Ocean in a warming world and its influence on New Zealand’s climate Earth System Modeling & Prediction

16 Impacts & Implications Understanding the potential impacts and implications of climate change for New Zealand to support planning and decision-making, and aid adaptation efforts.

17 Four main areas of interest The Impacts and Implications programme will focus on four key areas: 1.Extreme weather events 2.Drought 3.Shifts in temperature, rainfall and wind statistics 4.Sea level rise

18 Impacts & Implications Funded projects:

19 Vision Mātauranga Strengthening the capacity and capability of iwi/hapū/whānau and Māori business to deal with climate change impacts, risks and adaptation.

20 Vision Mātauranga Funded projects: Te Hiku o Te Ika climate change Exploring coastal adaptation pathways with Tangoio Marae Revitalising Māori environmental indicators to forecast weather and climate extremes Climate resilient Māori land investment decisions to enhance Māori prosperity Adaptation strategies to address climate change impacts on coastal Māori communities

21 Engagement Helping New Zealanders make informed decisions about climate change, and inform climate change research.

22 Engagement – we all wear many hats

23 1. Informing research priorities

24 2. Sharing and use of information

25 3. Capability building

26 Engagement Funded projects: Smaller funds ($3-10k) are available through a rolling Expression of Intent process.

27 Thank you

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